
WooCommerceAdminUpdatedRuleProcessor{}WC 1.0

Rule processor for sending when WooCommerce Admin has been updated.

No Hooks.


$WooCommerceAdminUpdatedRuleProcessor = new WooCommerceAdminUpdatedRuleProcessor();
// use class methods


  1. public process( $rule, $stored_state )
  2. public validate( $rule )

WooCommerceAdminUpdatedRuleProcessor{} code WC 8.7.0

class WooCommerceAdminUpdatedRuleProcessor implements RuleProcessorInterface {
	 * Process the rule.
	 * @param object $rule         The specific rule being processed by this rule processor.
	 * @param object $stored_state Stored state.
	 * @return bool Whether the rule passes or not.
	public function process( $rule, $stored_state ) {
		return get_option( RemoteInboxNotificationsEngine::WCA_UPDATED_OPTION_NAME, false );

	 * Validates the rule.
	 * @param object $rule The rule to validate.
	 * @return bool Pass/fail.
	public function validate( $rule ) {
		return true;