Runs on in_plugin_update_message-{file-name}, show a message if plugin is without a subscription. Only Woo local plugins are passed to this function.
Method of the class: WC_Helper_Updater{}
No Hooks.
$result = WC_Helper_Updater::display_notice_for_plugins_without_subscription( $plugin_data, $response );
- $plugin_data(object) (required)
- An array of plugin metadata.
- $response(object) (required)
- An object of metadata about the available plugin update.
- See: setup_message_for_plugins_without_subscription
WC_Helper_Updater::display_notice_for_plugins_without_subscription() WC Helper Updater::display notice for plugins without subscription code WC 9.5.1
public static function display_notice_for_plugins_without_subscription( $plugin_data, $response ) { // Extract product ID from the response. $product_id = preg_replace( '/[^0-9]/', '', $response->id ); if ( WC_Helper::has_product_subscription( $product_id ) ) { return; } // Prepare the expiry notice based on subscription status. $purchase_link = add_query_arg( array( 'add-to-cart' => $product_id, 'utm_source' => 'pu', 'utm_campaign' => 'pu_plugin_screen_purchase', ), PluginsHelper::WOO_CART_PAGE_URL, ); $notice = sprintf( /* translators: 1: URL to My Subscriptions page */ __( ' You don\'t have a subscription, <a href="%1$s" class="woocommerce-purchase-subscription">subscribe</a> to update.', 'woocommerce' ), esc_url( $purchase_link ), ); // Display the expiry notice. echo wp_kses( $notice, array( 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), 'class' => array(), ), ) ); }