Read the Cost of Goods Sold value for a given order from the database, if available, and apply it to the order.
Method of the class: OrdersTableDataStore{}
Hooks from the method
. Nothing (null).
// private - for code of main (parent) class only $result = $this->read_cogs_data( $order );
- $order(\WC_Abstract_Order) (required)
- The order to get the COGS value for.
OrdersTableDataStore::read_cogs_data() OrdersTableDataStore::read cogs data code WC 9.6.0
private function read_cogs_data( WC_Abstract_Order $order ) { $meta_entry = $this->data_store_meta->get_metadata_by_key( $order, '_cogs_total_value' ); $cogs_value = false === $meta_entry ? 0 : (float) current( $meta_entry )->meta_value; /** * Filter to customize the Cost of Goods Sold value that gets loaded for a given order. * * @since 9.5.0 * * @param float $cogs_value The value as read from the database. * @param WC_Abstract_Order $product The order for which the value is being loaded. */ $cogs_value = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_load_order_cogs_value', $cogs_value, $order ); $order->set_cogs_total_value( (float) $cogs_value ); $order->apply_changes(); }