WCAdminHelper{} │ WC 1.0
Class WCAdminHelper
Hooks from the class
$WCAdminHelper = new WCAdminHelper(); // use class methods
- private static get_normalized_url_path( $url )
- public static get_wcadmin_active_for_in_seconds()
- public static is_site_fresh()
- public static is_store_page( $url = '' )
- public static is_wc_admin_active_for( $seconds )
- public static is_wc_admin_active_in_date_range( $range, $custom_start = null )
WCAdminHelper{} WCAdminHelper{} code WC 9.6.1
class WCAdminHelper { /** * WC Admin timestamp option name. */ const WC_ADMIN_TIMESTAMP_OPTION = 'woocommerce_admin_install_timestamp'; const WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES = array( 'week-1' => array( 'start' => 0, 'end' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS, ), 'week-1-4' => array( 'start' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS, 'end' => WEEK_IN_SECONDS * 4, ), 'month-1-3' => array( 'start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS, 'end' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 3, ), 'month-3-6' => array( 'start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 3, 'end' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 6, ), 'month-6+' => array( 'start' => MONTH_IN_SECONDS * 6, ), ); /** * Get the number of seconds that the store has been active. * * @return number Number of seconds. */ public static function get_wcadmin_active_for_in_seconds() { $install_timestamp = get_option( self::WC_ADMIN_TIMESTAMP_OPTION ); if ( ! is_numeric( $install_timestamp ) ) { $install_timestamp = time(); update_option( self::WC_ADMIN_TIMESTAMP_OPTION, $install_timestamp ); } return time() - $install_timestamp; } /** * Test how long WooCommerce Admin has been active. * * @param int $seconds Time in seconds to check. * @return bool Whether or not WooCommerce admin has been active for $seconds. */ public static function is_wc_admin_active_for( $seconds ) { $wc_admin_active_for = self::get_wcadmin_active_for_in_seconds(); return ( $wc_admin_active_for >= $seconds ); } /** * Test if WooCommerce Admin has been active within a pre-defined range. * * @param string $range range available in WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES. * @param int $custom_start custom start in range. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException Throws exception when invalid $range is passed in. * @return bool Whether or not WooCommerce admin has been active within the range. */ public static function is_wc_admin_active_in_date_range( $range, $custom_start = null ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $range, self::WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( '"%s" range is not supported, use one of: %s', $range, implode( ', ', array_keys( self::WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES ) ) ) ); } $wc_admin_active_for = self::get_wcadmin_active_for_in_seconds(); $range_data = self::WC_ADMIN_STORE_AGE_RANGES[ $range ]; $start = null !== $custom_start ? $custom_start : $range_data['start']; if ( $range_data && $wc_admin_active_for >= $start ) { return isset( $range_data['end'] ) ? $wc_admin_active_for < $range_data['end'] : true; } return false; } /** * Test if the site is fresh. A fresh site must meet the following requirements. * * - The current user was registered less than 1 month ago. * - fresh_site option must be 1 * * @return bool */ public static function is_site_fresh() { $fresh_site = get_option( 'fresh_site' ); if ( '1' !== $fresh_site ) { return false; } $current_userdata = get_userdata( get_current_user_id() ); // Return false if we can't get user meta data for some reason. if ( ! $current_userdata ) { return false; } $date = new \DateTime( $current_userdata->user_registered ); $month_ago = new \DateTime( '-1 month' ); return $date > $month_ago; } /** * Test if a URL is a store page. This function ignores the domain and protocol of the URL and only checks the path and query string. * * Store pages are defined as: * * - Shop * - Cart * - Checkout * - Privacy Policy * - Terms and Conditions * * Additionally, the following autogenerated pages should be included: * - Product pages * - Product Category pages * - Product Tag pages * * @param string $url URL to check. If not provided, the current URL will be used. * @return bool Whether or not the URL is a store page. */ public static function is_store_page( $url = '' ) { $url = $url ? $url : esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '' ) ); if ( ! $url ) { return false; } $normalized_path = self::get_normalized_url_path( $url ); $params = array( 'post_type' => 'product', ); $query_string = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY ); if ( $query_string ) { parse_str( $query_string, $url_params ); foreach ( $params as $key => $param ) { if ( isset( $url_params[ $key ] ) && $url_params[ $key ] === $param ) { return true; } } } // WC store pages. $store_pages = array( 'shop' => wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ), 'cart' => wc_get_page_id( 'cart' ), 'checkout' => wc_get_page_id( 'checkout' ), 'terms' => wc_terms_and_conditions_page_id(), 'coming_soon' => wc_get_page_id( 'coming_soon' ), ); /** * Filter the store pages array to check if a URL is a store page. * * @since 8.8.0 * @param array $store_pages The store pages array. The keys are the page slugs and the values are the page IDs. */ $store_pages = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_store_pages', $store_pages ); // If the shop page is not set, we will still show the product archive page. // Therefore, we need to check if the URL is a product archive page when the shop page is not set. if ( $store_pages['shop'] <= 0 ) { $product_post_archive_link = get_post_type_archive_link( 'product' ); if ( is_string( $product_post_archive_link ) && 0 === strpos( $normalized_path, self::get_normalized_url_path( $product_post_archive_link ) ) ) { return true; } } foreach ( $store_pages as $page => $page_id ) { if ( 0 >= $page_id ) { continue; } $permalink = get_permalink( $page_id ); if ( ! $permalink ) { continue; } if ( 0 === strpos( $normalized_path, self::get_normalized_url_path( $permalink ) ) ) { return true; } } $url_path = wp_parse_url( $normalized_path, PHP_URL_PATH ); // Check if the URL matches any of the WooCommerce permalink structures. if ( $url_path ) { $permalink_structure = wc_get_permalink_structure(); $permalink_keys = array( 'category_base', 'tag_base', 'product_base', ); foreach ( $permalink_keys as $key ) { if ( ! isset( $permalink_structure[ $key ] ) || ! is_string( $permalink_structure[ $key ] ) ) { continue; } /** * Check if the URL path starts with a URL segment matching the permalink base. * * Match examples: * 1. product_base = 'product' * $url_path: '/product/blue-t-shirt' * 2. category_base = 'product-category' * $url_path: '/product-category/clothing/' * * Non-match examples: * 1. product_base = 'product' * $url_path: '/products' (URL segment partial match) */ if ( 0 === strncmp( $url_path, trim( $permalink_structure[ $key ], '/' ), strlen( trim( $permalink_structure[ $key ], '/' ) ) ) ) { $base_length = strlen( trim( $permalink_structure[ $key ], '/' ) ); $next_char = substr( $url_path, $base_length, 1 ); // If the next character is a slash, we're confident we're on a valid product page. if ( '/' === $next_char ) { return true; } } /** * If the permalink structure contains placeholders, we need to check if the URL matches the structure using regex. * * Match examples: * 1. product_base = 'product/%product_cat%' * $url_path: '/product/t-shirts/blue-t-shirt' * $url_path: '/product/electronics/smartphones/iphone-12' * 2. product_base = 'shop/%product_cat%/%product%' * $url_path: '/shop/clothing/mens/summer-shirt' * 3. product_base = '%product_cat%' * $url_path: '/electronics/laptops/macbook-pro' * * Non-match examples: * 1. product_base = 'product/%product_cat%' * $url_path: '/blog/top-10-products' * $url_path: '/product-reviews/best-sellers' * 2. product_base = 'shop/%product_cat%/%product%' * $url_path: '/shop/new-arrivals' */ if ( strpos( $permalink_structure[ $key ], '%' ) !== false ) { global $wp_rewrite; $rules = $wp_rewrite->generate_rewrite_rule( $permalink_structure[ $key ] ); if ( is_array( $rules ) && ! empty( $rules ) ) { // rule key is the regex pattern. $rule = array_keys( $rules )[0]; $rule = '#^' . str_replace( '?$', '', $rule ) . '#'; if ( preg_match( $rule, $normalized_path ) ) { return true; } } } } } /** * Filter if a URL is a store page. * * @since 9.3.0 * @param bool $is_store_page Whether or not the URL is a store page. * @param string $url URL to check. */ $is_store_page = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_is_extension_store_page', false, $url ); return filter_var( $is_store_page, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL ); } /** * Get normalized URL path. * 1. Only keep the path and query string (if any). * 2. Remove wp home path from the URL path if WP is installed in a subdirectory. * 3. Remove leading and trailing slashes. * * For example: * * - => shop/uncategorized/test/?add-to-cart=123 * * @param string $url URL to normalize. */ private static function get_normalized_url_path( $url ) { $query = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY ); $path = wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH ) . ( $query ? '?' . $query : '' ); $home_path = wp_parse_url( site_url(), PHP_URL_PATH ) ?? ''; $normalized_path = trim( substr( $path, strlen( $home_path ) ), '/' ); return $normalized_path; } }