MigrationHelper{} │ WC 1.0
Helper class to assist with migration related operations.
Hooks from the class
$MigrationHelper = new MigrationHelper(); // use class methods
- public static escape_and_add_backtick( $identifier )
- public static escape_schema_for_backtick( array $schema_config )
- public static generate_on_duplicate_statement_clause( array $columns )
- public static get_wpdb_placeholder_for_type( string $type )
- public static migrate_country_states( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping )
- private static migrate_country_states_for_misc_data( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping )
- private static migrate_country_states_for_orders( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping )
- private static migrate_country_states_for_shipping_locations( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping )
- private static migrate_country_states_for_store_location( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping )
- private static migrate_country_states_for_tax_rates( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping )
MigrationHelper{} MigrationHelper{} code WC 9.6.1
class MigrationHelper { /** * Placeholders that we will use in building $wpdb queries. * * @var string[] */ private static $wpdb_placeholder_for_type = array( 'int' => '%d', 'decimal' => '%f', 'string' => '%s', 'date' => '%s', 'date_epoch' => '%s', 'bool' => '%d', ); /** * Helper method to escape backtick in various schema fields. * * @param array $schema_config Schema config. * * @return array Schema config escaped for backtick. */ public static function escape_schema_for_backtick( array $schema_config ): array { array_walk( $schema_config['source']['entity'], array( self::class, 'escape_and_add_backtick' ) ); array_walk( $schema_config['source']['meta'], array( self::class, 'escape_and_add_backtick' ) ); array_walk( $schema_config['destination'], array( self::class, 'escape_and_add_backtick' ) ); return $schema_config; } /** * Helper method to escape backtick in column and table names. * WP does not provide a method to escape table/columns names yet, but hopefully soon in @link * * @param string|array $identifier Column or table name. * * @return array|string|string[] Escaped identifier. */ public static function escape_and_add_backtick( $identifier ) { return '`' . str_replace( '`', '``', $identifier ) . '`'; } /** * Return $wpdb->prepare placeholder for data type. * * @param string $type Data type. * * @return string $wpdb placeholder. */ public static function get_wpdb_placeholder_for_type( string $type ): string { return self::$wpdb_placeholder_for_type[ $type ]; } /** * Generates ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause to be used in migration. * * @param array $columns List of column names. * * @return string SQL clause for INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE */ public static function generate_on_duplicate_statement_clause( array $columns ): string { $db_util = wc_get_container()->get( DatabaseUtil::class ); return $db_util->generate_on_duplicate_statement_clause( $columns ); } /** * Migrate state codes in all the required places in the database, needed after they change for a given country. * * @param string $country_code The country that has the states for which the migration is needed. * @param array $old_to_new_states_mapping An associative array where keys are the old state codes and values are the new state codes. * @return bool True if there are more records that need to be migrated, false otherwise. */ public static function migrate_country_states( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping ): bool { $more_remaining = self::migrate_country_states_for_orders( $country_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ); if ( ! $more_remaining ) { self::migrate_country_states_for_misc_data( $country_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ); } return $more_remaining; } /** * Migrate state codes in all the required places in the database (except orders). * * @param string $country_code The country that has the states for which the migration is needed. * @param array $old_to_new_states_mapping An associative array where keys are the old state codes and values are the new state codes. * @return void */ private static function migrate_country_states_for_misc_data( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping ): void { self::migrate_country_states_for_shipping_locations( $country_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ); self::migrate_country_states_for_tax_rates( $country_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ); self::migrate_country_states_for_store_location( $country_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ); } /** * Migrate state codes in the shipping locations table. * * @param string $country_code The country that has the states for which the migration is needed. * @param array $old_to_new_states_mapping An associative array where keys are the old state codes and values are the new state codes. * @return void */ private static function migrate_country_states_for_shipping_locations( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping ): void { global $wpdb; // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared $sql = "SELECT location_id, location_code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations WHERE location_code LIKE '{$country_code}:%'"; $locations_data = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A ); foreach ( $locations_data as $location_data ) { $old_state_code = substr( $location_data['location_code'], 3 ); if ( array_key_exists( $old_state_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ) ) { $new_location_code = "{$country_code}:{$old_to_new_states_mapping[$old_state_code]}"; $update_query = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations SET location_code=%s WHERE location_id=%d", $new_location_code, $location_data['location_id'] ); $wpdb->query( $update_query ); } } // phpcs:enable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared } /** * Migrate the state code for the store location. * * @param string $country_code The country that has the states for which the migration is needed. * @param array $old_to_new_states_mapping An associative array where keys are the old state codes and values are the new state codes. * @return void */ private static function migrate_country_states_for_store_location( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping ): void { $store_location = get_option( 'woocommerce_default_country', '' ); if ( StringUtil::starts_with( $store_location, "{$country_code}:" ) ) { $old_location_code = substr( $store_location, 3 ); if ( array_key_exists( $old_location_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ) ) { $new_location_code = "{$country_code}:{$old_to_new_states_mapping[$old_location_code]}"; update_option( 'woocommerce_default_country', $new_location_code ); } } } /** * Migrate state codes for orders in the orders table and in the posts table. * It will migrate only N*2*(number of states) records, being N equal to 100 by default * but this number can be modified via the woocommerce_migrate_country_states_for_orders_batch_size filter. * * @param string $country_code The country that has the states for which the migration is needed. * @param array $old_to_new_states_mapping An associative array where keys are the old state codes and values are the new state codes. * @return bool True if there are more records that need to be migrated, false otherwise. */ private static function migrate_country_states_for_orders( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping ): bool { global $wpdb; /** * Filters the value of N, where the maximum count of database records that will be updated in one single run of migrate_country_states_for_orders * is N*2*count($old_to_new_states_mapping) if the woocommerce_orders table exists, or N*count($old_to_new_states_mapping) otherwise. * * @param int $batch_size Default value for the count of records to update. * @param string $country_code Country code for the update. * @param array $old_to_new_states_mapping Associative array of old to new state codes. * * @since 7.2.0 */ $limit = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_migrate_country_states_for_orders_batch_size', 100, $country_code, $old_to_new_states_mapping ); $cot_exists = wc_get_container()->get( DataSynchronizer::class )->check_orders_table_exists(); // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared foreach ( $old_to_new_states_mapping as $old_state => $new_state ) { if ( $cot_exists ) { $update_query = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_addresses SET state=%s WHERE country=%s AND state=%s LIMIT %d", $new_state, $country_code, $old_state, $limit ); $wpdb->query( $update_query ); } // We need to split the update query for the postmeta table in two, select + update, // because MySQL doesn't support the LIMIT keyword in multi-table UPDATE statements. $select_meta_ids_query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta, (SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE (meta_key = '_billing_country' OR meta_key='_shipping_country') AND meta_value=%s) AS states_in_country WHERE (meta_key='_billing_state' OR meta_key='_shipping_state') AND meta_value=%s AND {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id = states_in_country.post_id LIMIT %d", $country_code, $old_state, $limit ); $meta_ids = $wpdb->get_results( $select_meta_ids_query, ARRAY_A ); if ( ! empty( $meta_ids ) ) { $meta_ids = ArrayUtil::select( $meta_ids, 'meta_id' ); $meta_ids_as_comma_separated = '(' . join( ',', $meta_ids ) . ')'; $update_query = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta SET meta_value=%s WHERE meta_id IN {$meta_ids_as_comma_separated}", $new_state ); $wpdb->query( $update_query ); } } $states_as_comma_separated = "('" . join( "','", array_keys( $old_to_new_states_mapping ) ) . "')"; $posts_exist_query = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT 1 FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE (meta_key='_billing_state' OR meta_key='_shipping_state') AND meta_value IN {$states_as_comma_separated} AND post_id IN ( SELECT post_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE (meta_key = '_billing_country' OR meta_key='_shipping_country') AND meta_value=%s )", $country_code ); if ( $cot_exists ) { $more_exist_query = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM {$wpdb->prefix}wc_order_addresses WHERE country=%s AND state IN {$states_as_comma_separated} ) OR EXISTS ( {$posts_exist_query} )", $country_code ); } else { $more_exist_query = "SELECT EXISTS ({$posts_exist_query})"; } return (int) ( $wpdb->get_var( $more_exist_query ) ) !== 0; // phpcs:enable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared } /** * Migrate state codes in the tax rates table. * * @param string $country_code The country that has the states for which the migration is needed. * @param array $old_to_new_states_mapping An associative array where keys are the old state codes and values are the new state codes. * @return void */ private static function migrate_country_states_for_tax_rates( string $country_code, array $old_to_new_states_mapping ): void { global $wpdb; foreach ( $old_to_new_states_mapping as $old_state_code => $new_state_code ) { $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates SET tax_rate_state=%s WHERE tax_rate_country=%s AND tax_rate_state=%s", $new_state_code, $country_code, $old_state_code ) ); } } }