
Authentication::check_authentication()publicWC 1.0

The Store API does not require authentication.

Method of the class: Authentication{}

No Hooks.




$Authentication = new Authentication();
$Authentication->check_authentication( $result );
$result(\WP_Error|mixed) (required)
Error from another authentication handler, null if we should handle it, or another value if not.

Authentication::check_authentication() code WC 8.7.0

public function check_authentication( $result ) {
	// Enable Rate Limiting for logged-in users without 'edit posts' capability.
	if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) {
		$result = $this->apply_rate_limiting( $result );

	// Pass through errors from other authentication methods used before this one.
	return ! empty( $result ) ? $result : true;