ProductResultsCount class.
No Hooks.
$ProductResultsCount = new ProductResultsCount(); // use class methods
- protected get_block_type_script( $key = null )
- protected render( $attributes, $content, $block )
ProductResultsCount{} ProductResultsCount{} code WC 9.6.1
class ProductResultsCount extends AbstractBlock { /** * Block name. * * @var string */ protected $block_name = 'product-results-count'; /** * Get the frontend script handle for this block type. * * @param string $key Data to get, or default to everything. */ protected function get_block_type_script( $key = null ) { return null; } /** * Render the block. * * @param array $attributes Block attributes. * @param string $content Block content. * @param WP_Block $block Block instance. * * @return string Rendered block output. */ protected function render( $attributes, $content, $block ) { // Buffer the result count and use it as the block's frontend content. ob_start(); echo '<div>'; woocommerce_result_count(); echo '</div>'; $product_results_count = ob_get_clean(); $p = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $product_results_count ); // Advance to the wrapper and add the attributes necessary for the block. $p->next_tag( 'div' ); $parsed_style_attributes = StyleAttributesUtils::get_classes_and_styles_by_attributes( $attributes ); $classes = array_merge( explode( ' ', $parsed_style_attributes['classes'] ), array( 'woocommerce', 'wc-block-product-results-count', 'wp-block-woocommerce-product-results-count', ), ); $p->set_attribute( 'class', implode( ' ', $classes ) ); $p->set_attribute( 'style', $parsed_style_attributes['styles'] ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wc-navigation-id', 'wc-product-results-count-' . ( isset( $block->context['queryId'] ) ? $block->context['queryId'] : 0 ) ); return $p->get_updated_html(); } }