wp_cache_shutdown_callback()WPSCache 1.0

Hooks from the function


null. Nothing (null).



wp_cache_shutdown_callback() code WPSCache 1.12.4

function wp_cache_shutdown_callback() {
	global $cache_max_time, $meta_file, $new_cache, $wp_cache_meta, $known_headers, $blog_id, $wp_cache_gzip_encoding, $supercacheonly, $blog_cache_dir;
	global $wp_cache_request_uri, $wp_cache_key, $cache_enabled, $wp_cache_blog_charset, $wp_cache_not_logged_in;
	global $WPSC_HTTP_HOST, $wp_super_cache_query;

	if ( ! function_exists( 'wpsc_init' ) ) {
		 * If a server has multiple networks the plugin may not have been activated
		 * on all of them. Give feeds on those blogs a short TTL.
		 * ref: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-while-updating-post-or-publishing-new-one/
		$wpsc_feed_ttl = 1;
		wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_shutdown_callback: Plugin not loaded. Setting feed ttl to 60 seconds.' );

	if ( false == $new_cache ) {
		wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_shutdown_callback: No cache file created. Returning.' );
		return false;

	$wp_cache_meta['uri']     = $WPSC_HTTP_HOST . preg_replace( '/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', $wp_cache_request_uri ); // To avoid XSS attacks
	$wp_cache_meta['blog_id'] = $blog_id;
	$wp_cache_meta['post']    = wp_cache_post_id();
	$wp_cache_meta['key']     = $wp_cache_key;
	$wp_cache_meta            = apply_filters( 'wp_cache_meta', $wp_cache_meta );

	$response = wp_cache_get_response_headers();
	foreach ( $response as $key => $value ) {
		$wp_cache_meta['headers'][ $key ] = "$key: $value";

	wp_cache_debug( 'wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.', 2 );

	if ( ! isset( $response['Last-Modified'] ) ) {
		$value = gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT';
		// Don't send this the first time
		/* @header('Last-Modified: ' . $value); */
		$wp_cache_meta['headers']['Last-Modified'] = "Last-Modified: $value";
	$is_feed = false;
	if ( ! isset( $response['Content-Type'] ) && ! isset( $response['Content-type'] ) ) {
		// On some systems, headers set by PHP can't be fetched from
		// the output buffer. This is a last ditch effort to set the
		// correct Content-Type header for feeds, if we didn't see
		// it in the response headers already. -- dougal
		if ( isset( $wp_super_cache_query['is_feed'] ) ) {
			if ( isset( $wp_super_cache_query['is_sitemap'] ) ) {
				$type  = 'sitemap';
				$value = 'text/xml';
			} else {
				$type = get_query_var( 'feed' );
				$type = str_replace( '/', '', $type );
				switch ( $type ) {
					case 'atom':
						$value = 'application/atom+xml';
					case 'rdf':
						$value = 'application/rdf+xml';
					case 'rss':
					case 'rss2':
						$value = 'application/rss+xml';
			$is_feed = true;

			if ( isset( $wpsc_feed_ttl ) && $wpsc_feed_ttl == 1 ) {
				$wp_cache_meta['ttl'] = 60;
			$is_feed = true;

			wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_shutdown_callback: feed is type: $type - $value" );
		} elseif ( isset( $wp_super_cache_query['is_rest'] ) ) { // json
			$value = 'application/json';
		} else { // not a feed
			$value = get_option( 'html_type' );
			if ( $value == '' ) {
				$value = 'text/html';
		$value .= '; charset="' . $wp_cache_blog_charset . '"';

		wp_cache_debug( "Sending 'Content-Type: $value' header.", 2 );
		@header( "Content-Type: $value" );
		$wp_cache_meta['headers']['Content-Type'] = "Content-Type: $value";

	if ( $cache_enabled && ! $supercacheonly && $new_cache ) {
		if ( ! isset( $wp_cache_meta['dynamic'] ) && $wp_cache_gzip_encoding && ! in_array( 'Content-Encoding: ' . $wp_cache_gzip_encoding, $wp_cache_meta['headers'] ) ) {
			wp_cache_debug( 'Sending gzip headers.', 2 );
			$wp_cache_meta['headers']['Content-Encoding'] = 'Content-Encoding: ' . $wp_cache_gzip_encoding;
			if ( defined( 'WPSC_VARY_HEADER' ) ) {
				if ( WPSC_VARY_HEADER != '' ) {
					$vary_header = WPSC_VARY_HEADER;
				} else {
					$vary_header = '';
			} else {
				$vary_header = 'Accept-Encoding, Cookie';
			if ( $vary_header ) {
				$wp_cache_meta['headers']['Vary'] = 'Vary: ' . $vary_header;

		$serial = '<?php die(); ?>' . json_encode( $wp_cache_meta );
		$dir    = get_current_url_supercache_dir();
		if ( @is_dir( $dir ) == false ) {
			@wp_mkdir_p( $dir );

		if ( wp_cache_writers_entry() ) {
			wp_cache_debug( "Writing meta file: {$dir}meta-{$meta_file}", 2 );

			$tmp_meta_filename   = $dir . uniqid( mt_rand(), true ) . '.tmp';
			$final_meta_filename = $dir . 'meta-' . $meta_file;
			$fr                  = @fopen( $tmp_meta_filename, 'w' );
			if ( $fr ) {
				fwrite( $fr, $serial );
				fclose( $fr );
				@chmod( $tmp_meta_filename, 0666 & ~umask() );
				if ( ! @rename( $tmp_meta_filename, $final_meta_filename ) ) {
					@unlink( $dir . $final_meta_filename );
					@rename( $tmp_meta_filename, $final_meta_filename );
			} else {
				wp_cache_debug( "Problem writing meta file: {$final_meta_filename}" );

			// record locations of archive feeds to be updated when the site is updated.
			// Only record a maximum of 50 feeds to avoid bloating database.
			if ( ( isset( $wp_super_cache_query['is_feed'] ) || $is_feed ) && ! isset( $wp_super_cache_query['is_single'] ) ) {
				$wpsc_feed_list = (array) get_option( 'wpsc_feed_list' );
				if ( count( $wpsc_feed_list ) <= 50 ) {
					$wpsc_feed_list[] = $dir . $meta_file;
					update_option( 'wpsc_feed_list', $wpsc_feed_list );
	} else {
		wp_cache_debug( "Did not write meta file: meta-{$meta_file}\nsupercacheonly: $supercacheonly\nwp_cache_not_logged_in: $wp_cache_not_logged_in\nnew_cache:$new_cache" );
	global $time_to_gc_cache;
	if ( isset( $time_to_gc_cache ) && $time_to_gc_cache == 1 ) {
		wp_cache_debug( 'Executing wp_cache_gc action.', 3 );
		do_action( 'wp_cache_gc' );