
ArrayUtil::merge_by_key()public staticWC 1.0

Merge two lists of associative arrays by a key.

Method of the class: ArrayUtil{}

No Hooks.


Array. The merged list sorted by the key values.


$result = ArrayUtil::merge_by_key( $arr1, $arr2, $key ): array;
$arr1(array) (required)
The first array.
$arr2(array) (required)
The second array.
$key(string) (required)
The key to merge by.

ArrayUtil::merge_by_key() code WC 9.6.1

public static function merge_by_key( array $arr1, array $arr2, string $key ): array {
	$merged = array();
	// Overwrite items in $arr1 with items in $arr2 if they have the same key entry value.
	// The rest of items in $arr1 will be appended.
	foreach ( $arr1 as $item1 ) {
		$found = false;
		foreach ( $arr2 as $item2 ) {
			if ( $item1[ $key ] === $item2[ $key ] ) {
				$merged[] = array_merge( $item1, $item2 );
				$found    = true;
		if ( ! $found ) {
			$merged[] = $item1;

	// Append items from $arr2 that are don't have a corresponding key entry value in $arr1.
	foreach ( $arr2 as $item2 ) {
		$found = false;
		foreach ( $arr1 as $item1 ) {
			if ( $item1[ $key ] === $item2[ $key ] ) {
				$found = true;
		if ( ! $found ) {
			$merged[] = $item2;

	// Sort the merged list by the key values.
		function ( $a, $b ) use ( $key ) {
			return $a[ $key ] <=> $b[ $key ];

	return array_values( $merged );