Takes an array of downloadable file representations and converts it into an array of WC_Product_Download objects, indexed by download ID.
Method of the class: WC_Product{}
No Hooks.
// private - for code of main (parent) class only $result = $this->build_downloads_map( $downloads ): array;
- $downloads(array[]|WC_Product_Download[]) (required)
- Download data to be re-mapped.
WC_Product::build_downloads_map() WC Product::build downloads map code WC 9.6.1
private function build_downloads_map( array $downloads ): array { $downloads_map = array(); foreach ( $downloads as $download_data ) { // If the item is already a WC_Product_Download we can add it to the map and move on. if ( is_a( $download_data, 'WC_Product_Download' ) ) { $downloads_map[ $download_data->get_id() ] = $download_data; continue; } // If the item is not an array, there is nothing else we can do (bad data). if ( ! is_array( $download_data ) ) { continue; } // Otherwise, transform the array to a WC_Product_Download and add to the map. $download_object = new WC_Product_Download(); // If we don't have a previous hash, generate UUID for download. if ( empty( $download_data['download_id'] ) ) { $download_data['download_id'] = wp_generate_uuid4(); } $download_object->set_id( $download_data['download_id'] ); $download_object->set_name( $download_data['name'] ); $download_object->set_file( $download_data['file'] ); $download_object->set_enabled( isset( $download_data['enabled'] ) ? $download_data['enabled'] : true ); $downloads_map[ $download_object->get_id() ] = $download_object; } return $downloads_map; }