
Experimental_Abtest::fetch_variation()protectedWC 1.0

Fetch and cache the test variation for a provided A/B test from WP.com.

ExPlat returns a null value when the assigned variation is control or an assignment has not been set. In these instances, this method returns a value of "control".

Method of the class: Experimental_Abtest{}

Hooks from the method


Array|\WP_Error. A/B test variation, or error on failure.


// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class
$result = $this->fetch_variation( $test_name );
$test_name(string) (required)
Name of the A/B test.

Experimental_Abtest::fetch_variation() code WC 9.4.2

protected function fetch_variation( $test_name ) {
	// Make sure test name exists.
	if ( ! $test_name ) {
		return new \WP_Error( 'test_name_not_provided', 'A/B test name has not been provided.' );

	// Make sure test name is a valid one.
	if ( ! preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9_]+$/', $test_name ) ) {
		return new \WP_Error( 'invalid_test_name', 'Invalid A/B test name.' );

	// Return internal-cached test variations.
	if ( isset( $this->tests[ $test_name ] ) ) {
		return $this->tests[ $test_name ];

	// Return external-cached test variations.
	if ( ! empty( get_transient( 'abtest_variation_' . $test_name ) ) ) {
		return get_transient( 'abtest_variation_' . $test_name );

	// Make the request to the WP.com API.
	$args = array(
		'experiment_name'               => $test_name,
		'anon_id'                       => rawurlencode( $this->anon_id ),
		'woo_country_code'              => rawurlencode( get_option( 'woocommerce_default_country', 'US:CA' ) ),
		'woo_wcadmin_install_timestamp' => rawurlencode( get_option( WCAdminHelper::WC_ADMIN_TIMESTAMP_OPTION ) ),

	 * Get additional request args.
	 * @since 6.5.0
	$args     = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_explat_request_args', $args );
	$response = $this->request_assignment( $args );

	// Bail if there was an error or malformed response.
	if ( is_wp_error( $response ) || ! is_array( $response ) || ! isset( $response['body'] ) ) {
		return new \WP_Error( 'failed_to_fetch_data', 'Unable to fetch the requested data.' );

	// Decode the results.
	$results = json_decode( $response['body'], true );

	// Bail if there were no resultsreturned.
	if ( ! is_array( $results ) ) {
		return new \WP_Error( 'unexpected_data_format', 'Data was not returned in the expected format.' );

	// Store the variation in our internal cache.
	$this->tests[ $test_name ] = $results['variations'][ $test_name ] ?? null;

	$variation = $results['variations'][ $test_name ] ?? 'control';
	// Store the variation in our external cache.
	if ( ! empty( $results['ttl'] ) ) {
		set_transient( 'abtest_variation_' . $test_name, $variation, $results['ttl'] );

	return $variation;