woocommerce_get_alt_from_product_title_and_position()WC 9.3.3

Get alt text based on product name and image position in gallery.

No Hooks.


String. Alt text.


woocommerce_get_alt_from_product_title_and_position( $product_name, $main_image, $image_index );
$product_name(string) (required)
Product name.
$main_image(true|false) (required)
Is this the main image or a thumbnail?.
$image_index(int) (required)
Image position in gallery.


Since 9.3.3 Introduced.

woocommerce_get_alt_from_product_title_and_position() code WC 9.5.1

function woocommerce_get_alt_from_product_title_and_position( $product_name, $main_image, $image_index ) {
	if ( -1 === $image_index ) {
		return $product_name;

	$adder = $main_image ? 1 : 2;
	/* translators: 1: product name 2: image position */
	return sprintf( __( '%1$s - Image %2$s', 'woocommerce' ), $product_name, ( $image_index + $adder ) );