WC_Countries::get_country_calling_code()publicWC 3.6.0

Get calling code for a country code.

Method of the class: WC_Countries{}

No Hooks.


String|Array. Some countries have multiple. The code will be stripped of - and spaces and always be prefixed with +.


$WC_Countries = new WC_Countries();
$WC_Countries->get_country_calling_code( $cc );
$cc(string) (required)
Country code.


Since 3.6.0 Introduced.

WC_Countries::get_country_calling_code() code WC 9.4.2

public function get_country_calling_code( $cc ) {
	$codes = wp_cache_get( 'calling-codes', 'countries' );

	if ( ! $codes ) {
		$codes = include WC()->plugin_path() . '/i18n/phone.php';
		wp_cache_set( 'calling-codes', $codes, 'countries' );

	$calling_code = isset( $codes[ $cc ] ) ? $codes[ $cc ] : '';

	if ( is_array( $calling_code ) ) {
		$calling_code = $calling_code[0];

	return $calling_code;