In this article I'm going to share a Kama Post Meta Box class, with which you can quickly create meta-fields for posts, just by specifying them as an array. It's a kind of constructor. In addition, this class automatically sanitize the saving data - it in some cases may protect you against site hacking.
I've already written an article on this subject: "Block of custom fields in WordPress's admin panel with your own hands". True, it was a long time ago, but the article is still relevant and may come in handy when you need to create arbitrary fields for the record, without the use of plugins. But in that version you have to do everything manually, including creating html of each form field - it's not convenient. Also, that variant requires certain knowledge: the ability to work with hooks, etc.
Let me show you an example of how you can easily create custom fields for entries. Let's say we need to create 4 SEO fields: title, description, keywords and robots for all types of records. To create a metabox we need to call the class Kama_Post_Meta_Box with parameters:
As a result, you will get the following metabox on the pages of editing records of any type (post, page, ...) in the admin panel:
To make this code work you need to include the Kama_Post_Meta_Box PHP class below in functions.php. It's better to create php file, add class code to it and include the file into the theme functions.php.
if( class_exists( 'Kama_Post_Meta_Box' ) ){
* Creates a block of custom fields for the specified post types.
* Possible parameters of the class, see: `Kama_Post_Meta_Box::__construct()`.
* Possible parameters for each field, see in: `Kama_Post_Meta_Box::field()`.
* When saved, clears each field, via: `wp_kses()` or sanitize_text_field().
* The sanitizing function can be replaced via a hook `kpmb_save_sanitize_{id}`.
* And You can also specify the name of the sanitizing function in the `save_sanitize` parameter.
* If you specify a sanitizing function in both a parameter and a hook, then both will work!
* Both sanitizing functions gets two parameters: `$metas` (all meta-fields), `$post_id`.
* The block is rendered and the meta-fields are saved for users with edit current post capability only.
* Requires PHP: 7.2
* @changlog
* @version 1.17
class Kama_Post_Meta_Box {
use Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Themes;
use Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Sanitizer;
/** @var object */
public $opt;
/** @var string */
public $id;
/** @var array */
static $instances = array();
/** @var Kama_Post_Meta_Box_Fields */
protected $fields_class;
protected const METABOX_ARGS = [
'id' => '',
'title' => '',
'desc' => '',
'post_type' => '',
'not_post_type' => '',
'post_type_feature' => '',
'post_type_options' => '',
'priority' => 'high',
'context' => 'normal',
'disable_func' => '',
'cap' => '',
'save_sanitize' => '',
'theme' => 'table',
'fields' => [
'foo' => [ 'title' => 'First meta-field' ],
'bar' => [ 'title' => 'Second meta-field' ],
* @param array $opt {
* Опции по которым будет строиться метаблок.
* @type string $id Иднетификатор блока. Используется как префикс для названия метаполя.
* Начните с '_' >>> '_foo', чтобы ID не был префиксом в названии метаполей.
* @type string $title Заголовок блока.
* @type string|callback $desc Описание для метабокса (сразу под заголовком). Коллбэк получит $post.
* @type string|array $post_type Типы записей для которых добавляется блок:
* `[ 'post', 'page' ]`. По умолчанию: `''` = для всех типов записей.
* @type string|array $not_post_type Типы записей для которых метабокс не должен отображаться.
* @type string $post_type_feature Строка. Возможность которая должна быть у типа записи,
* чтобы метабокс отобразился. {@see}.
* @type string $post_type_options Массив. Опции типа записи, которые должны быть у типа записи,
* чтобы метабокс отобразился. {@see}.
* @type string $priority Приоритет блока для показа выше или ниже остальных блоков ('high' или 'low').
* @type string $context Место где должен показываться блок ('normal', 'advanced' или 'side').
* @type callback $disable_func Функция отключения метабокса во время вызова самого метабокса.
* Если вернет что-либо кроме false/null/0/array(), то метабокс будет отключен.
* Передает объект поста.
* @type string $cap Название права пользователя, чтобы показывать метабокс.
* @type callback $save_sanitize Функция очистки сохраняемых в БД полей. Получает 2 параметра:
* $metas - все поля для очистки и $post_id.
* @type string $theme Тема оформления: `table`, `line`, `grid`.
* ИЛИ массив паттернов полей:
* css, fields_wrap, field_wrap, title_patt, field_patt, desc_before_patt.
* ЕСЛИ Массив указывается так: `[ 'desc_before_patt' => '<div>%s</div>' ]`
* (за овнову будет взята тема line).
* ЕСЛИ Массив указывается так:
* `[ 'table' => [ 'desc_before_patt' => '<div>%s</div>' ] ]`
* (за овнову будет взята тема table).
* ИЛИ изменить тему можно через фильтр 'kp_metabox_theme'
* (удобен для общего изменения темы для всех метабоксов).
* @type array $fields {
* Метаполя. Собственно, сами метаполя. Список возможных ключей массива для каждого поля.
* @type string $type Тип поля: textarea, select, checkbox, radio, image, wp_editor, hidden, sep_*.
* Или базовые: text, email, number, url, tel, color, password, date, month, week, range.
* 'sep' - визуальный разделитель, для него нужно указать `title` и можно
* указать `'attr'=>'style="свои стили"'`.
* 'sep' - чтобы удобнее указывать тип 'sep' начните ключ поля с
* `sep_`: 'sep_1' => [ 'title'=>'Разделитель' ].
* Для типа `image` можно указать тип сохраняемого значения в
* `options`: 'options'=>'url'. По умолчанию тип = id.
* По умолчанию 'text'.
* @type string $title Заголовок метаполя.
* @type string|callback $desc Описание для поля. Можно указать функцию/замыкание, она получит параметры:
* $post, $meta_key, $val, $name.
* @type string|callback $desc_before Алиас $desc.
* @type string|callback $desc_after Тоже что $desc, только будет выводиться внизу поля.
* @type string $placeholder Атрибут placeholder.
* @type string $id Атрибут id. По умолчанию: `{$this->opt->id}_{$key}`.
* @type string $class Атрибут class: добавляется в input, textarea, select.
* Для checkbox, radio в оборачивающий label.
