WC_Settings_Page::add_settings_page_data()publicWC 1.0

Get page settings data to populate the settings editor.

Method of the class: WC_Settings_Page{}

No Hooks.




$WC_Settings_Page = new WC_Settings_Page();
$WC_Settings_Page->add_settings_page_data( $pages );
$pages(array) (required)
The settings array where we'll add data.

WC_Settings_Page::add_settings_page_data() code WC 9.5.1

public function add_settings_page_data( $pages ) {
	$sections      = $this->get_sections();
	$sections_data = array();

	// Loop through each section and get the settings for that section.
	foreach ( $sections as $section_id => $section_label ) {
		$section_settings = count( $sections ) > 1
			? $this->get_settings_for_section( $section_id )
			: $this->get_settings();

		// Loop through each setting in the section and add the value to the settings data.
		foreach ( $section_settings as $section_setting ) {
			if ( isset( $section_setting['id'] ) ) {
				$section_setting['value'] = isset( $section_setting['default'] )
					// Fallback to the default value if it exists.
					? get_option( $section_setting['id'], $section_setting['default'] )
					// Otherwise, fallback to false.
					: get_option( $section_setting['id'] );

			$sections_data[] = $section_setting;

	$pages[ $this->id ] = $sections_data;

	return $pages;