Get the terms attached to a product.
This is an alternative to get_terms() uses get_the_terms() which hits the object cache. There are a few things not supported, notably include, exclude. In self::get_items() these are instead treated as a full query.
Method of the class: WC_REST_Terms_Controller{}
No Hooks.
. List of term objects. (Total count in $this->total_terms).
// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class $result = $this->get_terms_for_product( $prepared_args, $request );
- $prepared_args(array) (required)
- Arguments for get_terms().
- $request(WP_REST_Request) (required)
- Full details about the request.
WC_REST_Terms_Controller::get_terms_for_product() WC REST Terms Controller::get terms for product code WC 9.5.1
protected function get_terms_for_product( $prepared_args, $request ) { $taxonomy = $this->get_taxonomy( $request ); $query_result = get_the_terms( $prepared_args['product'], $taxonomy ); if ( empty( $query_result ) ) { $this->total_terms = 0; return array(); } // get_items() verifies that we don't have `include` set, and default. // ordering is by `name`. if ( ! in_array( $prepared_args['orderby'], array( 'name', 'none', 'include' ), true ) ) { switch ( $prepared_args['orderby'] ) { case 'id': $this->sort_column = 'term_id'; break; case 'slug': case 'term_group': case 'description': case 'count': $this->sort_column = $prepared_args['orderby']; break; } usort( $query_result, array( $this, 'compare_terms' ) ); } if ( strtolower( $prepared_args['order'] ) !== 'asc' ) { $query_result = array_reverse( $query_result ); } // Pagination. $this->total_terms = count( $query_result ); $query_result = array_slice( $query_result, $prepared_args['offset'], $prepared_args['number'] ); return $query_result; }