WP_Super_Cache_Rest_Test_Cache::callback()publicWPSCache 1.0

Get a collection of items

Method of the class: WP_Super_Cache_Rest_Test_Cache{}

No Hooks.




$WP_Super_Cache_Rest_Test_Cache = new WP_Super_Cache_Rest_Test_Cache();
$WP_Super_Cache_Rest_Test_Cache->callback( $request );
$request(WP_REST_Request) (required)
Full data about the request.

WP_Super_Cache_Rest_Test_Cache::callback() code WPSCache 1.12.4

public function callback( $request ) {
	global $cache_path;

	$url = trailingslashit( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) );

	$response = array( 'status' => 'UNKNOWN' );
	$has_errors = false;

	$attempts = array( 'prime', 'first', 'second' );

	$c = 0;
	foreach ( $attempts as $attempt_name ) {
		$attempt = array();
		$page[ $c ] = wp_remote_get( $url, array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true ) );

		if ( ! is_wp_error( $page[ $c ] ) ) {
			$fp = fopen( $cache_path . $c . ".html", "w" );
			fwrite( $fp, $page[ $c ][ 'body' ] );
			fclose( $fp );

		if ( is_wp_error( $page[ $c ] ) ) {
			$has_errors = true;
			$attempt['status'] = false;
			$attempt['errors'] = $this->format_error( $page[ $c ] );

		} elseif ( $page[ $c ]['response']['code'] != 200 ) {
			$has_errors = true;
			$attempt['status'] = false;
			$attempt['errors'] = array( $page[ $c ]['response']['message'] );

		// Don't run this step on prime cache.
		} elseif ( 0 !== $c && 0 === preg_match( '/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page[ $c ]['body'], $matches2 ) ) {
			$has_errors = true;
			$attempt['status'] = false;
			$attempt['errors'] = array( __( 'Timestamps not found', 'wp-super-cache' ) );

		} else {
			$attempt['status'] = true;

		$response[ 'attempts' ][ $attempt_name ] = $attempt;

	if (
		false == $has_errors &&
		preg_match( '/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page[ 1 ][ 'body' ], $matches1 ) &&
		preg_match( '/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page[ 2 ][ 'body' ], $matches2 ) &&
		$matches1[2] == $matches2[2]
	) {
		$response[ 'status' ] = true;
	} else {
		$response[ 'status' ] = false;
		$response[ 'error' ] = array( __( 'Timestamps do not match', 'wp-super-cache' ) );

	$error = '';
	if ( $response[ 'status' ] == false ) {
		if ( isset( $response[ 'error' ] ) ) {
			$error = $response[ 'error' ];
		} else {
			foreach( $response[ 'attempts' ] as $attempt ) {
				$error .= $attempt[ 'errors' ] . "\n";
		return new WP_Error( 'test_error', $error, array( 'status' => 500 ) );
	return rest_ensure_response( $response );