* @type string $attr Любая строка. Атрибуты HTML тега элемента формы (input).
* @type string $wrap_attr Любая строка. Атрибуты HTML тега оборачивающего поле: `style="width:50%;"`.
* @type string $val Значение по умолчанию, если нет сохраненного.
* @type string $params Дополнительные параметры поля. У каждого свои (см. код метода поля).
* @type string $options массив: `array('значение'=>'название')` - варианты для типов `select`, `radio`.
* Для 'wp_editor' стенет аргументами.
* Для 'checkbox' станет значением атрибута value:
* `<input type="checkbox" value="{options}">`.
* Для 'image' определяет тип сохраняемого в метаполе значения:
* id (ID вложения), url (url вложения).
* @type callback $callback Название функции, которая отвечает за вывод поля.
* Если указана, то ни один параметр не учитывается и за вывод
* полностью отвечает указанная функция.
* Получит параметры: $args, $post, $name, $val, $rg, $var
* @type callback $sanitize_func Функция очистки данных при сохранении - название функции или Closure.
* Укажите 'none', чтобы не очищать данные...
* Работает, только если не установлен глобальный параметр 'save_sanitize'...
* Получит параметр $value - сохраняемое значение поля.
* @type callback $output_func Функция обработки значения, перед выводом в поле.
* Получит параметры: $post, $meta_key, $value - объект записи, ключ, значение метаполей.
* @type callback $update_func Функция сохранения значения в метаполя.
* Получит параметры: $post, $meta_key, $value - объект записи, ключ, значение метаполей.
* @type callback $disable_func Функция отключения поля.
* Если не false/null/0/array() - что-либо вернет, то поле не будет выведено.
* Получает парамтры: $post, $meta_key
* @type string $cap Название права пользователя, чтобы видеть и изменять поле.
* }
* }
public function __construct( array $opt ){
// do nothing on front
if( ! is_admin() && ! defined('DOING_AJAX') ){
$this->opt = (object) array_merge( self::METABOX_ARGS, $opt );
// Init hooks hangs on the `init` action, because we need current user to be installed
add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'init_hooks' ], 20 );
private function set_fields_class(): void {
$fields_class = apply_filters( 'kama_post_meta_box__fields_class', '' );
if( $fields_class ){
$this->fields_class = new $fields_class();
else {
$this->fields_class = new Kama_Post_Meta_Box_Fields();
public function get_fields_class(): Kama_Post_Meta_Box_Fields {
return $this->fields_class;
public function init_hooks(): void {
// maybe the metabox is disabled by capability.
if( $this->opt->cap && ! current_user_can( $this->opt->cap ) ){
// theme design.
add_action( 'current_screen', [ $this, '_set_theme' ], 20 );
// create a unique object ID.
$_opt = (array) clone $this->opt;
// delete all closures.
array_walk_recursive( $_opt, static function( &$val, $key ){
( $val instanceof Closure ) && $val = '';
$this->id = substr( md5( serialize( $_opt ) ), 0, 7 ); // ID экземпляра
// keep a reference to the instance so that it can be accessed.
self::$instances[ $this->opt->id ][ $this->id ] = & $this;
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', [ $this, 'add_meta_box' ], 10, 2 );
add_action( 'save_post', [ $this, 'meta_box_save' ], 1, 2 );
public function add_meta_box( $post_type, $post ): void {
$opt = $this->opt;
if( $opt->post_type_options && is_string( $opt->post_type_options ) ){
$opt->post_type_options = [ $opt->post_type_options => 1 ];
/** @noinspection NotOptimalIfConditionsInspection */
in_array( $post_type, [ 'comment', 'link' ], true )
|| ! current_user_can( get_post_type_object( $post_type )->cap->edit_post, $post->ID )
|| ( $opt->post_type_feature && ! post_type_supports( $post_type, $opt->post_type_feature ) )
|| ( $opt->post_type_options && ! in_array( $post_type, get_post_types( $opt->post_type_options, 'names', 'or' ), true ) )
|| ( $opt->disable_func && is_callable( $opt->disable_func ) && call_user_func( $opt->disable_func, $post ) )
|| in_array( $post_type, (array) $opt->not_post_type, true )
$p_types = $opt->post_type ?: $post_type;
add_meta_box( $this->id, $opt->title, [ $this, 'meta_box_html' ], $p_types, $opt->context, $opt->priority );
// добавим css класс к метабоксу
// apply_filters( "postbox_classes_{$page}_{$id}", $classes );
add_filter( "postbox_classes_{$post_type}_{$this->id}", [ $this, 'add_metabox_css_classes' ] );
* Displays the HTML code of the meta block.
* @param WP_Post $post Post object.
public function meta_box_html( $post ): void {
$fields_out = '';
$hidden_out = '';
/** @var array $args For phpstan */
foreach( $this->opt->fields as $key => $args ){
// empty field
if( ! $key || ! $args ){
empty( $args['title_patt'] ) && ( $args['title_patt'] = $this->opt->title_patt ?? '%s' );
empty( $args['desc_before_patt'] ) && ( $args['desc_before_patt'] = $this->opt->desc_before_patt ?? '%s' );
empty( $args['field_patt'] ) && ( $args['field_patt'] = $this->opt->field_patt ?? '%s' );
$args['key'] = $key;
$field_type = $args['type'] ?? '';
$field_wrap = & $this->opt->field_wrap;
if( 'wp_editor' === $field_type ){
$field_wrap = str_replace( [ '<p ', '</p>' ], [ '<div ', '</div><br>' ], $field_wrap );
$Field = new Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Field_Core( $this );
$this->fields_class->set_current_field_core( $Field );
if( 'hidden' === $field_type ){
$hidden_out .= $Field->field_html( $args, $post );
else {
$fields_out .= sprintf( $field_wrap,
$Field->field_html( $args, $post ),
( $args['wrap_attr'] ?? '' )
$metabox_desc = '';
if( $this->opt->desc ){
$metabox_desc = is_callable( $this->opt->desc )
? call_user_func( $this->opt->desc, $post )
: '<p class="description">' . $this->opt->desc . '</p>';
$style = $this->opt->css ? "<style>{$this->opt->css}</style>" : '';
echo $style;
echo $metabox_desc;
echo $hidden_out;
echo sprintf( ( $this->opt->fields_wrap ?: '%s' ), $fields_out );
echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
* Saving data, when saving a post.
