WC_Admin_Dashboard::sales_sparkline_markup()privateWC 1.0

Prepares the markup for a sparkline to show sales in the last X days with the given data.

Method of the class: WC_Admin_Dashboard{}

No Hooks.




// private - for code of main (parent) class only
$result = $this->sales_sparkline_markup( $type, $days, $total, $sparkline_data );
$type(string) (required)
Type of sparkline to form the markup.
$days(int) (required)
Days of stats to form the markup.
$total(int) (required)
Total income or items sold to form the markup.
$sparkline_data(array) (required)
Sparkline data to form the markup.

WC_Admin_Dashboard::sales_sparkline_markup() code WC 9.5.1

private function sales_sparkline_markup( $type, $days, $total, $sparkline_data ) {
	if ( 'sales' === $type ) {
		/* translators: 1: total income 2: days */
		$tooltip = sprintf( __( 'Sold %1$s worth in the last %2$d days', 'woocommerce' ), strip_tags( wc_price( $total ) ), $days );
	} else {
		/* translators: 1: total items sold 2: days */
		$tooltip = sprintf( _n( 'Sold %1$d item in the last %2$d days', 'Sold %1$d items in the last %2$d days', $total, 'woocommerce' ), $total, $days );

	return '<span class="wc_sparkline ' . ( ( 'sales' === $type ) ? 'lines' : 'bars' ) . ' tips" data-color="#777" data-tip="' . esc_attr( $tooltip ) . '" data-barwidth="' . 60 * 60 * 16 * 1000 . '" data-sparkline="' . wc_esc_json( wp_json_encode( $sparkline_data ) ) . '"></span>';