Format a log file line.
Method of the class: PageController{}
No Hooks.
// private - for code of main (parent) class only $result = $this->format_line( $line, $line_number ): string;
- $line(string) (required)
- The unformatted log file line.
- $line_number(int) (required)
- The line number.
PageController::format_line() PageController::format line code WC 9.3.3
private function format_line( string $line, int $line_number ): string { $classes = array( 'line' ); $line = esc_html( $line ); if ( empty( $line ) ) { $line = ' '; } $segments = explode( ' ', $line, 3 ); $has_timestamp = false; $has_level = false; if ( isset( $segments[0] ) && false !== strtotime( $segments[0] ) ) { $classes[] = 'log-entry'; $segments[0] = sprintf( '<span class="log-timestamp">%s</span>', $segments[0] ); $has_timestamp = true; } if ( isset( $segments[1] ) && WC_Log_Levels::is_valid_level( strtolower( $segments[1] ) ) ) { $segments[1] = sprintf( '<span class="%1$s">%2$s</span>', esc_attr( 'log-level log-level--' . strtolower( $segments[1] ) ), esc_html( WC_Log_Levels::get_level_label( strtolower( $segments[1] ) ) ) ); $has_level = true; } if ( isset( $segments[2] ) && $has_timestamp && $has_level ) { $message_chunks = explode( 'CONTEXT:', $segments[2], 2 ); if ( isset( $message_chunks[1] ) ) { try { $maybe_json = html_entity_decode( addslashes( trim( $message_chunks[1] ) ) ); // Decode for validation. $context = json_decode( $maybe_json, false, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR ); // Re-encode to make it pretty. $context = wp_json_encode( $context, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); $message_chunks[1] = sprintf( '<details><summary>%1$s</summary>%2$s</details>', esc_html__( 'Additional context', 'woocommerce' ), stripslashes( $context ) ); $segments[2] = implode( ' ', $message_chunks ); $classes[] = 'has-context'; } catch ( \JsonException $exception ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.DetectedCatch // It's not valid JSON so don't do anything with it. } } } if ( count( $segments ) > 1 ) { $line = implode( ' ', $segments ); } $classes = implode( ' ', $classes ); return sprintf( '<span id="L%1$d" class="%2$s">%3$s%4$s</span>', absint( $line_number ), esc_attr( $classes ), sprintf( '<a href="#L%1$d" class="line-anchor"></a>', absint( $line_number ) ), sprintf( '<span class="line-content">%s</span>', wp_kses_post( $line ) ) ); }