woocommerce_order_is_partially_refunded filter-hookWC 6.7.0

Trigger notification emails.

Filter hook to modify the partially-refunded status conditions.


add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_is_partially_refunded', 'wp_kama_woocommerce_order_is_partially_refunded_filter', 10, 3 );

 * Function for `woocommerce_order_is_partially_refunded` filter-hook.
 * @param bool $is_partially_refunded Whether the order is partially refunded.
 * @param int  $order_id              The order id.
 * @param int  $refund_id             The refund id.
 * @return bool
function wp_kama_woocommerce_order_is_partially_refunded_filter( $is_partially_refunded, $order_id, $refund_id ){

	// filter...
	return $is_partially_refunded;
Whether the order is partially refunded.
The order id.
The refund id.


Since 6.7.0 Introduced.

Where the hook is called

woocommerce/includes/wc-order-functions.php 650
if ( (bool) apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_is_partially_refunded', ( $remaining_refund_amount - $args['amount'] ) > 0 || ( $order->has_free_item() && ( $remaining_refund_items - $refund_item_count ) > 0 ), $order->get_id(), $refund->get_id() ) ) {

Where the hook is used in WooCommerce

Usage not found.