Gets an instance of a given legacy class. This must not be used to get instances of classes in the src directory.
If a given class needs a special procedure to get an instance of it, please add a private get_instance_of_(lowercased_class_name) and it will be automatically invoked. See also how objects of classes having a static instance method are retrieved, similar approaches can be used as needed to make use of existing factory methods such as e.g. 'load'.
Method of the class: LegacyProxy{}
No Hooks.
. The instance of the class.
$LegacyProxy = new LegacyProxy(); $LegacyProxy->get_instance_of( $class_name, ...$args );
- $class_name(string) (required)
- The name of the class to get an instance for.
- ...$args(mixed) (required)
- Parameters to be passed to the class constructor or to the appropriate internal 'get_instance_of_' method.
LegacyProxy::get_instance_of() LegacyProxy::get instance of code WC 9.6.1
public function get_instance_of( string $class_name, ...$args ) { if ( StringUtil::starts_with( $class_name, 'Automattic\\WooCommerce\\' ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'The LegacyProxy class is not intended for getting instances of classes whose namespace starts with \'Automattic\\WooCommerce\', please use ' . Definition::INJECTION_METHOD . ' method injection or the instance of ' . ContainerInterface::class . ' for that.' ); } // If a class has a dedicated method to obtain a instance, use it. $method = 'get_instance_of_' . strtolower( $class_name ); if ( method_exists( __CLASS__, $method ) ) { return $this->$method( ...$args ); } // If the class is a singleton, use the "instance" method. if ( method_exists( $class_name, 'instance' ) ) { return $class_name::instance( ...$args ); } // If the class has a "load" method, use it. if ( method_exists( $class_name, 'load' ) ) { return $class_name::load( ...$args ); } // Fallback to simply creating a new instance of the class. return new $class_name( ...$args ); }