Processes and saves options. If there is an error thrown, will continue to save and validate fields, but will leave the erroring field out.
Method of the class: WC_Settings_API{}
Hooks from the method
. was anything saved?
$WC_Settings_API = new WC_Settings_API(); $WC_Settings_API->process_admin_options();
WC_Settings_API::process_admin_options() WC Settings API::process admin options code WC 9.2.3
public function process_admin_options() { $this->init_settings(); $post_data = $this->get_post_data(); foreach ( $this->get_form_fields() as $key => $field ) { if ( 'title' !== $this->get_field_type( $field ) ) { try { $this->settings[ $key ] = $this->get_field_value( $key, $field, $post_data ); if ( 'select' === $field['type'] || 'checkbox' === $field['type'] ) { /** * Notify that a non-option setting has been updated. * * @since 7.8.0 */ do_action( 'woocommerce_update_non_option_setting', array( 'id' => $key, 'type' => $field['type'], 'value' => $this->settings[ $key ], ) ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->add_error( $e->getMessage() ); } } } $option_key = $this->get_option_key(); do_action( 'woocommerce_update_option', array( 'id' => $option_key ) ); // phpcs:ignore WooCommerce.Commenting.CommentHooks.MissingHookComment return update_option( $option_key, apply_filters( 'woocommerce_settings_api_sanitized_fields_' . $this->id, $this->settings ), 'yes' ); // phpcs:ignore WooCommerce.Commenting.CommentHooks.MissingHookComment }