Replaces the page template with a 'coming soon' when the site is in coming soon mode.
Method of the class: ComingSoonRequestHandler{}
No Hooks.
. The path to the 'coming soon' template or null to prevent further template loading in FSE themes.
$ComingSoonRequestHandler = new ComingSoonRequestHandler(); $ComingSoonRequestHandler->handle_template_include( $template );
- $template(string) (required)
- The path to the previously determined template.
ComingSoonRequestHandler::handle_template_include() ComingSoonRequestHandler::handle template include code WC 9.3.3
public function handle_template_include( $template ) { global $wp; if ( ! $this->should_show_coming_soon( $wp ) ) { return $template; } // A coming soon page needs to be displayed. Don't cache this response. nocache_headers(); $is_fse_theme = wc_current_theme_is_fse_theme(); $is_store_coming_soon = $this->coming_soon_helper->is_store_coming_soon(); if ( ! $is_fse_theme && ! current_theme_supports( 'block-template-parts' ) ) { // Initialize block templates for use in classic theme. BlocksPackage::init(); $container = BlocksPackage::container(); $container->get( BlockTemplatesRegistry::class )->init(); $container->get( BlockTemplatesController::class )->init(); } add_theme_support( 'block-templates' ); $coming_soon_template = get_query_template( 'coming-soon' ); if ( ! $is_fse_theme && $is_store_coming_soon ) { get_header(); } add_action( 'wp_head', function () { echo "<meta name='woo-coming-soon-page' content='yes'>"; } ); if ( ! empty( $coming_soon_template ) && file_exists( $coming_soon_template ) ) { include $coming_soon_template; } if ( ! $is_fse_theme && $is_store_coming_soon ) { get_footer(); } if ( $is_fse_theme ) { // Since we've already rendered a template, return null to ensure no other template is rendered. return null; } else { // In non-FSE themes, other templates will still be rendered. // We need to exit to prevent further processing. exit(); } }