
Package{}WC 1.0

Main package class.

No Hooks.


$Package = new Package();
// use class methods


  1. ERROR: no method name found on line `self::$active_version = WC_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER;`
  2. ERROR: no method name found on line `* Return the active version of WC Admin.`
  3. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  4. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  5. public static get_active_version()
  6. ERROR: no method name found on line `*/`
  7. public static get_path()
  8. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  9. ERROR: no method name found on line `}`
  10. public instance()
  11. ERROR: no method name found on line `*/`
  12. public static get_version()
  13. public remove_filter( 'action_scheduler_store_class', array( $feature_plugin_instance, 'replace_actionscheduler_store_class' ) )
  14. ERROR: no method name found on line `self::$active_version = WC_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER;`
  15. ERROR: no method name found on line `* Init the package.`
  16. ERROR: no method name found on line `return self::VERSION;`
  17. public static init()
  18. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  19. ERROR: no method name found on line `*/`
  20. private static is_notes_initialized()
  21. public static is_package_active()

Package{} code WC 9.3.1

class Package {

	 * Version.
	 * @var string
	const VERSION = '3.3.0';

	 * Package active.
	 * @var bool
	private static $package_active = false;

	 * Active version
	 * @var bool
	private static $active_version = null;

	 * Init the package.
	 * Only initialize for WP 5.3 or greater.
	public static function init() {
		// Avoid double initialization when the feature plugin is in use.
		if (defined( 'WC_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER' ) ) {
			self::$active_version = WC_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER;

		$feature_plugin_instance = FeaturePlugin::instance();

		// Indicate to the feature plugin that the core package exists.
		if ( ! defined( 'WC_ADMIN_PACKAGE_EXISTS' ) ) {
			define( 'WC_ADMIN_PACKAGE_EXISTS', true );

		self::$package_active = true;
		self::$active_version = self::VERSION;

		// Unhook the custom Action Scheduler data store class in active older versions of WC Admin.
		remove_filter( 'action_scheduler_store_class', array( $feature_plugin_instance, 'replace_actionscheduler_store_class' ) );

	 * Return the version of the package.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_version() {
		return self::VERSION;

	 * Return the active version of WC Admin.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_active_version() {
		return self::$active_version;

	 * Return whether the package is active.
	 * @return bool
	public static function is_package_active() {
		return self::$package_active;

	 * Return the path to the package.
	 * @return string
	public static function get_path() {
		return dirname( __DIR__ );

	 * Checks if notes have been initialized.
	private static function is_notes_initialized() {
		try {
		} catch ( NotesUnavailableException $e ) {
			return false;
		return true;