* @param int $post_id Record ID.
* @param \WP_Post $post
* @return void False If the check is not passed.
public function meta_box_save( $post_id, $post ): void {
// no data
! ( $save_metadata = isset( $_POST[ $key = "{$this->id}_meta" ] ) ? $_POST[ $key ] : '' )
// Exit, if it is autosave.
|| ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE )
// nonce check
|| ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_wpnonce'], "update-post_$post_id" )
// unsuitable post type
|| ( $this->opt->post_type && ! in_array( $post->post_type, (array) $this->opt->post_type, true ) )
// leave only the fields of the current class (protection against field swapping)
$fields_data = [];
foreach( $this->opt->fields as $_key => $rg ){
$meta_key = $this->key_prefix() . $_key;
// not enough rights
if( ! empty( $rg['cap'] ) && ! current_user_can( $rg['cap'] ) ){
// Skip the disabled fields
! empty( $rg['disable_func'] )
&& is_callable( $rg['disable_func'] )
&& call_user_func( $rg['disable_func'], $post, $meta_key )
$fields_data[ $meta_key ] = $rg;
$fields_names = array_keys( $fields_data );
$save_metadata = array_intersect_key( $save_metadata, array_flip( $fields_names ) );
// Sanitizing
$save_metadata = $this->maybe_run_custom_sanitize( $save_metadata, $post_id, $fields_data );
// Save
foreach( $save_metadata as $meta_key => $value ){
// If there is a save function
! empty( $fields_data[ $meta_key ]['update_func'] )
is_callable( $fields_data[ $meta_key ]['update_func'] )
call_user_func( $fields_data[ $meta_key ]['update_func'], $post, $meta_key, $value );
elseif( ! $value && ( $value !== '0' ) ){
delete_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key );
// add_post_meta() works automatically
update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key, $value );
public function add_metabox_css_classes( $classes ){
$classes[] = "kama_meta_box_{$this->opt->id}";
return $classes;
public function key_prefix(): string {
return ( '_' === $this->opt->id[0] ) ? '' : "{$this->opt->id}_";
* Prepare single field for render.
class Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Field_Core {
protected const FIELD_ARGS = [
'type' => '',
'title' => '',
'desc' => '',
'desc_before' => '',
'desc_after' => '',
'placeholder' => '',
'id' => '',
'class' => '',
'attr' => '',
'val' => '',
'options' => '',
'params' => [], // additional field options
'callback' => '',
'sanitize_func' => '',
'output_func' => '',
'update_func' => '',
'disable_func' => '',
'cap' => '',
// служебные
'key' => '', // Mandatory! Automatic
'title_patt' => '', // Mandatory! Automatic
'field_patt' => '', // Mandatory! Automatic
protected $rg;
protected $post;
protected $var;
/** @var Kama_Post_Meta_Box */
protected $kpmb;
public function __construct( Kama_Post_Meta_Box $kpmb ){
$this->kpmb = $kpmb;
* Outputs individual meta field.
* @param array $args Field parameters.
* @param WP_Post $post The object of the current post.
* @return string HTML code.
public function field_html( array $args, $post ): string {
$this->post = $post;
$this->rg = $this->parse_args( $args );
// no acces to the field
if( ! $this->rg ){
return '';
$this->var = $this->create_field_vars();
$this->standartize_rg_desc(); // !!! after var set
return $this->field_output( $args );
public function tpl__field( string $field ): string {
return sprintf( $this->rg->field_patt, $field );
public function field_desc_concat( string $field ): string{
$rg = $this->rg;
$opt = $this->kpmb->opt;
// description before field
if( $rg->desc_before ){
$desc = sprintf( $opt->desc_before_patt, $rg->desc_before );
return $desc . $field;
// descroption after field
if( $rg->desc_after ){
$desc = sprintf( $opt->desc_after_patt, $rg->desc_after );
return $field . $desc;
return $field;
* Parse fields arguments.
* @return object|null Null if user can access to see meta-field
private function parse_args( $args ): ?object {
$rg = (object) array_merge( self::FIELD_ARGS, $args );
if( $rg->cap && ! current_user_can( $rg->cap ) ){
return null;
$rg->meta_key = $this->kpmb->key_prefix() . $rg->key;
// the field is disabled
&& is_callable( $rg->disable_func )
&& call_user_func( $rg->disable_func, $this->post, $rg->meta_key )
return null;
// fix some fields $rg
$rg->id = $rg->id ?: "{$this->kpmb->opt->id}_{$rg->key}";
$rg->options = (array) $rg->options;
if( 0 === strpos( $rg->key, 'sep_' ) ){
$rg->type = 'sep';
if( ! $rg->type ){
$rg->type = 'text';
return $rg;
private function create_field_vars(): object {
$post = $this->post;
$rg = $this->rg;
// internal variables of this function, will be transferred to the methods
$var = new \stdClass();
$var->meta_key = $rg->meta_key;
$var->val = get_post_meta( $post->ID, $var->meta_key, true ) ?: $rg->val;
if( $rg->output_func && is_callable( $rg->output_func ) ){
$var->val = call_user_func( $rg->output_func, $post, $var->meta_key, $var->val );
$var->name = "{$this->kpmb->id}_meta[$var->meta_key]";
// with a table theme, the td header should always be output!
