WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product::unique_filename()publicWC 1.0

Change filename to append random text.

Method of the class: WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product{}

No Hooks.


String. Modified filename.


$WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product = new WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product();
$WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product->unique_filename( $full_filename, $ext );
$full_filename(string) (required)
Original filename with extension.
$ext(string) (required)

WC_Admin_Upload_Downloadable_Product::unique_filename() code WC 9.6.1

public function unique_filename( $full_filename, $ext ) {
	$ideal_random_char_length = 6;   // Not going with a larger length because then downloaded filename will not be pretty.
	$max_filename_length      = 255; // Max file name length for most file systems.
	$length_to_prepend        = min( $ideal_random_char_length, $max_filename_length - strlen( $full_filename ) - 1 );

	if ( 1 > $length_to_prepend ) {
		return $full_filename;

	$suffix   = strtolower( wp_generate_password( $length_to_prepend, false, false ) );
	$filename = $full_filename;

	if ( strlen( $ext ) > 0 ) {
		$filename = substr( $filename, 0, strlen( $filename ) - strlen( $ext ) );

	$full_filename = str_replace(

	return $full_filename;