Map one of the WC_Coupon error codes to an error string. No coupon instance will be available where a coupon does not exist, so this static method exists.
Method of the class: WC_Coupon{}
Hooks from the method
. Error string.
$result = WC_Coupon::get_generic_coupon_error( $err_code );
- $err_code(int) (required)
- Error code.
WC_Coupon::get_generic_coupon_error() WC Coupon::get generic coupon error code WC 9.4.2
public static function get_generic_coupon_error( $err_code ) { switch ( $err_code ) { case self::E_WC_COUPON_NOT_EXIST: $err = __( 'Coupon does not exist!', 'woocommerce' ); break; case self::E_WC_COUPON_PLEASE_ENTER: $err = __( 'Please enter a coupon code.', 'woocommerce' ); break; default: $err = ''; break; } // When using this static method, there is no $this to pass to filter. return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_coupon_error', $err, $err_code, null ); }