if( false !== strpos( $rg->title_patt, '<td ' ) ){
$var->title = sprintf( $rg->title_patt, $rg->title ) . ( $rg->title ? ' ' : '' );
$var->title = $rg->title ? sprintf( $rg->title_patt, $rg->title ) . ' ' : '';
$var->pholder = $rg->placeholder ? ' placeholder="'. esc_attr( $rg->placeholder ) .'"' : '';
$var->class = $rg->class ? ' class="'. esc_attr( $rg->class ) .'"' : '';
return $var;
private function field_output( $args ): string {
$rg = & $this->rg;
$post = & $this->post;
$var = & $this->var;
// custom function
if( is_callable( $rg->callback ) ){
$out = $var->title;
$out .= $this->tpl__field(
call_user_func( $rg->callback, $args, $post, $var->name, $var->val, $rg, $var )
// custom method
// Call the method `$this->field__{FIELD}()` (to be able to extend this class)
elseif( method_exists( $this->kpmb->get_fields_class(), $rg->type ) ){
$out = $this->kpmb->get_fields_class()->{ $rg->type }( $rg, $var, $post, $args );
// text, email, number, url, tel, color, password, date, month, week, range
$out = $this->kpmb->get_fields_class()->default( $rg, $var, $post );
return $out;
private function standartize_rg_desc(): void {
$rg = & $this->rg;
if( $rg->desc ){
$rg->desc_before = $rg->desc;
if( ! $rg->desc && ! $rg->desc_before && $rg->desc_after ){
$rg->desc = $rg->desc_after;
foreach( [ & $rg->desc, & $rg->desc_before, & $rg->desc_after ] as & $desc ){
if( is_callable( $desc ) ){
$desc = $desc( $this->post, $this->var->meta_key, $this->var->val, $this->var->name );
* Separate class which contains fields.
* You can add your own fields by extend this class like so:
* add_action( 'kama_post_meta_box__fields_class', function(){
* return 'MY_Post_Meta_Box_Fields';
* } );
* class MY_Post_Meta_Box_Fields extends Kama_Post_Meta_Box_Fields {
* // create custom field `my_field`
* public function my_field( $rg, $var, $post ){
* $field = sprintf( '<input %s type="%s" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" title="%s">',
* ( $rg->attr . $var->class . $var->pholder ),
* $rg->type,
* $rg->id,
* $var->name,
* esc_attr( $var->val ),
* esc_attr( $rg->title )
* );
* return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $this->field_desc_concat( $field ) );
* }
* // override default text field
* public function text( $rg, $var, $post ){
* $field = sprintf( '<input %s type="%s" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" title="%s">',
* ( $rg->attr . $var->class . $var->pholder ),
* $rg->type,
* $rg->id,
* $var->name,
* esc_attr( $var->val ),
* esc_attr( $rg->title )
* );
* return $var->title . $this->tpl__field(
* $this->field_desc_concat( $field )
* );
* }
* }
class Kama_Post_Meta_Box_Fields {
* Changable property. Contains class instance of single field (data) that processing now.
* @var Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Field_Core
protected $the_field;
public function __construct(){
public function set_current_field_core( Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Field_Core $class ): void {
$this->the_field = $class;
protected function tpl__field( string $field ): string {
return $this->the_field->tpl__field( $field );
protected function field_desc_concat( string $field ): string {
return $this->the_field->field_desc_concat( $field );
* Sep field.
* Example:
* 'sep_1' => [
* 'title' => 'SEO headers',
* 'desc' => fn( $post ) => 'Placeholders: ' . placeholders(),
* ],
* @param object $rg
* @param object $var
* @param WP_Post $post
* @return array|string|string[]
public function sep( object $rg, object $var, $post ){
$class = [ 'kpmb__sep' ];
! $rg->title && $class[] = '--hr';
$class = implode( ' ', $class );
// table theme
if( false !== strpos( $rg->field_patt, '<td' ) ){
$field = $rg->title;
if( $rg->desc ){
$field .= sprintf( '<div class="kpmb__sep-desc">%s</div>', $rg->desc );
return str_replace(
'<td ',
sprintf( '<td class="%s" colspan="2" %s', $class, $rg->attr ),
$this->tpl__field( $field )
// other theme
$sep = sprintf( '<span class="%s" %s>%s</span>', $class, $rg->attr, $rg->title );
if( $rg->desc ){
$sep .= sprintf( '<span class="kpmb__sep-desc">%s</span>', $rg->desc );
return $sep;
// textarea
public function textarea( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
$_style = ( false === strpos( $rg->attr, 'style=' ) ) ? ' style="width:98%;"' : '';
$field = sprintf( '<textarea %s id="%s" name="%s">%s</textarea>',
( $rg->attr . $var->class . $var->pholder . $_style ),
esc_textarea( $var->val )
$field = $this->field_desc_concat( $field );
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
// select
public function select( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
$is_assoc = ( array_keys($rg->options) !== range(0, count($rg->options) - 1) ); // associative or not?
$_options = array();
foreach( $rg->options as $v => $l ){
$_val = $is_assoc ? $v : $l;
$_options[] = '<option value="'. esc_attr($_val) .'" '. selected($var->val, $_val, false) .'>'. $l .'</option>';
$field = sprintf( '<select %s id="%s" name="%s">%s</select>',
( $rg->attr . $var->class ),
implode("\n", $_options )
$field = $this->field_desc_concat( $field );
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
* radio.
* Examples:
* 'meta_name' => [
* 'type' => 'radio',
* 'title' => 'Check me',
* 'desc' => 'mark it',
* 'options' => [ 'on' => 'Enabled', 'off' => 'Disabled' ],
* ]
* @param object $rg
* @param object $var
* @param WP_Post $post
* @return string
public function radio( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
$radios = [];
$patt = '
<label {attrs}>
<input type="radio" id="{id}" name="{name}" value="{value}" {checked}>
foreach( $rg->options as $value => $label ){
$radios[] = strtr( $patt, [
'{attrs}' => $rg->attr . $var->class,
'{name}' => $var->name,
'{id}' => $rg->id,
'{value}' => esc_attr( $value ),
'{checked}' => checked( $var->val, $value, false ),
'{label}' => $label,
] );
$field = '<span class="radios">'. implode( "\n", $radios ) .'</span>';
$field = $this->field_desc_concat( $field );
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
* Checkbox.
