Table of Contents for Large Posts (kamatoc)

It is not uncommon for us to divide large posts into logical subheadings. Sometimes a post contains compiled information divided into parts. For such posts, I prefer to create a "table of contents" - a list of links with anchors to the subheadings in the post. Creating such a table of contents is such a tedious task that it is easier to do without it (with rare exceptions, of course).

I have written a small class that allows you to create tables of contents of almost any complexity quickly, silently, beautifully, and, most importantly, quickly. To do this, use the shortcode [contents] where it is needed. At the beginning of this post, you see the table of contents itself.

In addition, the class I have written allows you to create a table of contents for any text without using a shortcode in it. And then output this table of contents, for example, at the beginning of the post or in the sidebar.

The "table of contents" can be customized in various ways:

  • not showing the title: "Contents:" - [contents embed];
  • not showing the "Back to Top" links in the text - to_menu parameter;
  • customize CSS styles - css parameter;
  • change the HTML tags on which the table of contents will be built. You can specify any tags not only H1, H2, etc. but also strong, em, etc. Or even specify the classes of the HTML tag, for example: .foo, .bar. Eg: [contents h1 em .foo];
  • specify the minimum number of headings for the table of contents to be displayed - min_found parameter;
  • specify the minimum text length for the table of contents to be displayed - min_length parameter.
  • specify the shortcode name to be used in the text to create the table of contents - shortcode parameter.
  • other parameters, see in the class code Kama_Contents.

Kama_Contents Class Code

 * Contents (table of contents) for large posts.
 * @author  Kama
 * @see
 * @require PHP 7.1
 * @version 4.3.11
/** @noinspection PhpMultipleClassesDeclarationsInOneFile */
/** @noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape */

namespace Kama\WP;

interface Kama_Contents_Interface {

	/** Creates an instance by specified parameters. */
	public function __construct( array $args = [] );

	/** Processes the text, turns the shortcode in it into a table of contents. */
	public function apply_shortcode( string $content ): string;

	/** Cuts out the kamaTOC shortcode from the content. */
	public function strip_shortcode( string $content ): string;

	/** Replaces the headings in the $content, creates and returns a table of contents. */
	public function make_contents( string &$content, string $params = '' ): string;


class Kama_Contents implements Kama_Contents_Interface {

	use Kama_Contents__Html;
	use Kama_Contents__Helpers;
	use Kama_Contents__Legacy;

	private static $default_opt = [
		'margin'           => '2em',
		'selectors'        => 'h2 h3 h4',
		'to_menu'          => 'contents ↑',
		'title'            => 'Table of Contents:',
		'js'               => '',
		'min_found'        => 1,
		'min_length'       => 2000,
		'page_url'         => '',
		'shortcode'        => 'contents',
		'spec'             => '',
		'anchor_type'      => 'id',
		'anchor_attr_name' => 'id',
		'markup'           => false,
		'anchor_link'      => '',
		'tomenu_simcount'  => 800,
		'leave_tags'       => true,

		// shortcode additional params
		'as_table' => false,
		'embed'    => false,

	 * @var object Instance options.
	private $opt;

	 * Collects html (the contents).
	 * @var TOC_Elem[]
	protected $toc_elems;

	 * @var array
	private $temp;

	 * @param array      $args {
	 *     Parameters.
	 *     @type string      $margin           Отступ слева у подразделов в px|em|rem.
	 *     @type string      $selectors        HTML теги по котором будет строиться оглавление: 'h2 h3 h4'.
	 *                                         Порядок определяет уровень вложености.
	 *                                         Можно указать строку/массив: 'h2 h3 h4' или [ 'h2', 'h3', 'h4' ].
	 *                                         Можно указать атрибут/class: 'h2 .class_name'.
	 *                                         Если нужно, чтобы разные теги были на одном уровне,
	 *                                         указываем их через |: 'h2|dt h3' или [ 'h2|dt', 'h3' ].
	 *     @type string      $to_menu          Ссылка на возврат к оглавлению. '' - убрать ссылку.
	 *     @type string      $title            Заголовок. '' - убрать заголовок.
	 *     @type string      $js               JS код (добавляется после HTML кода)
	 *     @type int         $min_found        Минимальное количество найденных тегов, чтобы оглавление выводилось.
	 *     @type int         $min_length       Минимальная длина (символов) текста, чтобы оглавление выводилось.
	 *     @type string      $page_url         Ссылка на страницу для которой собирается оглавление.
	 *                                         Если оглавление выводиться на другой странице...
	 *     @type string      $shortcode        Название шоткода. По умолчанию: 'contents'.
	 *     @type string      $spec             Оставлять символы в анкорах. For example: `'.+$*=`.
	 *     @type string      $anchor_type      Какой тип анкора использовать: 'a' - `<a name="anchor"></a>` или 'id'.
	 *     @type string      $anchor_attr_name Название атрибута тега из значения которого будет браться
	 *                                         анкор (если этот атрибут есть у тега). Ставим '', чтобы отключить такую проверку...
	 *     @type bool        $markup           Включить микроразметку?
	 *     @type string      $anchor_link      Добавить 'знак' перед подзаголовком статьи со ссылкой
	 *                                         на текущий анкор заголовка. Укажите '#', '&' или что вам нравится.
	 *     @type int         $tomenu_simcount  Минимальное количество символов между заголовками содержания,
	 *                                         для которых нужно выводить ссылку "к содержанию".
	 *                                         Не имеет смысла, если параметр 'to_menu' отключен. С целью производительности,
	 *                                         кириллица считается без учета кодировки. Поэтому 800 символов кириллицы -
	 *                                         это примерно 1600 символов в этом параметре. 800 - расчет для сайтов на кириллице.
	 *     @type bool|string $leave_tags       Нужно ли оставлять HTML теги в элементах оглавления. С версии 4.3.4.
	 *                                         Можно указать только какие теги нужно оставлять. Пр: `'<b><strong><var><code>'`.
	 * }
	public function __construct( array $args = [] ) {
		$this->set_opt( $args );

	protected function set_opt( $args = [] ): void {
		$this->opt = (object) array_merge( self::$default_opt, (array) $args );

