WC_REST_Orders_V1_Controller::item_is_null()protectedWC 1.0

Helper method to check if the resource ID associated with the provided item is null. Items can be deleted by setting the resource ID to null.

Method of the class: WC_REST_Orders_V1_Controller{}

No Hooks.


true|false. True if the item resource ID is null, false otherwise.


// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class
$result = $this->item_is_null( $item );
$item(array) (required)
Item provided in the request body.

WC_REST_Orders_V1_Controller::item_is_null() code WC 8.7.0

protected function item_is_null( $item ) {
	$keys = array( 'product_id', 'method_id', 'method_title', 'name', 'code' );

	foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
		if ( array_key_exists( $key, $item ) && is_null( $item[ $key ] ) ) {
			return true;

	return false;