WC_Log_Handler_Email{}WC 1.0

Handles log entries by sending an email.

WARNING! This log handler has known limitations.

Log messages are aggregated and sent once per request (if necessary). If the site experiences a problem, the log email may never be sent. This handler should be used with another handler which stores logs in order to prevent loss.

It is not recommended to use this handler on a high traffic site. There will be a maximum of 1 email sent per request per handler, but that could still be a dangerous amount of emails under heavy traffic. Do not confuse this handler with an appropriate monitoring solution!

If you understand these limitations, feel free to use this handler or borrow parts of the design to implement your own!

No Hooks.


$WC_Log_Handler_Email = new WC_Log_Handler_Email();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( $recipients = null, $threshold = 'alert' )
  2. public add_email( $email )
  3. protected add_log( $timestamp, $level, $message, $context )
  4. protected clear_logs()
  5. protected get_body()
  6. protected get_subject()
  7. public handle( $timestamp, $level, $message, $context )
  8. public send_log_email()
  9. public set_threshold( $level )
  10. protected should_handle( $level )


  • Package: WooCommerce\Classes\Log_Handlers

WC_Log_Handler_Email{} code WC 9.6.1

class WC_Log_Handler_Email extends WC_Log_Handler {

	 * Minimum log level this handler will process.
	 * @var int Integer representation of minimum log level to handle.
	protected $threshold;

	 * Stores email recipients.
	 * @var array
	protected $recipients = array();

	 * Stores log messages.
	 * @var array
	protected $logs = array();

	 * Stores integer representation of maximum logged level.
	 * @var int
	protected $max_severity = null;

	 * Constructor for log handler.
	 * @param string|array $recipients Optional. Email(s) to receive log messages. Defaults to site admin email.
	 * @param string       $threshold Optional. Minimum level that should receive log messages.
	 *           Default 'alert'. One of: emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug.
	public function __construct( $recipients = null, $threshold = 'alert' ) {
		if ( null === $recipients ) {
			$recipients = get_option( 'admin_email' );

		if ( is_array( $recipients ) ) {
			foreach ( $recipients as $recipient ) {
				$this->add_email( $recipient );
		} else {
			$this->add_email( $recipients );

		$this->set_threshold( $threshold );
		add_action( 'shutdown', array( $this, 'send_log_email' ) );

	 * Set handler severity threshold.
	 * @param string $level emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug.
	public function set_threshold( $level ) {
		$this->threshold = WC_Log_Levels::get_level_severity( $level );

	 * Determine whether handler should handle log.
	 * @param string $level emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug.
	 * @return bool True if the log should be handled.
	protected function should_handle( $level ) {
		return $this->threshold <= WC_Log_Levels::get_level_severity( $level );

	 * Handle a log entry.
	 * @param int    $timestamp Log timestamp.
	 * @param string $level emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug.
	 * @param string $message Log message.
	 * @param array  $context Optional. Additional information for log handlers.
	 * @return bool False if value was not handled and true if value was handled.
	public function handle( $timestamp, $level, $message, $context ) {

		if ( $this->should_handle( $level ) ) {
			$this->add_log( $timestamp, $level, $message, $context );
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Send log email.
	 * @return bool True if email is successfully sent otherwise false.
	public function send_log_email() {
		$result = false;

		if ( ! empty( $this->logs ) ) {
			$subject = $this->get_subject();
			$body    = $this->get_body();
			$result  = wp_mail( $this->recipients, $subject, $body );

		return $result;

	 * Build subject for log email.
	 * @return string subject
	protected function get_subject() {
		$site_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
		$max_level = strtoupper( WC_Log_Levels::get_severity_level( $this->max_severity ) );
		$log_count = count( $this->logs );

		return sprintf(
			/* translators: 1: Site name 2: Maximum level 3: Log count */
				'[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log message',
				'[%1$s] %2$s: %3$s WooCommerce log messages',

	 * Build body for log email.
	 * @return string body
	protected function get_body() {
		$site_name = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
		$entries   = implode( PHP_EOL, $this->logs );
		$log_count = count( $this->logs );
		return _n(
			'You have received the following WooCommerce log message:',
			'You have received the following WooCommerce log messages:',
		) . PHP_EOL
			. PHP_EOL
			. $entries
			. PHP_EOL
			. PHP_EOL
			/* translators: %s: Site name */
			. sprintf( __( 'Visit %s admin area:', 'woocommerce' ), $site_name )
			. PHP_EOL
			. admin_url();

	 * Adds an email to the list of recipients.
	 * @param string $email Email address to add.
	public function add_email( $email ) {
		array_push( $this->recipients, $email );

	 * Add log message.
	 * @param int    $timestamp Log timestamp.
	 * @param string $level emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug.
	 * @param string $message Log message.
	 * @param array  $context Additional information for log handlers.
	protected function add_log( $timestamp, $level, $message, $context ) {
		$this->logs[] = $this->format_entry( $timestamp, $level, $message, $context );

		$log_severity = WC_Log_Levels::get_level_severity( $level );
		if ( $this->max_severity < $log_severity ) {
			$this->max_severity = $log_severity;

	 * Clear log messages.
	protected function clear_logs() {
		$this->logs = array();