	 * Processes the text, turns the shortcode in it into a table of contents.
	 * Use shortcode [contents] or [[contents]] to show shortcode as it is.
	 * @param string $content The text with shortcode.
	 * @return string Processed text with a table of contents, if it has a shotcode.
	public function apply_shortcode( string $content ): string {

		$shortcode = $this->opt->shortcode;

		if( false === strpos( $content, "[$shortcode" ) ){
			return $content;

		// get contents data
		// use `[[contents` to escape the shortcode
		if( ! preg_match( "/^(.*)(?<!\[)\[$shortcode([^\]]*)\](.*)$/su", $content, $m ) ){
			return $content;

		$toc = $this->make_contents( $m[3], $m[2] );

		return $m[1] . $toc . $m[3];

	 * Cuts out the kamaTOC shortcode from the content.
	public function strip_shortcode( string $content ): string {
		return preg_replace( '~\[' . $this->opt->shortcode . '[^\]]*\]~', '', $content );

	 * Replaces the headings in the past text (by ref), creates and returns a table of contents.
	 * @param string $content  The text from which you want to create a table of contents.
	 * @param string $params   Array of HTML tags to look for in the past text.
	 *                         "h2 .foo" - Specify: tag names "h2 h3" or names of CSS classes ".foo .foo2".
	 *                         "embed" - Add "embed" mark here to get `<ul>` tag only (without header and wrapper block).
	 *                         "as_table="Title|Desc" - Show as table. First sentence after header will be taken for description.
	 *                         It can be useful for use contents inside the text as a list.
	 * @return string Table of contents HTML.
	public function make_contents( string &$content, string $params = '' ): string {

		// text is too short
		if( mb_strlen( strip_tags( $content ) ) < $this->opt->min_length ){
			return '';

		$this->temp = new \stdClass();

		$params_array = $this->parse_string_params( $params );
		$tags = $this->split_params_and_tags( $params_array );
		$tags = $this->get_actual_tags( $tags, $content );

		if( ! $tags ){
			unset( $this->temp );

			return '';

		$this->temp->toc_page_url = $this->opt->page_url ?: home_url( parse_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH ) );

		$this->collect_toc( $content, $tags );

		if( count( $this->toc_elems ) < $this->opt->min_found ){
			unset( $this->temp );

			return '';

		$contents = $this->toc_html();

		unset( $this->temp );

		return $contents;

	protected function parse_string_params( string $params ): array {

		$this->temp->original_string_params = $params;

		$extra_tags = [];

		if( preg_match( '/(as_table)="([^"]+)"/', $params, $mm ) ){

			$extra_tags[ $mm[1] ] = explode( '|', $mm[2] );
			$params = str_replace( " $mm[0]", '', $params ); // cut

		$params = array_map( 'trim', preg_split( '/[ ,|]+/', $params ) );

		$params += $extra_tags;

		return array_filter( $params );

	protected function split_params_and_tags( array $params ): array {

		$tags = [];

		foreach( $params as $key => $val ){

			// extra tags
			if( 'as_table' === $key ){
				$this->opt->as_table = $val;
			elseif( 'embed' === $val || 'embed' === $key ){
				$this->opt->embed = true;
			elseif( 'no_to_menu' === $val || 'no_to_menu' === $key ){
				$this->opt->to_menu = false;
			else {
				$tags[ $key ] = $val;

		if( ! $tags ){
			$tags = is_array( $this->opt->selectors )
				? $this->opt->selectors
				: explode( ' ', $this->opt->selectors );

		return $tags;

	 * Remove tag if it's not exists in content (for performance).
	protected function get_actual_tags( array $tags, string $content ): array {

		foreach( $tags as $key => $tag ){

			$patt = ( $tag[0] === '.' )
				? 'class=[\'"][^\'"]*' . substr( $tag, 1 )
				: "<$tag";

			if( ! preg_match( "/$patt/i", $content ) ){
				unset( $tags[ $key ] );

		return $tags;

	 * Collect TOC (all titles) from cpecified content.
	 * Replace HTML in specified content.
	 * @param string $content Changes by ref.
	 * @param array  $tags    HTML tags (selectors) to collect from content.
	protected function collect_toc( string & $content, array $tags ): void {

		$this->toc_elems = [];

		$this->_set_tags_levels_and_regex_patt( $tags );

		$patt_in = [];

		if( $this->temp->tag_regex_patt ){
			$tags_in = implode( '|', $this->temp->tag_regex_patt );
			$patt_in[] = "(?:<($tags_in)([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/\\1>)";

		if( $this->temp->class_regex_patt ){
			$class_in = implode( '|', $this->temp->class_regex_patt );
			$patt_in[] = "(?:<([^ >]+) ([^>]*class=[\"'][^>]*($class_in)[^>]*[\"'][^>]*)>(.*?)<\/" . ( $patt_in ? '\4' : '\1' ) . '>)';

