WC_Log_Handler_File::clear()publicWC 1.0

Clear entries from chosen file.

Method of the class: WC_Log_Handler_File{}

Hooks from the method




$WC_Log_Handler_File = new WC_Log_Handler_File();
$WC_Log_Handler_File->clear( $handle );
$handle(string) (required)
Log handle.

WC_Log_Handler_File::clear() code WC 9.5.1

public function clear( $handle ) {
	$result = false;

	// Close the file if it's already open.
	$this->close( $handle );

	 * $this->open( $handle, 'w' ) == Open the file for writing only. Place the file pointer at
	 * the beginning of the file, and truncate the file to zero length.
	if ( $this->open( $handle, 'w' ) && is_resource( $this->handles[ $handle ] ) ) {
		$result = true;

	do_action( 'woocommerce_log_clear', $handle );

	return $result;