* Examples:
* ```
* 'meta_name' => [ 'type'=>'checkbox', 'title'=>'Check me', 'desc'=>'mark it if you want to :)' ]
* 'meta_name' => [ 'type'=>'checkbox', 'title'=>'Check me', 'options' => [ 'default' => '0' ] ]
* ```
public function checkbox( object $rg, object $var, \WP_Post $post ): string {
$patt = '
<label {attrs}>
<input type="hidden" name="{name}" value="{default}">
<input type="checkbox" id="{id}" name="{name}" value="{value}" {checked}>
$value = reset( $rg->options ) ?: 1;
$field = strtr( $patt, [
'{attrs}' => $rg->attr . $var->class,
'{name}' => $var->name,
'{default}' => $rg->params['default'] ?? '',
'{id}' => $rg->id,
'{value}' => esc_attr( $value ),
'{checked}' => checked( $var->val, $value, false ),
'{desc}' => $rg->desc_before ?: '',
] );
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
* checkbox multi
* Examples:
* [
* type => checkbox_multi,
* params => show_inline,
* options => [
* [ name => bar, val => label, desc => The checkbox ]
* [ val => label, desc => The checkbox ]
* ]
* ]
* @param object $rg
* @param object $var
* @param WP_Post $post
* @return string
public function checkbox_multi( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
$checkboxes = [];
$add_hidden = false;
foreach( $rg->options as $opt ){
// val
// desc
// name
$opt = (object) $opt;
if( ! isset( $opt->desc ) ){
$opt->desc = $opt->val;
$input_name = isset( $opt->name ) ? "{$var->name}[$opt->name]" : "{$var->name}[]";
$add_hidden = isset( $opt->name );
$input_value = $opt->val ?? 1;
// checked
$checked = '';
if( $var->val ){
if( isset( $opt->name ) ){
$checked = ! empty( $var->val[ $opt->name ] ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$var->val = array_map( fn( $val ) => str_replace( ' ', ' ', $val ), $var->val );
$checked = in_array( $opt->val, $var->val, true ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$checkboxes[] = '
'.( $add_hidden ? '<input type="hidden" name="'. $input_name .'" value="">' : '' ).'
<input type="checkbox" name="'. $input_name .'" value="'. $input_value .'" '. $checked .'> '. $opt->desc .'
$sep = in_array( 'show_inline', $rg->params, true ) ? ' ' : ' <br> ';
// for the main array
$common_hidden = $add_hidden ? '' : '<input type="hidden" name="'. $var->name .'" value="">';
$field = '
<div class="fieldset">'. $common_hidden . implode( "$sep\n", $checkboxes ) .'</div>
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
// hidden
public function hidden( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
return sprintf( '<input type="%s" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" title="%s">',
esc_attr( $var->val ),
esc_attr( $rg->title )
// wp_editor
public function wp_editor( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
$ed_args = array_merge( [
'textarea_name' => $var->name, // must be specified!
'editor_class' => $rg->class,
// changeable
'wpautop' => 1,
'textarea_rows' => 5,
'tabindex' => null,
'editor_css' => '',
'teeny' => 0,
'dfw' => 0,
'tinymce' => 1,
'quicktags' => 1,
'media_buttons' => false,
'drag_drop_upload' => false,
], $rg->options );
wp_editor( $var->val, $rg->id, $ed_args );
$field = ob_get_clean();
$field = $this->field_desc_concat( $field );
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
// image
public function image( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
static $once;
if( ! $once && $once = 1 ){
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', function(){
let $ = jQuery
let frame
let $wrap = $(this)
let $img = $wrap.find('img')
let $input = $wrap.find('input[type="hidden"]')
$wrap.on( 'click', '.set_img', function(){
let post_id = $(this).data('post_id') || null
//if( frame && frame.post_id === post_id ){
// return;
frame = ={
title : '<?= __( 'Add Media' ) ?>',
// Library WordPress query arguments.
library : {
type : 'image',
uploadedTo : post_id
multiple: false,
button: {
text: '<?= __( 'Apply' ) ?>'
frame.on( 'select', function() {
attachment = frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON();
$img.attr( 'src', attachment.url );
$'usetype') === 'url' ? $input.val( attachment.url ) : $input.val( );
frame.on( 'open', function(){
if( $input.val() )
frame.state().get('selection').add( $input.val() ) );
//frame.post_id = post_id // save
$wrap.on( 'click', '.del_img', function(){
$img.attr( 'src', '' );
}, 99 );
$usetype = $rg->options ? $rg->options[0] : 'id'; // может быть: id, url
if( ! $src = is_numeric( $var->val ) ? wp_get_attachment_url( $var->val ) : $var->val ){
<span class="kmb_img_wrap" data-usetype="<?= esc_attr($usetype) ?>" style="display:flex; align-items:center;">
<img src="<?= esc_url($src) ?>" style="max-height:100px; max-width:100px; margin-right:1em;" alt="">
<input class="set_img button button-small" type="button" data-post_id="<?= $post->ID ?>" value="<?= __( 'Images' ) .' '. __( 'Post' ) ?>" />
<input class="set_img button button-small" type="button" value="<?= __('Set image') ?>" />
<input class="del_img button button-small" type="button" value="<?= __('Remove')?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="<?= $var->name ?>" value="<?= esc_attr($var->val) ?>">
$field = ob_get_clean();
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
// text, email, number, url, tel, color, password, date, month, week, range
public function default( object $rg, object $var, WP_Post $post ): string {
$_style = ( in_array( $rg->type, [ 'text', 'url' ], true ) && false === strpos( $rg->attr, 'style=' ) )
? ' style="width:100%;"'
