WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes::remove_block_templates()publicWC 1.0

Remove irrelevant block templates from the list of available templates for products. This will also remove custom created templates.

Method of the class: WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes{}

No Hooks.


String[]. Templates array excluding block-based templates.


$WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes = new WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes();
$WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes->remove_block_templates( $templates );
$templates(string[]) (required)
Array of template header names keyed by the template file name.

WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes::remove_block_templates() code WC 8.7.0

public function remove_block_templates( $templates ) {
	if ( count( $templates ) === 0 || ! wc_current_theme_is_fse_theme() ) {
		return $templates;

	$theme              = wp_get_theme()->get_stylesheet();
	$filtered_templates = array();

	foreach ( $templates as $template_key => $template_name ) {
		// Filter out the single-product.html template as this is a duplicate of "Default Template".
		if ( 'single-product' === $template_key ) {

		$block_template = get_block_template( $theme . '//' . $template_key );

		// If the block template has the product post type specified, include it.
		if ( $block_template && is_array( $block_template->post_types ) && in_array( 'product', $block_template->post_types ) ) {
			$filtered_templates[ $template_key ] = $template_name;

	return $filtered_templates;