		$patt_in = implode( '|', $patt_in );

		// collect and replace
		$this->temp->orig_content = $content;

		$new_content = (string) preg_replace_callback( "/$patt_in/is", [ $this, 'collect_toc_replace_callback' ], $content, -1 );

		if( count( $this->toc_elems ) >= $this->opt->min_found ){
			$content = $new_content;


	protected function _replace_parse_match( array $match ): array {

		$full_match = $match[0];

		// it's class selector in pattern
		if( count( $match ) === 5 ){
			[ $tag, $attrs, $level_tag, $tag_txt ] = array_slice( $match, 1 );
		// it's tag selector
		elseif( count( $match ) === 4 ){
			[ $tag, $attrs, $tag_txt ] = array_slice( $match, 1 );

			$level_tag = $tag; // class name
		// it's class selector
			[ $tag, $attrs, $level_tag, $tag_txt ] = array_slice( $match, 4 );

		return [ $full_match, $tag, $attrs, $level_tag, $tag_txt ];

	protected function _set_tags_levels_and_regex_patt( array $tags ): void {

		// group HTML classes & tags for regex patterns
		$tag_regex_patt = $class_regex_patt = $tags_levels = [];

		foreach( $tags as $tag ){
			// class
			if( $tag[0] === '.' ){
				$tag = substr( $tag, 1 );
				$_ln = &$class_regex_patt;
			// html tag
				$_ln = &$tag_regex_patt;

			$_ln[] = $tag;
			$tags_levels[] = $tag;

		$tags_levels = array_flip( $tags_levels );

		// fix levels if it's not start from zero
		if( reset( $tags_levels ) !== 0 ){
			while( reset( $tags_levels ) !== 0 ){
				$tags_levels = array_map( static function( $val ) {
					return $val - 1;
				}, $tags_levels );

		// set equal level if tags specified with tag1|tag2
		$_prev_tag = '';
		foreach( $tags_levels as $tag => $lvl ){

			if( $_prev_tag && false !== strpos( $this->temp->original_string_params, "$_prev_tag|$tag" ) ){
				$tags_levels[ $tag ] = $_prev_lvl;

			$_prev_tag = $tag;
			$_prev_lvl = $lvl;

		// set levels one by one, if they have been broken after the last operation
		$_prev_lvl = 0;
		foreach( $tags_levels as & $lvl ){

			// fix next lvl - it's wrong
			if( ! in_array( $lvl, [ $_prev_lvl, $_prev_lvl + 1 ], true ) ){

				$lvl = $_prev_lvl + 1;

			$_prev_lvl = $lvl;
		unset( $lvl );

		$this->temp->tags_levels = $tags_levels;
		$this->temp->tag_regex_patt = $tag_regex_patt;
		$this->temp->class_regex_patt = $class_regex_patt;

	 * Callback function to replace and collect contents.
	protected function collect_toc_replace_callback( array $match ): string {

		[ $full_match, $tag, $attrs, $level_tag, $tag_text ] = $this->_replace_parse_match( $match );

		$this->temp->counter = ( $this->temp->counter ?? 0 ) + 1;

		$elem = new TOC_Elem( [
			'full_match' => $full_match,
			'tag'        => $tag,
			'anchor'     => $this->_toc_element_anchor( $tag_text, $attrs ),
			'text'       => $this->_strip_tags_in_elem_txt( $tag_text ),
			'level'      => $this->temp->tags_levels[ $level_tag ] ?? 0,
			'position'   => $this->temp->counter,
		] );

		$this->toc_elems[] = $elem;

		if( $this->opt->anchor_link ){
			$tag_text = '<a rel="nofollow" class="kamatoc-anchlink" href="#' . $elem->anchor . '">' . $this->opt->anchor_link . '</a> ' . $tag_text;

		// anchor type: 'a' or 'id'
		if( $this->opt->anchor_type === 'a' ){
			$new_el = '<a class="kamatoc-anchor" name="' . $elem->anchor . '"></a>' . "\n<$tag $attrs>$tag_text</$tag>";
			$new_el = "\n<$tag id=\"$elem->anchor\" $attrs>$tag_text</$tag>";

		return $this->_to_menu_link_html( $elem ) . $new_el;

	protected function _to_menu_link_html( TOC_Elem $elem ): string {

		if( ! $this->opt->to_menu ){
			return '';

		// mb_strpos( $this->temp->orig_content, $full_match ) - в 150 раз медленнее!
		$el_strpos = strpos( $this->temp->orig_content, $elem->full_match );

		if( empty( $this->temp->el_strpos ) ){
			$prev_el_strpos = 0;
			$this->temp->el_strpos = [ $el_strpos ];
			$prev_el_strpos = end( $this->temp->el_strpos );
			$this->temp->el_strpos[] = $el_strpos;
		$simbols_count = $el_strpos - $prev_el_strpos;

		// Don't show to_menu link if simbols count beatween two elements is too small (< 300)
		if( $simbols_count < $this->opt->tomenu_simcount ){
			return '';

		return sprintf( '<a rel="nofollow" class="kamatoc-gotop" href="%s">%s</a>',
			"{$this->opt->page_url}#tocmenu", $this->opt->to_menu


trait Kama_Contents__Html {

	protected function _toc_html(): string {

		$toc = '';
		foreach( $this->toc_elems as $elem ){
			$elem_html = $this->render_item_html( $elem );
			$toc .= "\t$elem_html\n";

		return $toc;

	protected function toc_html(): string {

		// table
		if( $this->opt->as_table ){

			$contents = '
			<table id="tocmenu" class="kamatoc kamatoc_js" {ItemList}>
						<th>' . esc_html( $this->opt->as_table[0] ) . '</th>
						<th>' . esc_html( $this->opt->as_table[1] ) . '</th>
					' . $this->_toc_html() . '
		// list

