No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
wpsc_preload_settings() wpsc preload settings code WPSCache 1.12.4
<?php function wpsc_preload_settings() { global $wp_cache_preload_interval, $wp_cache_preload_on, $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies, $wp_cache_preload_email_me, $wp_cache_preload_email_volume, $wp_cache_preload_posts, $wpdb; if ( isset( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) == false || $_POST[ 'action' ] != 'preload' ) return; if ( isset( $_POST[ 'preload_off' ] ) ) { wpsc_cancel_preload(); return; } elseif ( isset( $_POST[ 'preload_now' ] ) ) { wpsc_enable_preload(); wpsc_update_idle_preload(); ?> <div class="notice notice-warning"> <h4><?php esc_html_e( 'Preload has been activated', 'wp-super-cache' ); ?></h4> </div> <?php return; } $min_refresh_interval = wpsc_get_minimum_preload_interval(); // Set to true if the preload interval is changed, and a reschedule is required. $force_preload_reschedule = false; if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] ) && ( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] == 0 || $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] >= $min_refresh_interval ) ) { $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] = (int)$_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ]; if ( $wp_cache_preload_interval != $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_interval' ] ) { $force_preload_reschedule = true; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $wp_cache_preload_interval = (int) $_POST['wp_cache_preload_interval']; wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_interval', $wp_cache_preload_interval ); } if ( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_posts' ] == 'all' ) { $wp_cache_preload_posts = 'all'; } else { $wp_cache_preload_posts = (int)$_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_posts' ]; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_posts', $wp_cache_preload_posts ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume' ] ) && in_array( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume' ], array( 'none', 'less', 'medium', 'many' ) ) ) { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume' ]; } else { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'none'; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_email_volume', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume ); if ( $wp_cache_preload_email_volume == 'none' ) wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_email_me', 0 ); else wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_email_me', 1 ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_taxonomies' ] ) ) { $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies = 0; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_taxonomies', $wp_cache_preload_taxonomies ); if ( isset( $_POST[ 'wp_cache_preload_on' ] ) ) { $wp_cache_preload_on = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_on = 0; } wp_cache_setting( 'wp_cache_preload_on', $wp_cache_preload_on ); // Ensure that preload settings are applied to scheduled cron. $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); $should_schedule = ( $wp_cache_preload_on === 1 && $wp_cache_preload_interval > 0 ); // If forcing a reschedule, or preload is disabled, clear the next scheduled event. if ( $next_preload && ( ! $should_schedule || $force_preload_reschedule ) ) { wp_cache_debug( 'Clearing old preload event' ); wpsc_reset_preload_counter(); wpsc_create_stop_preload_flag(); wp_unschedule_event( $next_preload, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); $next_preload = 0; } // Ensure a preload is scheduled if it should be. if ( ! $next_preload && $should_schedule ) { wp_cache_debug( 'Scheduling new preload event' ); wp_schedule_single_event( time() + ( $wp_cache_preload_interval * 60 ), 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook' ); } }