WC_REST_Legacy_Products_Controller::set_product_meta()protectedWC 1.0

Deprecated from version 3.0.0. It is no longer supported and can be removed in future releases. It is recommended to replace this function with the same one.

Set product meta.

Method of the class: WC_REST_Legacy_Products_Controller{}

No Hooks.




// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class
$result = $this->set_product_meta( $product, $request );
$product(WC_Product) (required)
Product instance.
$request(WP_REST_Request) (required)
Request data.


Deprecated since 3.0.0

WC_REST_Legacy_Products_Controller::set_product_meta() code WC 8.7.0

protected function set_product_meta( $product, $request ) {
	// Virtual.
	if ( isset( $request['virtual'] ) ) {
		$product->set_virtual( $request['virtual'] );

	// Tax status.
	if ( isset( $request['tax_status'] ) ) {
		$product->set_tax_status( $request['tax_status'] );

	// Tax Class.
	if ( isset( $request['tax_class'] ) ) {
		$product->set_tax_class( $request['tax_class'] );

	// Catalog Visibility.
	if ( isset( $request['catalog_visibility'] ) ) {
		$product->set_catalog_visibility( $request['catalog_visibility'] );

	// Purchase Note.
	if ( isset( $request['purchase_note'] ) ) {
		$product->set_purchase_note( wc_clean( $request['purchase_note'] ) );

	// Featured Product.
	if ( isset( $request['featured'] ) ) {
		$product->set_featured( $request['featured'] );

	// Shipping data.
	$product = $this->save_product_shipping_data( $product, $request );

	// SKU.
	if ( isset( $request['sku'] ) ) {
		$product->set_sku( wc_clean( $request['sku'] ) );

	// Attributes.
	if ( isset( $request['attributes'] ) ) {
		$attributes = array();

		foreach ( $request['attributes'] as $attribute ) {
			$attribute_id   = 0;
			$attribute_name = '';

			// Check ID for global attributes or name for product attributes.
			if ( ! empty( $attribute['id'] ) ) {
				$attribute_id   = absint( $attribute['id'] );
				$attribute_name = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name_by_id( $attribute_id );
			} elseif ( ! empty( $attribute['name'] ) ) {
				$attribute_name = wc_clean( $attribute['name'] );

			if ( ! $attribute_id && ! $attribute_name ) {

			if ( $attribute_id ) {

				if ( isset( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
					$options = $attribute['options'];

					if ( ! is_array( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
						// Text based attributes - Posted values are term names.
						$options = explode( WC_DELIMITER, $options );

					$values = array_map( 'wc_sanitize_term_text_based', $options );
					$values = array_filter( $values, 'strlen' );
				} else {
					$values = array();

				if ( ! empty( $values ) ) {
					// Add attribute to array, but don't set values.
					$attribute_object = new WC_Product_Attribute();
					$attribute_object->set_id( $attribute_id );
					$attribute_object->set_name( $attribute_name );
					$attribute_object->set_options( $values );
					$attribute_object->set_position( isset( $attribute['position'] ) ? (string) absint( $attribute['position'] ) : '0' );
					$attribute_object->set_visible( ( isset( $attribute['visible'] ) && $attribute['visible'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
					$attribute_object->set_variation( ( isset( $attribute['variation'] ) && $attribute['variation'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
					$attributes[] = $attribute_object;
			} elseif ( isset( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
				// Custom attribute - Add attribute to array and set the values.
				if ( is_array( $attribute['options'] ) ) {
					$values = $attribute['options'];
				} else {
					$values = explode( WC_DELIMITER, $attribute['options'] );
				$attribute_object = new WC_Product_Attribute();
				$attribute_object->set_name( $attribute_name );
				$attribute_object->set_options( $values );
				$attribute_object->set_position( isset( $attribute['position'] ) ? (string) absint( $attribute['position'] ) : '0' );
				$attribute_object->set_visible( ( isset( $attribute['visible'] ) && $attribute['visible'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
				$attribute_object->set_variation( ( isset( $attribute['variation'] ) && $attribute['variation'] ) ? 1 : 0 );
				$attributes[] = $attribute_object;
		$product->set_attributes( $attributes );

	// Sales and prices.
	if ( in_array( $product->get_type(), array( 'variable', 'grouped' ), true ) ) {
		$product->set_regular_price( '' );
		$product->set_sale_price( '' );
		$product->set_date_on_sale_to( '' );
		$product->set_date_on_sale_from( '' );
		$product->set_price( '' );
	} else {
		// Regular Price.
		if ( isset( $request['regular_price'] ) ) {
			$product->set_regular_price( $request['regular_price'] );

