
BlocksWpQuery{}WC 1.0

Deprecated from version 2.5.0. It is no longer supported and can be removed in future releases. It is recommended to replace this function with the same one.

BlocksWpQuery query.

Wrapper for WP Query with additional helper methods. Allows query args to be set and parsed without doing running it, so that a cache can be used.

No Hooks.


$BlocksWpQuery = new BlocksWpQuery();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( $query = '' )
  2. public get_cached_posts( $transient_version = '' )


Deprecated since 2.5.0

BlocksWpQuery{} code WC 9.4.2

class BlocksWpQuery extends WP_Query {
	 * Constructor.
	 * Sets up the WordPress query, if parameter is not empty.
	 * Unlike the constructor in WP_Query, this does not RUN the query.
	 * @param string|array $query URL query string or array of vars.
	public function __construct( $query = '' ) {
		if ( ! empty( $query ) ) {
			$this->query      = wp_parse_args( $query );
			$this->query_vars = $this->query;

	 * Get cached posts, if a cache exists.
	 * A hash is generated using the array of query_vars. If doing custom queries via filters such as posts_where
	 * (where the SQL query is manipulated directly) you can still ensure there is a unique hash by injecting custom
	 * query vars via the parse_query filter. For example:
	 *      add_filter( 'parse_query', function( $wp_query ) {
	 *           $wp_query->query_vars['my_custom_query_var'] = true;
	 *      } );
	 * Doing so won't have any negative effect on the query itself, and it will cause the hash to change.
	 * @param string $transient_version Transient version to allow for invalidation.
	 * @return WP_Post[]|int[] Array of post objects or post IDs.
	public function get_cached_posts( $transient_version = '' ) {
		$hash            = md5( wp_json_encode( $this->query_vars ) );
		$transient_name  = 'wc_blocks_query_' . $hash;
		$transient_value = get_transient( $transient_name );

		if ( isset( $transient_value, $transient_value['version'], $transient_value['value'] ) && $transient_value['version'] === $transient_version ) {
			return $transient_value['value'];

		$results = $this->get_posts();

				'version' => $transient_version,
				'value'   => $results,

		return $results;