			$add_wrapper = $this->opt->title && ! $this->opt->embed;
			$contents_wrap_patt = '%s';

			if( $add_wrapper ){

				$contents_wrap_patt = '
					<div class="kamatoc-wrap">
						<div class="kamatoc-wrap__title kamatoc_wrap_title_js">' . $this->opt->title . '</div>
						'. $contents_wrap_patt .'

			$contents = '
				<ul id="tocmenu" class="kamatoc kamatoc_js" {ItemList}>
					' . $this->_toc_html() . '

			$contents = sprintf( $contents_wrap_patt, $contents );

		$js_code = $this->opt->js
			? '<script>' . preg_replace( '/[\n\t ]+/', ' ', $this->opt->js ) . '</script>'
			: '';

		$contents = $this->replace_markup( $contents );

		 * Allow to change result contents string.
		 * @param string        $contents
		 * @param Kama_Contents $inst
		return apply_filters( 'kamatoc__contents', "$contents\n$js_code", $this );

	protected function render_item_html( TOC_Elem $elem ): string {

		// table
		if( $this->opt->as_table ){

			// take first sentence
			$quoted_match = preg_quote( $elem->full_match, '/' );
			//preg_match( "/$quoted_match\s*<p>((?:.(?!<\/p>))+)/", $this->temp->orig_content, $mm )
			preg_match( "/$quoted_match\s*<p>(.+?)<\/p>/", $this->temp->orig_content, $mm );
			$tag_desc = $mm ? $mm[1] : '';

			$elem_html = '
					<td {ListElement}>
						<a rel="nofollow" href="' . "{$this->opt->page_url}#$elem->anchor" . '">' . $elem->text . '</a>
					<td>' . $tag_desc . '</td>
		// list (li)

			if( $elem->level > 0 ){
				$unit = preg_replace( '/\d/', '', $this->opt->margin ) ?: 'px';
				$elem_classes = "kamatoc__sub kamatoc__sub_{$elem->level}";
				$elem_attr = $this->opt->margin ? ' style="margin-left:' . ( $elem->level * (int) $this->opt->margin ) . $unit . ';"' : '';
				$elem_classes = 'kamatoc__top';
				$elem_attr = '';

			$elem_html = '
				<li class="'. $elem_classes .'" ' . $elem_attr . '{ListElement}>
					<a rel="nofollow" href="' . "{$this->opt->page_url}#$elem->anchor" . '">' . $elem->text . '</a>

		$elem_html = $this->replace_elem_markup( $elem_html, $elem );

		 * Allow to change single TOC element HTML.
		 * @param string $elem_html
		return apply_filters( 'kamatoc__elem_html', $elem_html );

	protected function replace_markup( $html ): string {

		$is = $this->opt->markup;

		$replace = [
			'{ItemList}' => $is ? ' itemscope itemtype=""' : '',
			'{ItemName}' => $is ? '<meta itemprop="name" content="' . esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $this->opt->title ) ) . '" />' : '',

		return strtr( $html, $replace );

	protected function replace_elem_markup( $html, TOC_Elem $elem ): string {

		$is = $this->opt->markup;

		$replace = [
			'{ListElement}'      => $is ? ' itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""' : '',
			'{ListElement_item}' => $is ? ' <meta itemprop="item" content="' . esc_attr( "{$this->temp->toc_page_url}#$elem->anchor" ) . '" />' : '',
			'{ListElement_name}' => $is ? ' <meta itemprop="name" content="' . esc_attr( wp_strip_all_tags( $elem->text ) ) . '" />' : '',
			'{ListElement_pos}'  => $is ? ' <meta itemprop="position" content="' . (int) $elem->position . '" />' : '',

		return strtr( $html, $replace );


trait Kama_Contents__Helpers {

	protected function _toc_element_anchor( string $tag_txt, string $attrs ): string {

		// if tag contains id|name|... attribute it becomes anchor.
			preg_match( '/ *(' . preg_quote( $this->opt->anchor_attr_name, '/' ) . ')=([\'"])(.+?)\2 */i', $attrs, $match_anchor_attr )
			// delete 'id' or 'name' attr from attrs
			if( in_array( $match_anchor_attr[1], [ 'id', 'name' ], true ) ){
				$attrs = str_replace( $match_anchor_attr[0], '', $attrs );

			$anchor = $this->_sanitaze_anchor( $match_anchor_attr[3] );
			$anchor = $this->_sanitaze_anchor( $tag_txt );

		return $anchor;

	protected function _strip_tags_in_elem_txt( string $tag_txt ): string {

		// strip all tags
		if( ! $this->opt->leave_tags ){
			$tag_txt = strip_tags( $tag_txt );
		// strip all tags, except specified
		elseif( is_string( $this->opt->leave_tags ) ){
			$tag_txt = strip_tags( $tag_txt, $this->opt->leave_tags );
		// leave tags
		// $tag_txt не может содержать A, IMG теги - удалим если надо...

