WC_Eval_Math::debugPrintCallingFunction()private staticWC 1.0

Prints the file name, function name, and line number which called your function (not this function, then one that called it to begin with)

Method of the class: WC_Eval_Math{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$result = WC_Eval_Math::debugPrintCallingFunction();

WC_Eval_Math::debugPrintCallingFunction() code WC 8.7.0

private static function debugPrintCallingFunction() {
	$file = 'n/a';
	$func = 'n/a';
	$line = 'n/a';
	$debugTrace = debug_backtrace();
	if ( isset( $debugTrace[1] ) ) {
		$file = $debugTrace[1]['file'] ? $debugTrace[1]['file'] : 'n/a';
		$line = $debugTrace[1]['line'] ? $debugTrace[1]['line'] : 'n/a';
	if ( isset( $debugTrace[2] ) ) {
		$func = $debugTrace[2]['function'] ? $debugTrace[2]['function'] : 'n/a';
	echo "\n$file, $func, $line\n";