: '';
$field = sprintf( '<input %s type="%s" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" title="%s">',
( $rg->attr . $var->class . $var->pholder . $_style ),
esc_attr( $var->val ),
esc_attr( $rg->title )
$field = $this->field_desc_concat( $field );
return $var->title . $this->tpl__field( $field );
trait Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Themes {
private function themes_settings(): array {
return [
'line' => [
// CSS styles of the whole block. For example: '.postbox .tit{ font-weight:bold; }'
'css' => '
.kpmb{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; }
.kpmb > * { width:100%; }
.kpmb__field{ box-sizing:border-box; margin-bottom:1em; }
.kpmb__tit{ display: block; margin:1em 0 .5em; font-size:115%; }
.kpmb__desc{ opacity:0.6; }
.kpmb__desc.--after{ margin-top:.5em; }
.kpmb__sep{ display: block; padding: 2em 1em 0.2em 0; font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; }
.kpmb__sep.--hr{ padding: 0; height: 1px; background: #eee; margin: 1em -12px 0 -12px; }
// '%s' will be replaced by the html of all fields
'fields_wrap' => '<div class="kpmb">%s</div>',
// '%2$s' will be replaced by field HTML (along with title, field and description)
'field_wrap' => '<div class="kpmb__field %1$s" %3$s>%2$s</div>',
// '%s' will be replaced by the header
'title_patt' => '<strong class="kpmb__tit"><label>%s</label></strong>',
// '%s' will be replaced by field HTML (along with description)
'field_patt' => '%s',
// '%s' will be replaced by the description text
'desc_before_patt' => '<p class="description kpmb__desc --before">%s</p>',
'desc_after_patt' => '<p class="description kpmb__desc --after">%s</p>',
'table' => [
'css' => '
.kpmb-table td{ padding: .6em .5em; }
.kpmb-table tr:hover{ background: rgba(0,0,0,.03); }
.kpmb__sep{ padding: 1em .5em; font-weight: 600; }
.kpmb__sep-desc{ padding-top: .3em; font-weight: normal; opacity: .6; }
.kpmb__desc{ opacity: 0.8; }
'fields_wrap' => '<table class="form-table kpmb-table">%s</table>',
'field_wrap' => '<tr class="%1$s">%2$s</tr>',
'title_patt' => '<td style="width:10em;" class="tit">%s</td>',
'field_patt' => '<td class="field">%s</td>',
'desc_before_patt' => '<p class="description kpmb__desc --before">%s</p>',
'desc_after_patt' => '<p class="description kpmb__desc --after">%s</p>',
'grid' => [
'css' => '
.kpmb-grid{ margin: '. ( get_current_screen()->is_block_editor ? '-6px -24px -24px' : '-6px -12px -12px' ) .' }
.kpmb-grid__item{ display:grid; grid-template-columns:15em 2fr; grid-template-rows:1fr; border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1) }
.kpmb-grid__item:last-child{ border-bottom:none }
.kpmb-grid__title{ padding:1.5em; background:#F9F9F9; border-right:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1); font-weight:600 }
.kpmb-grid__field{ align-self:center; padding:1em 1.5em }
.kpmb__sep{ grid-column: 1 / span 2; display:block; padding:1em; font-size:110%; font-weight:600; }
.kpmb__sep-desc{ grid-column: 1 / span 2; display: block; padding: 0 1em 1em 1em; opacity: .7; }
.kpmb__desc{ opacity:0.8; }
'fields_wrap' => '<div class="kpmb-grid">%s</div>',
'field_wrap' => '<div class="kpmb-grid__item %1$s">%2$s</div>',
'title_patt' => '<div class="kpmb-grid__title">%s</div>',
'field_patt' => '<div class="kpmb-grid__field">%s</div>',
'desc_before_patt' => '<p class="description kpmb__desc --before">%s</p>',
'desc_after_patt' => '<br><p class="description kpmb__desc --after">%s</p>',
public function _set_theme(): void {
$themes_settings = $this->themes_settings();
$opt_theme = & $this->opt->theme;
if( is_string( $opt_theme ) ){
$themes_settings = $themes_settings[ $opt_theme ];
// allows you to change individual option (field) of the theme option.
else {
$opt_theme_key = key( $opt_theme );
// theme is in the index: [ 'table' => [ 'desc_before_patt' => '<div>%s</div>' ] ]
if( isset( $themes_settings[ $opt_theme_key ] ) ){
$themes_settings = $themes_settings[ $opt_theme_key ]; // base
$opt_theme = $opt_theme[ $opt_theme_key ];
// not theme in the index: [ 'desc_before_patt' => '<div>%s</div>' ]
else {
$themes_settings = $themes_settings['line']; // base
$opt_theme = is_array( $opt_theme ) ? array_merge( $themes_settings, $opt_theme ) : $themes_settings;
// allows you to change the theme
$opt_theme = apply_filters( 'kp_metabox_theme', $opt_theme, $this->opt );
// Theme variables to global parameters.
// If there is already a variable in the parameters, it stays as is
// (this allows to change an individual theme element).
foreach( $opt_theme as $kk => $vv ){
if( ! isset( $this->opt->$kk ) ){
$this->opt->$kk = $vv;
trait Kama_Post_Meta_Box__Sanitizer {
* Checks and run custom sanitize callback.
protected function maybe_run_custom_sanitize( array $save_metadata, $post_id, $fields_data ){
// Own sanitizing.
if( is_callable( $this->opt->save_sanitize ) ){
return call_user_func( $this->opt->save_sanitize, $save_metadata, $post_id, $fields_data );
// Sanitizing hook.
if( has_filter( "kpmb_save_sanitize_{$this->opt->id}" ) ){
return apply_filters( "kpmb_save_sanitize_{$this->opt->id}", $save_metadata, $post_id, $fields_data );
* INFO: Other sanitization is hanged on wp_hook.
* {@see set_value_sanitize_wp_hook()}
return $save_metadata;
* Sets wp hooks to sinitize values based on specified function or default function.
private function set_value_sanitize_wp_hook(): void {
// Own sanitizing - this sanitization do only on edit post page. TODO: move it here.
