Set the last order date for each data.
Method of the class: ProductsLowInStock{}
No Hooks.
// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class $result = $this->set_last_order_date( $results );
- $results(array)
- query result from get_low_in_stock_products.
Default: array()
ProductsLowInStock::set_last_order_date() ProductsLowInStock::set last order date code WC 9.6.1
protected function set_last_order_date( $results = array() ) { global $wpdb; if ( 0 === count( $results ) ) { return $results; } $wheres = array(); foreach ( $results as $result ) { 'product_variation' === $result->post_type ? array_push( $wheres, "(product_id={$result->post_parent} and variation_id={$result->ID})" ) : array_push( $wheres, "product_id={$result->ID}" ); } count( $wheres ) ? $where_clause = implode( ' or ', $wheres ) : $where_clause = $wheres[0]; $product_lookup_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'wc_order_product_lookup'; $query_string = " select product_id, variation_id, MAX( wc_order_product_lookup.date_created ) AS last_order_date from {$product_lookup_table} wc_order_product_lookup where {$where_clause} group by product_id order by date_created desc "; // phpcs:ignore -- ignore prepare() warning as we're not using any user input here. $last_order_dates = $wpdb->get_results( $query_string ); $last_order_dates_index = array(); // Make an index with product_id_variation_id as a key // so that it can be referenced back without looping the whole array. foreach ( $last_order_dates as $last_order_date ) { $last_order_dates_index[ $last_order_date->product_id . '_' . $last_order_date->variation_id ] = $last_order_date; } foreach ( $results as &$result ) { 'product_variation' === $result->post_type ? $index_key = $result->post_parent . '_' . $result->ID : $index_key = $result->ID . '_' . $result->post_parent; if ( isset( $last_order_dates_index[ $index_key ] ) ) { $result->last_order_date = $last_order_dates_index[ $index_key ]->last_order_date; } } return $results; }