Handle the "parse_request" action for the "wc/file/transient" endpoint.
If the request is not for "/wc/file/transient/<filename>" or "index.php?wc-transient-file-name=filename", it returns without doing anything. Otherwise, it will serve the contents of the file with the provided name if it exists, is public and has not expired; or will return a "Not found" status otherwise.
The file will be served with a content type header of "text/html".
Method of the class: TransientFilesEngine{}
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
$TransientFilesEngine = new TransientFilesEngine(); $TransientFilesEngine->handle_parse_request();
TransientFilesEngine::handle_parse_request() TransientFilesEngine::handle parse request code WC 9.6.1
public function handle_parse_request() { global $wp; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security $query_arg = wp_unslash( $_GET['wc-transient-file-name'] ?? null ); if ( ! is_null( $query_arg ) ) { $wp->query_vars['wc-transient-file-name'] = $query_arg; } if ( is_null( $wp->query_vars['wc-transient-file-name'] ?? null ) ) { return; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput if ( 'GET' !== ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? null ) ) { status_header( 405 ); exit(); } $this->serve_file_contents( $wp->query_vars['wc-transient-file-name'] ); }