if( is_callable( $this->opt->save_sanitize ) || has_filter( "kpmb_save_sanitize_{$this->opt->id}" ) ){
foreach( $this->opt->fields as $field_key => $field ){
// empty field
if( ! $field_key || ! $field ){
$field_sanitize_func = $field['sanitize_func'] ?? null;
// do not clean
if( 'none' === $field_sanitize_func || 'no' === $field_sanitize_func ){
$meta_key = $this->key_prefix() . $field_key;
$type = $field['type'] ?? 'text';
// there is a function for cleaning a separate field
if( is_callable( $field_sanitize_func ) ){
add_filter( "sanitize_post_meta_{$meta_key}", $field_sanitize_func, 10, 1 );
elseif( 'number' === $type ){
add_filter( "sanitize_post_meta_{$meta_key}", [ __CLASS__, '_sanitize_val__number' ], 10, 1 );
elseif( 'url' === $type ){
add_filter( "sanitize_post_meta_{$meta_key}", 'sanitize_url', 10, 1 );
elseif( 'email' === $type ){
add_filter( "sanitize_post_meta_{$meta_key}", 'sanitize_email', 10, 1 );
elseif( in_array( $type, [ 'wp_editor', 'textarea' ], true ) ){
add_filter( "sanitize_post_meta_{$meta_key}", [ __CLASS__, '_sanitize_val__textarea' ], 10, 1 );
else {
add_filter( "sanitize_post_meta_{$meta_key}", [ __CLASS__, '_sanitize_val__default' ], 10, 1 );
public static function _sanitize_val__number( $value ){
return is_float( $value + 0 ) ? (float) $value : (int) $value;
public static function _sanitize_val__textarea( $value ){
return wp_kses_post( $value );
public static function _sanitize_val__default( $value ){
// do not clean - apparently it is an arbitrary field output function that saves an array
if( is_array( $value ) ){
return $value;
$value = sanitize_text_field( $value );
return $value;
Before moving on to the rest of the examples, let's look at all the parameters that the class understands:
The options by which the metabox will be built.
The id of the block. Used as a prefix for the meta-field name. Start with underscore '_foo' so that the ID is not a prefix in the name of -field.
Block title.
Description for the metabox (just below the title). The callback will get $post.
Record types for which the block is added: ['post', 'page' ]. Default: '' = for all post types.
Record types for which the metabox should not be displayed.
String. A capability that a record type must have in order for the metabox to be displayed. See post_type_supports()
Array. The post type options that a record type must have in order for the metabox to be displayed. See first parameter get_post_types()
The priority of the block to show above or below the other blocks ('high' or 'low').
The place where the block should be displayed ('normal', 'advanced' or 'side').
Function to disable the metabox while calling the metabox itself. If it returns anything other than false/null/0/array(), the metabox is disabled. Passes the post object.
The name of the user right to show the metabox.
The function of clearing the fields, saved in the database. Gets 2 parameters: $metas - all fields to clean up and $post_id.
Theme design: table, line, grid. OR an array of field patterns: css, fields_wrap, field_wrap, title_patt, field_patt, desc_before_patt. IF Array is specified as: ['desc_before_patt' => '<div>%s</div>' ] (the line subject will be taken as a brow). IF Array is specified as: ['table' => ['desc_before_patt' => '<div>%s</div>' ] (the table theme will be taken as a sheep). OR you can change the theme through filter 'kp_metabox_theme' (convenient for general change of theme for all metaboxes).
Metapoles. The metapools themselves. List of possible array keys for each field.
Field types: textarea, select, checkbox, radio, image, wp_editor, hidden, sep_*. Or basic: text, email, number, url, tel, color, password, date, month, week, range. 'sep' is a visual separator, you need to specify title for it and you can specify 'attr'=>'style='own-styles'. 'sep' - to make it more convenient to specify the 'sep' type start the field key with sep_: 'sep_1' => ['title'=>'separator' ]. For the image type you can specify the type of the stored value in options: 'options'=>'url'. By default the type is id. By default `text'.
The title of the meta-field.
Description for the field. You can specify a function/closure, it will get the parameters: $post, $meta_key, $val, $name.
Alias $desc.
Same as $desc, only it will be displayed at the bottom of the field.
The placeholder attribute.
The id attribute. By default: $this->opt->id .'_'. $key.
The class attribute: is added to input, textarea, and select. For checkbox, radio to wraparound label.
Any string. Attributes of the HTML tag of the form element (input).
Any string. Attributes of the HTML tag of the wrap around field: style="width:50%;".
Default value if there is no saved value.
array: array('value'=>'name') - options for 'select', 'radio' types. For 'wp_editor' will become an argument. For 'checkbox' becomes the value of the value attribute: <input type="checkbox" value="{options}">. For 'image' defines the type of value stored in the meta-field: id (attachment ID), url (attachment url).
Name of the function that is responsible for the output of the field. If specified, none of the parameters are taken into account and the output is entirely the responsibility of the specified function. Gets the parameters: $args, $post, $name, $val, $rg, $var
The function to clear data when saving is the name of the function or Closure. Specify 'none' to not clear data... Only works if the 'save_sanitize' global parameter is not set... Gets the $value parameter - the value of the field to be saved.
Function that processes the value before outputting it to the field. Gets parameters: $post, $meta_key, $value - record object, key, metafield value.
Function to save value to metaposts. Gets the parameters: $post, $meta_key, $value - record object, key, metapoles value.
Function to disable a field. If not false/null/0/array() - returns anything, the field will not be rendered. Gets the parameters: $post, $meta_key
The name of the user right to see and modify the field.
Custom field names.
Created custom fields will have a name consisting of a union of the main ID and the specified meta-field key: {id}_{meta_key} (see example below).
The easiest way to find out the name of an custom field is to look in the source HTML code. To do this, focus on the desired field, right-click and look at the value of the name attribute in the element's source code:
Getting (outputting) custom field.
To get created fields use the standard WordPress function: get_post_meta():
// get the value of the field 'my_meta_key' of post 25
$my_filed = get_post_meta( 25, 'my_meta_key', 1 );
echo $my_filed;
Access capability
The metabox will be shown to users who have permission to edit the current post only.
Saving meta-fields will only work for users who can edit the current post.
