WC_REST_Data_Continents_Controller::get_continent()publicWC 3.5.0

Return the list of countries and states for a given continent.

Method of the class: WC_REST_Data_Continents_Controller{}

No Hooks.


Array|Mixed. Response data, ready for insertion into collection data.


$WC_REST_Data_Continents_Controller = new WC_REST_Data_Continents_Controller();
$WC_REST_Data_Continents_Controller->get_continent( $continent_code, $request );
$continent_code(string) (required)
Continent code.
$request(WP_REST_Request) (required)
Request data.


Since 3.5.0 Introduced.

WC_REST_Data_Continents_Controller::get_continent() code WC 8.7.0

public function get_continent( $continent_code, $request ) {
	$continents  = WC()->countries->get_continents();
	$countries   = WC()->countries->get_countries();
	$states      = WC()->countries->get_states();
	$locale_info = include WC()->plugin_path() . '/i18n/locale-info.php';
	$data        = array();

	if ( ! array_key_exists( $continent_code, $continents ) ) {
		return false;

	$continent_list = $continents[ $continent_code ];

	$continent = array(
		'code' => $continent_code,
		'name' => $continent_list['name'],

	$local_countries = array();
	foreach ( $continent_list['countries'] as $country_code ) {
		if ( isset( $countries[ $country_code ] ) ) {
			$country = array(
				'code' => $country_code,
				'name' => $countries[ $country_code ],

			// If we have detailed locale information include that in the response.
			if ( array_key_exists( $country_code, $locale_info ) ) {
				// Defensive programming against unexpected changes in locale-info.php.
				$country_data = wp_parse_args(
					$locale_info[ $country_code ],
						'currency_code'  => 'USD',
						'currency_pos'   => 'left',
						'decimal_sep'    => '.',
						'dimension_unit' => 'in',
						'num_decimals'   => 2,
						'thousand_sep'   => ',',
						'weight_unit'    => 'lbs',

				$country = array_merge( $country, $country_data );

			$local_states = array();
			if ( isset( $states[ $country_code ] ) ) {
				foreach ( $states[ $country_code ] as $state_code => $state_name ) {
					$local_states[] = array(
						'code' => $state_code,
						'name' => $state_name,
			$country['states'] = $local_states;

			// Allow only desired keys (e.g. filter out tax rates).
			$allowed = array(
			$country = array_intersect_key( $country, array_flip( $allowed ) );

			$local_countries[] = $country;

	$continent['countries'] = $local_countries;
	return $continent;