		// Sale Price.
		if ( isset( $request['sale_price'] ) ) {
			$product->set_sale_price( $request['sale_price'] );

		if ( isset( $request['date_on_sale_from'] ) ) {
			$product->set_date_on_sale_from( $request['date_on_sale_from'] );

		if ( isset( $request['date_on_sale_to'] ) ) {
			$product->set_date_on_sale_to( $request['date_on_sale_to'] );

	// Product parent ID for groups.
	if ( isset( $request['parent_id'] ) ) {
		$product->set_parent_id( $request['parent_id'] );

	// Sold individually.
	if ( isset( $request['sold_individually'] ) ) {
		$product->set_sold_individually( $request['sold_individually'] );

	// Stock status.
	if ( isset( $request['in_stock'] ) ) {
		$stock_status = true === $request['in_stock'] ? 'instock' : 'outofstock';
	} else {
		$stock_status = $product->get_stock_status();

	// Stock data.
	if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_manage_stock' ) ) {
		// Manage stock.
		if ( isset( $request['manage_stock'] ) ) {
			$product->set_manage_stock( $request['manage_stock'] );

		// Backorders.
		if ( isset( $request['backorders'] ) ) {
			$product->set_backorders( $request['backorders'] );

		if ( $product->is_type( 'grouped' ) ) {
			$product->set_manage_stock( 'no' );
			$product->set_backorders( 'no' );
			$product->set_stock_quantity( '' );
			$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );
		} elseif ( $product->is_type( 'external' ) ) {
			$product->set_manage_stock( 'no' );
			$product->set_backorders( 'no' );
			$product->set_stock_quantity( '' );
			$product->set_stock_status( 'instock' );
		} elseif ( $product->get_manage_stock() ) {
			// Stock status is always determined by children so sync later.
			if ( ! $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
				$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );

			// Stock quantity.
			if ( isset( $request['stock_quantity'] ) ) {
				$product->set_stock_quantity( wc_stock_amount( $request['stock_quantity'] ) );
			} elseif ( isset( $request['inventory_delta'] ) ) {
				$stock_quantity  = wc_stock_amount( $product->get_stock_quantity() );
				$stock_quantity += wc_stock_amount( $request['inventory_delta'] );
				$product->set_stock_quantity( wc_stock_amount( $stock_quantity ) );
		} else {
			// Don't manage stock.
			$product->set_manage_stock( 'no' );
			$product->set_stock_quantity( '' );
			$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );
	} elseif ( ! $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
		$product->set_stock_status( $stock_status );

	// Upsells.
	if ( isset( $request['upsell_ids'] ) ) {
		$upsells = array();
		$ids     = $request['upsell_ids'];

		if ( ! empty( $ids ) ) {
			foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
				if ( $id && $id > 0 ) {
					$upsells[] = $id;

		$product->set_upsell_ids( $upsells );

	// Cross sells.
	if ( isset( $request['cross_sell_ids'] ) ) {
		$crosssells = array();
		$ids        = $request['cross_sell_ids'];

		if ( ! empty( $ids ) ) {
			foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
				if ( $id && $id > 0 ) {
					$crosssells[] = $id;

		$product->set_cross_sell_ids( $crosssells );

	// Product categories.
	if ( isset( $request['categories'] ) && is_array( $request['categories'] ) ) {
		$product = $this->save_taxonomy_terms( $product, $request['categories'] );

	// Product tags.
	if ( isset( $request['tags'] ) && is_array( $request['tags'] ) ) {
		$product = $this->save_taxonomy_terms( $product, $request['tags'], 'tag' );

	// Downloadable.
	if ( isset( $request['downloadable'] ) ) {
		$product->set_downloadable( $request['downloadable'] );

	// Downloadable options.
	if ( $product->get_downloadable() ) {

		// Downloadable files.
		if ( isset( $request['downloads'] ) && is_array( $request['downloads'] ) ) {
			$product = $this->save_downloadable_files( $product, $request['downloads'] );

		// Download limit.
		if ( isset( $request['download_limit'] ) ) {
			$product->set_download_limit( $request['download_limit'] );

		// Download expiry.
		if ( isset( $request['download_expiry'] ) ) {
			$product->set_download_expiry( $request['download_expiry'] );

	// Product url and button text for external products.
	if ( $product->is_type( 'external' ) ) {
		if ( isset( $request['external_url'] ) ) {
			$product->set_product_url( $request['external_url'] );

		if ( isset( $request['button_text'] ) ) {
			$product->set_button_text( $request['button_text'] );

	// Save default attributes for variable products.
	if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
		$product = $this->save_default_attributes( $product, $request );

	return $product;