wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list()WC 2.6

Returns an array of a user's saved payments list for output on the account tab.

Hooks from the function


Array. Filtered list of customers payment methods.


wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list( $list, $customer_id );
$list(array) (required)
List of payment methods passed from wc_get_customer_saved_methods_list().
$customer_id(int) (required)
The customer to fetch payment methods for.


Since 2.6 Introduced.

wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list() code WC 9.5.1

function wc_get_account_saved_payment_methods_list( $list, $customer_id ) {
	$payment_tokens = WC_Payment_Tokens::get_customer_tokens( $customer_id );
	foreach ( $payment_tokens as $payment_token ) {
		$delete_url      = wc_get_endpoint_url( 'delete-payment-method', $payment_token->get_id() );
		$delete_url      = wp_nonce_url( $delete_url, 'delete-payment-method-' . $payment_token->get_id() );
		$set_default_url = wc_get_endpoint_url( 'set-default-payment-method', $payment_token->get_id() );
		$set_default_url = wp_nonce_url( $set_default_url, 'set-default-payment-method-' . $payment_token->get_id() );

		$type            = strtolower( $payment_token->get_type() );
		$list[ $type ][] = array(
			'method'     => array(
				'gateway' => $payment_token->get_gateway_id(),
			'expires'    => esc_html__( 'N/A', 'woocommerce' ),
			'is_default' => $payment_token->is_default(),
			'actions'    => array(
				'delete' => array(
					'url'  => $delete_url,
					'name' => esc_html__( 'Delete', 'woocommerce' ),
		$key             = key( array_slice( $list[ $type ], -1, 1, true ) );

		if ( ! $payment_token->is_default() ) {
			$list[ $type ][ $key ]['actions']['default'] = array(
				'url'  => $set_default_url,
				'name' => esc_html__( 'Make default', 'woocommerce' ),

		$list[ $type ][ $key ] = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_payment_methods_list_item', $list[ $type ][ $key ], $payment_token );
	return $list;