			if( false !== strpos( $tag_txt, '</a>' ) ){
				$tag_txt = preg_replace( '~<a[^>]+>|</a>~', '', $tag_txt );
			if( false !== strpos( $tag_txt, '<img' ) ){
				$tag_txt = preg_replace( '~<img[^>]+>~', '', $tag_txt );

		return $tag_txt;

	 * Anchor transliteration.
	protected function _sanitaze_anchor( string $anch ): string {

		$anch = strip_tags( $anch );

		$anch = apply_filters( 'kamatoc__sanitaze_anchor_before', $anch, $this );

		$anch = html_entity_decode( $anch );

		// iso9
		$anch = strtr( $anch, [
			'А' => 'A',
			'Б' => 'B',
			'В' => 'V',
			'Г' => 'G',
			'Д' => 'D',
			'Е' => 'E',
			'Ё' => 'YO',
			'Ж' => 'ZH',
			'З' => 'Z',
			'И' => 'I',
			'Й' => 'J',
			'К' => 'K',
			'Л' => 'L',
			'М' => 'M',
			'Н' => 'N',
			'О' => 'O',
			'П' => 'P',
			'Р' => 'R',
			'С' => 'S',
			'Т' => 'T',
			'У' => 'U',
			'Ф' => 'F',
			'Х' => 'H',
			'Ц' => 'TS',
			'Ч' => 'CH',
			'Ш' => 'SH',
			'Щ' => 'SHH',
			'Ъ' => '',
			'Ы' => 'Y',
			'Ь' => '',
			'Э' => 'E',
			'Ю' => 'YU',
			'Я' => 'YA',
			// small
			'а' => 'a',
			'б' => 'b',
			'в' => 'v',
			'г' => 'g',
			'д' => 'd',
			'е' => 'e',
			'ё' => 'yo',
			'ж' => 'zh',
			'з' => 'z',
			'и' => 'i',
			'й' => 'j',
			'к' => 'k',
			'л' => 'l',
			'м' => 'm',
			'н' => 'n',
			'о' => 'o',
			'п' => 'p',
			'р' => 'r',
			'с' => 's',
			'т' => 't',
			'у' => 'u',
			'ф' => 'f',
			'х' => 'h',
			'ц' => 'ts',
			'ч' => 'ch',
			'ш' => 'sh',
			'щ' => 'shh',
			'ъ' => '',
			'ы' => 'y',
			'ь' => '',
			'э' => 'e',
			'ю' => 'yu',
			'я' => 'ya',
			// other
			'Ѓ' => 'G',
			'Ґ' => 'G',
			'Є' => 'YE',
			'Ѕ' => 'Z',
			'Ј' => 'J',
			'І' => 'I',
			'Ї' => 'YI',
			'Ќ' => 'K',
			'Љ' => 'L',
			'Њ' => 'N',
			'Ў' => 'U',
			'Џ' => 'DH',
			'ѓ' => 'g',
			'ґ' => 'g',
			'є' => 'ye',
			'ѕ' => 'z',
			'ј' => 'j',
			'і' => 'i',
			'ї' => 'yi',
			'ќ' => 'k',
			'љ' => 'l',
			'њ' => 'n',
			'ў' => 'u',
			'џ' => 'dh',
		] );

		$spec = preg_quote( $this->opt->spec, '/' );
		$anch = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9_$spec\-]+/", '-', $anch ); // все ненужное на '-'
		$anch = strtolower( trim( $anch, '-' ) );
		$anch = substr( $anch, 0, 70 ); // shorten

		$anch = apply_filters( 'kamatoc__sanitaze_anchor', $anch, $this );

		return $this->_unique_anchor( $anch );

	 * Adds number at the end if this anchor already exists.
	protected function _unique_anchor( string $anch ): string {

		if( ! isset( $this->temp->anchors ) ){
			$this->temp->anchors = [];

		// check and unique anchor
		if( isset( $this->temp->anchors[ $anch ] ) ){

			$lastnum = substr( $anch, -1 );
			$lastnum = is_numeric( $lastnum ) ? $lastnum + 1 : 2;
			$anch = preg_replace( '/-\d$/', '', $anch );

			return $this->{ __FUNCTION__ }( "$anch-$lastnum" );

		$this->temp->anchors[ $anch ] = 1;

		return $anch;


trait Kama_Contents__Legacy {

	 * Creates an instance of Kama_Contents for later use.
	public static function init( array $args = [] ): Kama_Contents {
		static $inst;

		$args = array_intersect_key( $args, self::$default_opt ); // leave allowed only
		$inst_key = md5( serialize( $args ) );

		if( empty( $inst[ $inst_key ] ) ){
			$inst[ $inst_key ] = new self();
			$inst[ $inst_key ]->set_opt( $args );

		return $inst[ $inst_key ];

	 * Alias of {@see apply_shortcode()}.
	public function shortcode( string $content ): string {
		return $this->apply_shortcode( $content );


class TOC_Elem {

	/** @var string */
	public $full_match;

	/** @var string */
	public $tag;

	/** @var string */
	public $anchor;

	/** @var string */
	public $text;

	/** @var int */
	public $level;

	/** @var int */
	public $position;

	public function __construct( array $data ){

		foreach( $data as $key => $val ){
			$this->$key = $val;


How to Use the Kama_Contents Class

First, you need to include the code:

  • Create a file, for example, Kama_Contents.php, and copy the code there. Include this file in the theme's functions.php file:

    require_once __DIR__ .'/Kama_Contents.php';
  • Use Composer:
    composer require doiftrue/wp-kama-contents

Now you can use the class. To do this, choose suitable code from the examples below and add it to the theme's functions.php file or wherever convenient for you.

