
AssetDataRegistry::enqueue_asset_data()publicWC 1.0

Callback for enqueuing asset data via the WP api.

Note: while this is hooked into print/admin_print_scripts, it still only happens if the script attached to wc-settings handle is enqueued. This is done to allow for any potentially expensive data generation to only happen for routes that need it.

Method of the class: AssetDataRegistry{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$AssetDataRegistry = new AssetDataRegistry();

AssetDataRegistry::enqueue_asset_data() code WC 9.2.3

public function enqueue_asset_data() {
	if ( wp_script_is( $this->handle, 'enqueued' ) ) {

		$data                          = rawurlencode( wp_json_encode( $this->data ) );
		$wc_settings_script            = "var wcSettings = wcSettings || JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent( '" . esc_js( $data ) . "' ) );";
		$preloaded_api_requests_script = '';

		if ( count( $this->preloaded_api_requests ) > 0 ) {
			$preloaded_api_requests        = rawurlencode( wp_json_encode( $this->preloaded_api_requests ) );
			$preloaded_api_requests_script = "wp.apiFetch.use( wp.apiFetch.createPreloadingMiddleware( JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent( '" . esc_js( $preloaded_api_requests ) . "' ) ) ) );";

			$wc_settings_script . $preloaded_api_requests_script,