WC_Install::get_tables()public staticWC 1.0

Return a list of WooCommerce tables. Used to make sure all WC tables are dropped when uninstalling the plugin in a single site or multi site environment.

Method of the class: WC_Install{}

Hooks from the method


Array. WC tables.


$result = WC_Install::get_tables();

WC_Install::get_tables() code WC 9.3.1

public static function get_tables() {
	global $wpdb;

	$tables = array(
		wc_get_container()->get( DataRegenerator::class )->get_lookup_table_name(),

		// WCA Tables.

	 * Filter the list of known WooCommerce tables.
	 * If WooCommerce plugins need to add new tables, they can inject them here.
	 * @param array $tables An array of WooCommerce-specific database table names.
	 * @since 3.4.0
	$tables = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_install_get_tables', $tables );

	return $tables;