#1 Table of Contents in the Text (shortcode [contents])

When writing a post, use the shortcode [contents] or [contents h3] or [contents h3 h5]. The table of contents will appear in the place where the shortcode is located:

// Processing the [contents] shortcode in the text
add_filter( 'the_content', 'kama_contents_shortcode', 20 );

function kama_contents_shortcode( $content ){

	$args = array(
		//'shortcode' => 'list', // [list] instead of [contents]
		//'margin'   => 30,
		//'page_url' => get_permalink(),
		'to_menu'    => 'Back to Top ↑',
		'title'      => 'Contents:',
		'min_length' => 300,

	$toc = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( $args );

	if( is_singular() ){
		return $toc->apply_shortcode( $content );
	// remove the shortcode
	else {
		return $toc->strip_shortcode( $content );


#2 Table of Contents at the Top of Each Post

Place this code next to the main one, and a table of contents will be displayed at the beginning of each post based on the specified tags array('h2','h3'), i.e. if the tags h2 or h3 are found in the text, the table of contents will be created from them:

// Displaying the contents at the top, automatically for all posts
add_filter( 'the_content', 'contents_on_post_top', 20 );
function contents_on_post_top( $content ){

	if( ! is_singular() ){
		return $content;

	$args = array(
		//'margin'    => 50,
		//'to_menu'   => false,
		//'title'     => false,
		'selectors' => ['h2','h3'],

	$toc = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( $args );

	$contents = $toc->make_contents( $content );

	return $contents . $content;

#3 Table of Contents at the Top of Each Post, After the Separator

This code will insert the table of contents at the beginning of each post. But not at the very beginning, but after the first paragraph. You can change the paragraph number (separator) and the separator itself in the variables: $_sep_num and $_sep respectively.

// Displaying the contents at the top after the specified paragraph, automatically for all posts
add_filter( 'the_content', 'contents_at_top_after_nsep', 20 );

function contents_at_top_after_nsep( $text ){

	if( ! is_singular() ){
		return $text;

	$params = (object) [
		'sep' => '</p>',   // separator in the text
		'num' => 1,        // after which numbered separator to insert the table of contents?
		'pos' => 'after',  // before|after - before or after the separator, where to insert the table of contents

	$toc = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( [
		'min_length' => 4000,
		'css'        => false,
		'markup'     => true,
		'selectors'  => [ 'h2', 'h3' ],
	] );

	// just do it!
	$ex_text = explode( $params->sep, $text, $params->num + 1 );

	// a suitable numbered separator is found in the text
	if( isset( $ex_text[ $params->num ] ) ){

		$contents = $toc->make_contents( $ex_text[ $params->num ] );

		if( 'after' === $params->pos ){
			$ex_text[ $params->num ] = $contents . $ex_text[ $params->num ];
		else {
			$ex_text[ $params->num - 1 ] = $ex_text[ $params->num - 1 ] . $contents;

		$text = implode( $params->sep, $ex_text );
	// simply at the top of the text
	else {
		$contents = $toc->make_contents( $text );

		$text = $contents . $text;

	return $text;

Now, for example, to display the table of contents before the first <h2> heading, specify the parameters:

    $params = (object) [
		'pos' => 'before',  // before|after - before or after the separator, where to insert the table of contents
		'sep' => '<h2',    // separator in the text
		'num' => 1,        // after which numbered separator to insert the table of contents?

Note that <h2 is not closed - this is because it may contain arguments...

#4 Table of Contents in the Sidebar

These examples are similar to the second one - here the make_contents() method is used, not apply_shortcode(), as in the first one.

Option 1

Add this function next to the class and use it where you need to display the table of contents. You need to pass a post object to the function (by default, global $post) for which you need to get the table of contents or you can pass the text itself for which you need to display the table of contents (the text should be passed in a variable that will be used to display the text, because this variable is changed by reference - anchors are added to its headings).

// to display the table of contents
function get_kama_contents( & $post = false ){

	if( ! $post ) $post = $GLOBALS['post'];

	if( is_string( $post ) ){
		$post_content = & $post;
	else {
		$post_content = & $post->post_content;

	$toc = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( [
		'selectors' => [ 'h2', 'h3' ],
		'min_found' => 1,
		'margin'    => 0,
		'to_menu'   => false,
		'title'     => false,
	] );

	$contents = $toc->make_contents( $post_content );

	// to make the_content() work correctly, which works based on get_the_content()
	global $pages;
	if( $pages && count($pages) == 1 ){
		$pages[0] = $post_content;
		// Separate handling is required here...

	return $contents;

Now display the table of contents, for example, in the sidebar:

echo get_kama_contents();

Note: get_kama_contents() should be called before the content is displayed. If the table of contents needs to be displayed below the content, call the function, save the table of contents, and display it below.

