wp_cache_debug()WPSCache 1.0

Add a log message to the file, if debugging is turned on

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


wp_cache_debug( $message, $level );
$message (required)
$level **
Default: 1

wp_cache_debug() code WPSCache 1.12.4

function wp_cache_debug( $message, $level = 1 ) {
	global $wp_cache_debug_log, $cache_path, $wp_cache_debug_ip, $wp_super_cache_debug;
	static $last_message = '';

	if ( $last_message == $message ) {
		return false;
	$last_message = $message;

	// If either of the debug or log globals aren't set, then we can stop
	if ( ! isset( $wp_super_cache_debug )
		|| ! isset( $wp_cache_debug_log ) ) {
		return false;

	// If either the debug or log globals are false or empty, we can stop
	if ( $wp_super_cache_debug == false
		|| $wp_cache_debug_log === '' ) {
		return false;

	// If the debug_ip has been set, but it doesn't match the ip of the requester
	// then we can stop.
	if ( isset( $wp_cache_debug_ip )
		&& $wp_cache_debug_ip !== ''
		&& ( ! isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) || $wp_cache_debug_ip !== $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) ) {
		return false;

	// if cache path is gone, then don't log anything
	if ( empty( $cache_path ) || ! is_dir( $cache_path ) ) {

	// Log message: Date URI Message
	$log_message = date( 'H:i:s' ) . ' ' . getmypid() . " {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} {$message}" . PHP_EOL;
	// path to the log file in the cache folder
	$log_file = $cache_path . str_replace( '/', '', str_replace( '..', '', $wp_cache_debug_log ) );

	if ( ! file_exists( $log_file ) && function_exists( 'wpsc_create_debug_log' ) ) {
		global $wp_cache_debug_username;
		if ( ! isset( $wp_cache_debug_username ) ) {
			$wp_cache_debug_username = '';

		wpsc_create_debug_log( $wp_cache_debug_log, $wp_cache_debug_username );

	error_log( $log_message, 3, $log_file );