WC_CLI_COM_Command::list_extensions()public staticWC 1.0

List extensions owned by the connected site

If set, the command will use the specified format. Possible values are table, json, csv and yaml. By default the table format will be used.
If set, the command will show only the specified fields instead of showing all the fields in the output.


# List extensions owned by the connected site in table format with all the fields
$ wp wc com extension list
# List the product slug of the extension owned by the connected site in csv format
$ wp wc com extension list --format=csv --fields=product_slug

Method of the class: WC_CLI_COM_Command{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$result = WC_CLI_COM_Command::list_extensions( $args, $assoc_args );
$args(array) (required)
WP-CLI positional arguments.
$assoc_args(array) (required)
WP-CLI associative arguments.

WC_CLI_COM_Command::list_extensions() code WC 9.4.2

public static function list_extensions( array $args, array $assoc_args ) {
	$data = WC_Helper::get_subscriptions();

	$data = array_values( $data );

	$formatter = new \WP_CLI\Formatter(

	$data = array_map(
		function( $item ) {
			$product_slug      = '';
			$product_url_parts = explode( '/', $item['product_url'] );
			if ( count( $product_url_parts ) > 2 ) {
				$product_slug = $product_url_parts[ count( $product_url_parts ) - 2 ];
			return array(
				'product_slug' => $product_slug,
				'product_name' => htmlspecialchars_decode( $item['product_name'] ),
				'auto_renew'   => $item['autorenew'] ? 'On' : 'Off',
				'expires_on'   => gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $item['expires'] ),
				'expired'      => $item['expired'] ? 'Yes' : 'No',
				'sites_max'    => $item['sites_max'],
				'sites_active' => $item['sites_active'],
				'maxed'        => $item['maxed'] ? 'Yes' : 'No',

	$formatter->display_items( $data );