$contents = get_kama_contents();

// some code

// display the table of contents
echo $contents;
Option 2

By placing this code next to the main class, you can display the table of contents anywhere in the template, for example, in the sidebar. To do this, use the line: echo $GLOBALS['kc_contents'];

// displaying the contents in the sidebar
add_action( 'wp_head', 'sidebar_contents' );

function sidebar_contents(){
	global $post;

	if( ! is_singular() ){

	$args = array();
	$args['selectors'] = [ 'h2', 'h3' ];
	//$args['margin'] = 50;
	//$args['to_menu'] = false;
	//$args['title'] = false;

	$toc = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( $args );

	$GLOBALS['kc_contents'] = $toc->make_contents( $post->post_content );

// then in the sidebar, display: echo $GLOBALS['kc_contents'];

#5 Different Instances

If you need to use multiple classes with different parameters. For example, to process different texts. Then different instances of the class can be created like this:

// 1
// first text with the [toc] shortcode

$text1 = 'text [toc] text';

$kamatoc = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( [
	'to_menu'   => 'Back to Top ↑',
	'title'     => 'Contents:',
	'shortcode' => 'toc',
	//'page_url' => get_permalink(),
] );

echo $kamatoc->apply_shortcode( $text1 );

// 2
// second text with the [list] shortcode

$text2 = 'text [list] text';

$kamatoc2 = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( [
	'to_menu'   = 'Back to List ↑',
	'title'     = 'Navigation:',
	'shortcode' = 'list',
] );

echo $kamatoc2->apply_shortcode( $text2 );

Table of Contents Settings

You have noticed the commented lines in the examples, right? These are the settings. You can pass arguments (settings) to the class instance:

$args = [
	'margin'           => '2em',
	'selectors'        => 'h2 h3 h4',
	'to_menu'          => 'to contents ↑',
	'title'            => 'Contents:',
	'js'               => '',
	'min_found'        => 2,
	'min_length'       => 2000,
	'page_url'         => '',
	'shortcode'        => 'contents',
	'spec'             => '',
	'anchor_type'      => 'id',
	'anchor_attr_name' => 'id',
	'markup'           => false,
	'anchor_link'      => '',
	'tomenu_simcount'  => 800,
	'leave_tags'       => true,

$kamatoc = new \Kama\WP\Kama_Contents( $args );


  • margin(string)
    Left indentation for subsections in px|em|rem.

  • selectors(string)
    HTML tags on which the table of contents will be built: 'h2 h3 h4'. The order determines the level of nesting. You can specify a string or an array: [ 'h2', 'h3', 'h4' ] or 'h2 h3 h4'. You can specify a class attribute: 'h2 .class_name'. If you want different tags to be on the same level, specify them with |: 'h2|dt h3' or [ 'h2|dt', 'h3' ].

  • to_menu(string)
    Link to return to the table of contents. '' - remove the link.

  • title(string)
    Title. '' - remove the title.

  • js(string)
    JS code (added after HTML code).

  • min_found(int)
    Minimum number of found tags for the table of contents to be displayed.

  • min_length(int)
    Minimum length (characters) of the text for the table of contents to be displayed.

  • page_url(string)
    Link to the page for which the table of contents is being generated. If the table of contents is displayed on another page...

  • shortcode(string)
    Shortcode name.

  • spec(string)
    Leave characters in anchors. For example: '.+$*='.

  • anchor_type(string)
    Which type of anchor to use:

    • 'a' - <a name="anchor"></a>
    • 'id' - for the heading, the attribute id="___" will be used.
  • anchor_attr_name(string)
    Name of the tag attribute from which the anchor will be taken (if this attribute exists for the tag). Set to '' to disable such checking...

  • markup(true|false)
    Enable microdata?

  • anchor_link(string)
    Add a 'sign' before the subheading of the article with a link to the current heading anchor. Specify '#', '&' or whatever you like.

  • tomenu_simcount(int)
    Minimum number of characters between table of contents headings for which a "to contents" link should be displayed. It is meaningless if the 'to_menu' parameter is disabled. For performance reasons, Cyrillic characters are counted regardless of encoding. Therefore, 800 Cyrillic characters is approximately 1600 characters in this parameter. 800 - calculation for sites in Cyrillic.

  • leave_tags(true|false|string)
    Should HTML tags be left in the table of contents elements. As of version 4.3.4. You can specify only which tags need to be left. E.g.: '<b><strong><var><code>'.


All content goes in continuous <li>, and CSS classes and left margin - margin are specified for the levels. Using classes, you can customize the display as you like...

Here is the HTML code that Kama_Contents generates:

<div class="kamatoc-wrap">
	<span class="kamatoc-wrap__title">Contents:</span>

	<ul class="kamatoc" id="tocmenu"  itemscope itemtype="">
		<meta itemprop="name" content="Contents:" />

		<li class="kamatoc__top" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
			<a rel="nofollow" href="#what-is-metadata">What is metadata?</a>
			<meta itemprop="name" content="What is metadata?" />
			<meta itemprop="url" content="/handbook/codex/data-types/metadata#what-is-metadata" />
			<meta itemprop="position" content="1" />

		<li class="kamatoc__sub kamatoc__sub_1" style="margin-left:2em;" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
			<a rel="nofollow" href="#metadata-tables-in-wp-database">Metadata tables in WP Database</a>
			<meta itemprop="name" content="Metadata tables in WP Database" />
			<meta itemprop="url" content="/handbook/codex/data-types/metadata#metadata-tables-in-wp-database" />
			<meta itemprop="position" content="2" />

		<li class="kamatoc__sub kamatoc__sub_1" style="margin-left:2em;" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
			<a rel="nofollow" href="#hidden-meta-fields">Hidden (protected) meta fields</a>
			<meta itemprop="name" content="Hidden (protected) meta fields" />
			<meta itemprop="url" content="/handbook/codex/data-types/metadata#hidden-meta-fields" />
			<meta itemprop="position" content="3" />

