
CustomOrdersTableController::recreate_order_address_fts_index()publicWC 9.4.0.

Recreate order addresses FTS index. Useful when updating to 9.4 when phone number was added to index, or when other recreating index is needed.

Method of the class: CustomOrdersTableController{}

No Hooks.


Array. Array with keys status (bool) and message (string).


$CustomOrdersTableController = new CustomOrdersTableController();
$CustomOrdersTableController->recreate_order_address_fts_index(): array;


Since 9.4.0. Introduced.

CustomOrdersTableController::recreate_order_address_fts_index() code WC 9.6.0

public function recreate_order_address_fts_index(): array {
	if ( $this->db_util->fts_index_on_order_address_table_exists() ) {
		return array(
			'status'  => false,
			'message' => __( 'Failed to modify existing FTS index. Please go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools and run the "Re-create Order Address FTS index" tool.', 'woocommerce' ),
	} else {
		update_option( self::HPOS_FTS_ADDRESS_INDEX_CREATED_OPTION, 'no', false );

	if ( ! $this->db_util->fts_index_on_order_address_table_exists() ) {
		return array(
			'status'  => false,
			'message' => __( 'Failed to create FTS index on order address table. Please go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools and run the "Re-create Order Address FTS index" tool.', 'woocommerce' ),
	} else {
		update_option( self::HPOS_FTS_ADDRESS_INDEX_CREATED_OPTION, 'yes', false );
		return array(
			'status'  => true,
			'message' => __( 'FTS index recreated.', 'woocommerce' ),