If variations are set, validate and format the values ready to add to the cart.
Method of the class: CartController{}
No Hooks.
. Updated request array.
// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class $result = $this->parse_variation_data( $request );
- $request(array) (required)
- Add to cart request params.
CartController::parse_variation_data() CartController::parse variation data code WC 9.3.1
protected function parse_variation_data( $request ) { $product = $this->get_product_for_cart( $request ); // Remove variation request if not needed. if ( ! $product->is_type( array( 'variation', 'variable' ) ) ) { $request['variation'] = []; return $request; } // Flatten data and format posted values. $variable_product_attributes = $this->get_variable_product_attributes( $product ); $request['variation'] = $this->sanitize_variation_data( wp_list_pluck( $request['variation'], 'value', 'attribute' ), $variable_product_attributes ); // If we have a parent product, find the variation ID. if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) { $request['id'] = $this->get_variation_id_from_variation_data( $request, $product ); } // Now we have a variation ID, get the valid set of attributes for this variation. They will have an attribute_ prefix since they are from meta. $expected_attributes = wc_get_product_variation_attributes( $request['id'] ); $missing_attributes = []; foreach ( $variable_product_attributes as $attribute ) { if ( ! $attribute['is_variation'] ) { continue; } $prefixed_attribute_name = 'attribute_' . sanitize_title( $attribute['name'] ); $expected_value = isset( $expected_attributes[ $prefixed_attribute_name ] ) ? $expected_attributes[ $prefixed_attribute_name ] : ''; $attribute_label = wc_attribute_label( $attribute['name'] ); if ( isset( $request['variation'][ wc_variation_attribute_name( $attribute['name'] ) ] ) ) { $given_value = $request['variation'][ wc_variation_attribute_name( $attribute['name'] ) ]; if ( $expected_value === $given_value ) { continue; } // If valid values are empty, this is an 'any' variation so get all possible values. if ( '' === $expected_value && in_array( $given_value, $attribute->get_slugs(), true ) ) { continue; } throw new RouteException( 'woocommerce_rest_invalid_variation_data', /* translators: %1$s: Attribute name, %2$s: Allowed values. */ sprintf( __( 'Invalid value posted for %1$s. Allowed values: %2$s', 'woocommerce' ), $attribute_label, implode( ', ', $attribute->get_slugs() ) ), 400 ); } // Fills request array with unspecified attributes that have default values. This ensures the variation always has full data. if ( '' !== $expected_value && ! isset( $request['variation'][ wc_variation_attribute_name( $attribute['name'] ) ] ) ) { $request['variation'][ wc_variation_attribute_name( $attribute['name'] ) ] = $expected_value; } // If no attribute was posted, only error if the variation has an 'any' attribute which requires a value. if ( '' === $expected_value ) { $missing_attributes[] = $attribute_label; } } if ( ! empty( $missing_attributes ) ) { throw new RouteException( 'woocommerce_rest_missing_variation_data', /* translators: %s: Attribute name. */ __( 'Missing variation data for variable product.', 'woocommerce' ) . ' ' . sprintf( _n( '%s is a required field', '%s are required fields', count( $missing_attributes ), 'woocommerce' ), wc_format_list_of_items( $missing_attributes ) ), 400 ); } ksort( $request['variation'] ); return $request; }