Set default taxonomies for the order.
Note: This is re-implementation of part of WP core's wp_insert_post Since the code block that set default taxonomies is not filterable, we have to re-implement it.
Method of the class: OrdersTableDataStore{}
No Hooks.
. Sanitized tax input with default taxonomies.
$OrdersTableDataStore = new OrdersTableDataStore(); $OrdersTableDataStore->init_default_taxonomies( $order, $sanitized_tax_input );
- $order(\WC_Abstract_Order) (required)
- Order object.
- $sanitized_tax_input(array) (required)
- Sanitized taxonomy input.
OrdersTableDataStore::init_default_taxonomies() OrdersTableDataStore::init default taxonomies code WC 9.3.3
public function init_default_taxonomies( \WC_Abstract_Order $order, array $sanitized_tax_input ) { if ( 'auto-draft' === $order->get_status() ) { return $sanitized_tax_input; } foreach ( get_object_taxonomies( $order->get_type(), 'object' ) as $taxonomy => $tax_object ) { if ( empty( $tax_object->default_term ) ) { return $sanitized_tax_input; } // Filter out empty terms. if ( isset( $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] ) && is_array( $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] ) ) { $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] = array_filter( $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] ); } // Passed custom taxonomy list overwrites the existing list if not empty. $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $order->get_id(), $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) ); if ( ! empty( $terms ) && empty( $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] ) ) { $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] = $terms; } if ( empty( $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] ) ) { $default_term_id = get_option( 'default_term_' . $taxonomy ); if ( ! empty( $default_term_id ) ) { $sanitized_tax_input[ $taxonomy ] = array( (int) $default_term_id ); } } } return $sanitized_tax_input; }