WordPress at Your Fingertips

Error when updating WP: Another update is currently in progress

Sometimes, after clicking the update button in WordPress, something goes wrong and the update process hangs. As a result, another attempt to update WordPress displays the message "Another update is currently in progress". That is, for some reason, the WordPress update process has been interrupted, and now you cannot update. When you go to the update page, you see this error message:


At the beginning of the WordPress update installation, a marker is added to the database indicating that the update process has started. This option prevents duplicate updates from being launched.

To resolve this issue, you need to delete the core_updater.lock option from the database, from the wp_options table:

This can be done in various ways.

Option 1: via phpMyAdmin

Access phpMyAdmin through your hosting panel or other means. And select the WordPress database in phpMyAdmin.

You need to find the row with the option name core_updater.lock and click the delete button next to it.

Alternatively, you can run the following SQL query:

DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%core_update%' LIMIT 1

Done! Now you can try updating again.

Option 2: via WP-CLI

The error when updating WordPress can also be fixed using the WP-CLI command:

$ wp option delete core_updater.lock
Success: Deleted 'core_updater.lock' option.

Option 3: via PHP code

If you prefer to run the code in PHP, you can use the following code:

delete_option( "core_updater.lock" );

Option 4: via a plugin

Install the Fix Another Update In Progress plugin, go to the plugin page, and click the "Fix WordPress Update Lock" button.

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