WooPayments::get_incentives() │ protected │ WC 1.0
Fetches and caches eligible incentives from the WooPayments API.
Method of the class: WooPayments{}
No Hooks.
. List of eligible incentives.
// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class $result = $this->get_incentives( $country_code ): array;
- $country_code(string) (required)
- The business location country code to get incentives for.
WooPayments::get_incentives() WooPayments::get incentives code WC 9.6.1
protected function get_incentives( string $country_code ): array { if ( isset( $this->incentives_memo ) ) { return $this->incentives_memo; } // Get the cached data. $cache = get_transient( $this->cache_transient_name ); // If the cached data is not expired, and it's a WP_Error, // it means there was an API error previously, and we should not retry just yet. if ( is_wp_error( $cache ) ) { // Initialize the in-memory cache and return it. $this->incentives_memo = array(); return $this->incentives_memo; } // Gather the store context data. $store_context = array( 'country' => $country_code, // Store locale, e.g. `en_US`. 'locale' => get_locale(), // WooCommerce store active for duration in seconds. 'active_for' => WCAdminHelper::get_wcadmin_active_for_in_seconds(), 'has_orders' => $this->has_orders(), // Whether the store has at least one payment gateway enabled. 'has_payments' => ! empty( WC()->payment_gateways()->get_available_payment_gateways() ), 'has_wcpay' => $this->has_wcpay(), ); // Fingerprint the store context through a hash of certain entries. $store_context_hash = $this->generate_context_hash( $store_context ); // Use the transient cached incentive if it exists, it is not expired, // and the store context hasn't changed since we last requested from the WooPayments API (based on context hash). if ( false !== $cache && ! empty( $cache['context_hash'] ) && is_string( $cache['context_hash'] ) && hash_equals( $store_context_hash, $cache['context_hash'] ) ) { // We have a store context hash, and it matches with the current context one. // We can use the cached incentive data. // Store the incentives in the in-memory cache and return them. $this->incentives_memo = $cache['incentives'] ?? array(); return $this->incentives_memo; } // By this point, we have an expired transient or the store context has changed. // Query for incentives by calling the WooPayments API. $url = add_query_arg( $store_context, '', ); $response = wp_remote_get( $url, array( 'user-agent' => 'WooCommerce/' . WC()->version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ), ) ); // Return early if there is an error, waiting 6 hours before the next attempt. if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { // Store a trimmed down, lightweight error. $error = new \WP_Error( $response->get_error_code(), $response->get_error_message(), wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ); // Store the error in the transient so we know this is due to an API error. set_transient( $this->cache_transient_name, $error, HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 6 ); // Initialize the in-memory cache and return it. $this->incentives_memo = array(); return $this->incentives_memo; } $cache_for = wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'cache-for' ); // Initialize the in-memory cache. $this->incentives_memo = array(); if ( 200 === wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) ) { // Decode the results, falling back to an empty array. $results = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true ) ?? array(); // Store incentives in the in-memory cache. $this->incentives_memo = $results; } // Skip transient cache if `cache-for` header equals zero. if ( '0' === $cache_for ) { // If we have a transient cache that is not expired, delete it so there are no leftovers. if ( false !== $cache ) { delete_transient( $this->cache_transient_name ); } return $this->incentives_memo; } // Store incentive in transient cache (together with the context hash) for the given number of seconds // or 1 day in seconds. Also attach a timestamp to the transient data so we know when we last fetched. set_transient( $this->cache_transient_name, array( 'incentives' => $this->incentives_memo, 'context_hash' => $store_context_hash, 'timestamp' => time(), ), ! empty( $cache_for ) ? (int) $cache_for : DAY_IN_SECONDS ); return $this->incentives_memo; }