		<li class="kamatoc__top" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
			<a rel="nofollow" href="#metadata-functions">Metadata functions</a>
			<meta itemprop="name" content="Metadata functions" />
			<meta itemprop="url" content="/handbook/codex/data-types/metadata#metadata-functions" />
			<meta itemprop="position" content="4" />

		<li class="kamatoc__top" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="">
			<a rel="nofollow" href="#cleaning-meta-field-values-on-save">Cleaning meta field values on save</a>
			<meta itemprop="name" content="Cleaning meta field values on save" />
			<meta itemprop="url" content="/handbook/codex/data-types/metadata#cleaning-meta-field-values-on-save" />
			<meta itemprop="position" content="5" />


style="margin-left:40px;" is added automatically based on the setting $args['margin'] = 40;. There is no connection between the numbers in the headings (h1, h2), the levels are set depending on the order specified in the setting: $args['def_tags'] = array('h2','h3','h4');. That is, if changed to array('h3','h2','h4');, then h3 will be the top level in the table of contents - this is done to specify tags different from h*: strong, em.

Tree-like numbering of the list

To make a tree-like numbering of the list, as in the image, set such CSS styles for the list:

.contents{ list-style-type:none; counter-reset:list; }
/* color of numbers */
.contents li:before{ color:#555; }
/* level 0 */
.contents{ counter-increment:list; counter-reset:list1; }
.contents{ content:counter(list) '. '; }
/* level 1 */
.contents li.sub_1{ counter-increment:list1; counter-reset:list2; }
.contents li.sub_1:before{ content:counter(list) '.' counter(list1) '. '; }
/* level 2 */
.contents li.sub_2{ counter-increment:list2; }
.contents li.sub_2:before{ content:counter(list) '.' counter(list1) '.' counter(list2) '. '; }

The numbering goes only up to 3 levels: top and two below. If you need more, then add styles accordingly:

/* level 3 */
.contents li.sub_3{ counter-increment:list3; }
.contents li.sub_3:before{ content:counter(list) '.' counter(list1) '.' counter(list2) '.' counter(list3) '.'; }

Smooth Scroll

In general, you can place this code on any site where jQuery is included, and it will provide smooth scrolling to anchors, and specifically, it works well with the "contents" (see example, click on the links there). Here is the js code:

// document.ready

	// Scroll to all anchors (#) and to a[name]. v1.3
	$(document).on( 'click.smoothscroll', 'a[href*="#"]', function( e ){

		let hash    = this.hash
		let _hash   = hash.replace( /#/, '' )
		let theHref = $(this).attr('href').replace( /#.*/, '' )

		// if the button has an onclick attribute, it has a different purpose
		if( this.onclick )

		// not the current page
		if( theHref && location.href.replace( /#.*/, '' ) !== theHref )

		let $target = (_hash === '') ? $(document.body) : $( hash + ', a[name="'+ _hash +'"]').first()

		if( ! $target.length )


		let scrollTo = $target.offset().top - 50

		$('html:first, body:first')
			.animate( { scrollTop: scrollTo }, 200, 'swing', function(){
				window.history.replaceState( null, document.title, hash )
			} )


"Show/Hide" Table of Contents (jQuery code)

Option 1 ("as in Wikipedia"):

 * Show/hide Table of Contents. The button is added after the Text in the title - "Contents: [hide]"
 * v 0.3
// document.ready

	let $title  = $('.kc__title')
	let showtxt = '[show]'
	let hidetxt = '[hide]'
	let $but    = $('<span class="kc-show-hide" style="cursor:pointer;margin-left:.5em;font-size:80%;">'+ hidetxt +'</span>')

	$but.on( 'click', function(){

		let $the = $(this)
		let $cont = $the.parent().next('.contents')

		if( $the.text() === hidetxt ){
			$the.text( showtxt )
			$the.text( hidetxt )

	$title.append( $but )

Option 2 (title-button):

 * Show/hide Table of Contents. The title is a button and the text - "Contents ▴" is appended to it
 * v 1.0

	let $title  = $('.kc__title').css({ cursor:'pointer' })
	let showico = ' ▾'
	let hideico = ' ▴'
	let collapsedKey = 'contents_collapse'
	let setIco = function( $that, type ){
		$that.text( type === 'hide' ? $that.text().replace( showico, hideico ) : $that.text().replace( hideico, showico ) )


		let $the = $(this);

		$the.text( $the.text().replace(':','').trim() + hideico )

		$the.on( 'click', function(){

			let $cont = $'.contents')

			if( $':visible') ){
					setIco( $the, 'show' )
					window.localStorage.setItem( collapsedKey, '1' )
			else {
					setIco( $the, 'hide' )
					window.localStorage.removeItem( collapsedKey )

		// collapse/expand based on cookies
		if( window.localStorage.getItem(collapsedKey) === '1' ){
			setIco( $the, 'show' )

The codes should be added to the existing js scripts. The code should trigger after the jQuery library has been included.

Plugins for creating a table of contents

There are many reasons to use ready-made plugins, even for those who can use the material from this article. Because it's convenient! Here are plugins for creating the same content:

  • Easy Table of Contents - a convenient and functional plugin that allows you to insert a table of contents into your posts, pages, and custom post types.

  • Table of Contents Plus - a highly customizable content plugin in articles. There is also a button in the visual editor.

  • LuckyWP Table of Contents - generates a table of contents for posts, pages, and custom post types. Many settings, Gutenberg block, button in the classic editor. Supports both manual and automatic addition of content to posts.