Injects wp-shared-settings as a dependency if it's present.
Method of the class: WCAdminAssets{}
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
$WCAdminAssets = new WCAdminAssets(); $WCAdminAssets->inject_wc_settings_dependencies();
WCAdminAssets::inject_wc_settings_dependencies() WCAdminAssets::inject wc settings dependencies code WC 9.5.1
public function inject_wc_settings_dependencies() { $wp_scripts = wp_scripts(); if ( wp_script_is( 'wc-settings', 'registered' ) ) { $handles_for_injection = array( 'wc-admin-layout', 'wc-csv', 'wc-currency', 'wc-customer-effort-score', 'wc-navigation', // NOTE: This should be removed when Gutenberg is updated and // the notices package is removed from WooCommerce Admin. 'wc-notices', 'wc-number', 'wc-date', 'wc-components', 'wc-tracks', 'wc-block-templates', 'wc-product-editor', ); foreach ( $handles_for_injection as $handle ) { $script = $wp_scripts->query( $handle, 'registered' ); if ( $script instanceof _WP_Dependency ) { $script->deps[] = 'wc-settings'; $wp_scripts->add_data( $handle, 'group', 1 ); } } foreach ( $wp_scripts->registered as $handle => $script ) { // scripts that are loaded in the footer has extra->group = 1. if ( array_intersect( $handles_for_injection, $script->deps ) && ! isset( $script->extra['group'] ) ) { // Append the script to footer. $wp_scripts->add_data( $handle, 'group', 1 ); // Show a warning. $error_handle = 'wc-settings-dep-in-header'; $used_deps = implode( ', ', array_intersect( $handles_for_injection, $script->deps ) ); $error_message = "Scripts that have a dependency on [$used_deps] must be loaded in the footer, {$handle} was registered to load in the header, but has been switched to load in the footer instead. See"; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.NotInFooter,WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.MissingVersion wp_register_script( $error_handle, '' ); wp_enqueue_script( $error_handle ); wp_add_inline_script( $error_handle, sprintf( 'console.warn( "%s" );', $error_message ) ); } } } }