Examples of creating various custom fields
#1 Demo for creating all kinds of meta-fields
This example shows how to create the following meta-field types: text, textarea, select, checkbox, radio, wp_editor, hidden and others: email, number, phone, password etc. (treated as 'text' field).
class_exists( 'Kama_Post_Meta_Box' ) && new Kama_Post_Meta_Box(
'id' => 'my',
'title' => 'My arbitrary fields',
'theme' => 'grid',
'fields' => [
'text_field' => [
'title' => 'Text field',
'number_field' => [
'type' => 'number',
'title' => 'Number field',
'desc' => 'A number from 0 to 5.',
'attr' => 'min="0" max="5"',
'textarea_field' => [
'type' => 'textarea',
'title' => 'Large text field',
'desc' => 'A description of something. You can use html tags.',
'select_field' => [
'type' => 'select',
'title' => 'Select a value',
'options' => [ '' => 'Nothing selected', 'val_1' => 'Select 1', 'val_2' => 'Select 2' ],
'select_field2' => [
'type' => 'select',
'title' => 'Select value 2',
'options' => [ 'Choice 1', 'Choice 2' ],
'desc' => 'Choices where no value is given for option tags',
'checkbox_field' => [
'type' => 'checkbox',
'title' => 'Check mark',
'desc' => 'tick if you want :)',
'checkbox_field2' => [
'type' => 'checkbox',
'desc' => '← only a description for the tick, no title',
'radio_field' => [
'type' => 'radio',
'title' => 'Switch',
'desc' => 'Choose one of the values',
'options' => [ '' => 'Nothing selected', 'good' => 'good', 'bad' => 'bad' ],
'radio_field2' => [
'type' => 'radio',
'desc' => 'Switch without title',
'options' => [ '' => 'Not selected', 'good' => 'good', 'bad' => 'bad' ],
'wp_editor_field' => [
'type' => 'wp_editor',
'title' => 'Text box with TinyMce editor',
'wp_editor_field2' => [
'type' => 'wp_editor',
'title' => 'Text box with WordPress editor, without TinyMce',
'options' => [ 'tinymce' => 0 ] // settings list:
'hidden_field' => [
'type' => 'hidden',
'val' => 'foo',
As a result, such a metabox will appear on the edit page of any record type.
And when saving will be created, such arbitrary fields:
#2 Blocks for specified post types
When you want to create a metabox with meta-fields for specified post types only, use 'post_type' => array( 'post', 'page' ) parameter.
class_exists('Kama_Post_Meta_Box') && new Kama_Post_Meta_Box(
'id' => 'my',
'title' => 'My Custom Fields',
'post_type' => array( 'page', 'my_type' ), // show only on pages of type: page and my_type
'fields' => array(
'text_field' => array( 'title' => 'Text field' ),
#3 Custom field output function
When class features are not enough and you want to create a field that has some special output, use the callback parameter for the field to be created.
In this case, you can customize the output of the field as you like. For example, let's create several fields that will be stored in the special_field as an array.
When you want your meta-field names to be exactly as you specified, add an underscore _ at the beginning of id value.
This may be useful if you already have meta-fields and need to adjust their names. In this case, the prefix that is added for each meta-field name will be redundant.
For example, you already have field: foo, bar, views, title and you need to create a meta box for them:
class_exists( 'Kama_Post_Meta_Box' ) && new Kama_Post_Meta_Box(
'id' => '_my', // "_" - means that the id will not be added to the field name
'title' => 'My exact arbitrary fields',
'fields' => [
'foo' => [ 'title' => 'Field foo' ],
'bar' => [ 'title' => 'Field bar' ],
'views' => [ 'title' => 'Field views' ],
'title' => [ 'title' => 'Field title' ],
We get a metabox like this:
#5 Cleaning values before saving
The class automatically cleans all fields and protects against XSS attacks. But sometimes it may be necessary to clean up a certain field in some special way. In this case, specify the name of the cleanup function in the save_sanitize parameter or use the filter kpmb_save_sanitize_{id}. If a cleanup function or hook is specified, the class does not clean up the saved data in any way, the cleanup of all fields must be in your cleanup function.
Suppose we create a field in which all characters must be uppercase, and if they are specified as lowercase, we automatically convert them to uppercase and save:
class_exists( 'Kama_Post_Meta_Box' ) && new Kama_Post_Meta_Box(
'id' => 'my',
'title' => 'My arbitrary fields',
'save_sanitize' => 'my_metabox_sanitize_function',
'fields' => [
'foo_field' => [
'title' => 'Some field'
'for_esc' => [
'title' => 'Special field',
'desc' => 'A field that must contain only uppercase characters.',
* Function to clear all fields.
* @param array $metas Stored fields in the array.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @return mixed
function my_metabox_sanitize_function( $metas, $post_id ){
// we clear the necessary field
foreach( $metas as $key => & $val ){
// our field
if( $key === 'my_for_esc' ){
$val = mb_strtoupper( $val );
// all other fields
else {
$val = sanitize_text_field( $val );
return $metas;
The result is:
After save:
Еще один пример функции очистки
Такой подход используется в классе, если не указать функцию очистки. Он очищает с помощью wp_kses() и обрабатывает массив и все вложенные массивы.
It is possible to configure the html and css of each field. I.e. it is possible to specify how fields will be shown in the metabox. For this purpose there is parameter theme.
In theme parameter you can specify a string or an array:
table (by default) - fields will be displayed in table form.
grid - fields will be rendered in the form of a table.
line - fields will be rendered by lines. The entire width of the metabox, where is the header of the field, and under it the field itself.
array() - specifying an array, you can define all kinds of wrapping tags for each field element. In this array you can specify the following parameters:
css - CSS styles of the metabox. For example: `.my_field{ margin:1em; }'.
fields_wrap - format of wrap of all metabox (all fields)
field_wrap - format of field wrap (with header and field)
title_patt - wrap format for the header of the field
The class allows you to create two or more different metabox with the same id. The following example will create two different metabox with the same prefix: my_:
Sometimes you need to enable metabox for one post but not for another. For such "late" checks to disable the metabox, there is a parameter: disable_func.
In this parameter you must pass the name of the function which will be triggered before the output of the metabox and disable it if the condition described in the function triggers. You can also pass an anonymous function (closure) instead of the function name. Further, if the specified function returns something, the metabox will be disabled.
And now some examples.
1. Metabox record for the specified heading
Suppose you want to show the metabox only if the record is in rubric with ID = 2, i.e. you want to hide it for all rubrics except 2:
The check can be any optional category, it can be taxonomies or custom fields or something else.
#9 Creating your own field
To create your own fields, expand the Kama_Post_Meta_Box_Fields class and specify a new class as a working one via the kama_post_meta_box__fields_class hook: