100+ Unicode Symbols for HTML/CSS/JS/PHP

This note will cover universal Unicode symbols. Icons that are understood by all browsers and systems.

To use icons in HTML code (markup), icon packages based on fonts are usually installed, for example, Font Awesome. However, it is often more convenient to insert a known Unicode symbol into the browser and not to connect additional fonts. Let's consider such symbols in this note.

Browsers have built-in libraries of available icons and glyphs. They are available in Unicode format, which is a standard that assigns a unique identifier to each special symbol. The number of such symbols (icons, glyphs) is constantly growing, and today there are more than 110,000 of them. However, browsers do not understand all such symbols. Browsers work based on icons available in your system: Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, and iOS.

This note collects icons that are installed in all systems, which means that they can be considered universal and in 99% of cases any browser will understand and display them (however, they will not always look the same).

Look for symbols on the G r a p h e m i c a website.
Look for symbols on the w3schools.com website.

Also read Notes on SVG - endless number of icons.

How to use Unicode symbols

The symbols provided in the tables below are ordinary characters that can be copied and pasted as if they were letters of text. However, if the file encoding (HTML/CSS) where the copied symbol is pasted is not UTF-8, the pasted symbol will not be displayed, and moreover, it will be lost. In such cases, the HTML code of the symbol is provided in the table.

To use icons, you need to:

  • Find the desired icon.
  • Copy the icon or its code.
  • Paste the copied icon into HTML/JS/PHP as regular text. In CSS, it can be used as the value of the property content:'★';, or as the code content:'\2605';.

Using the code of the icon in different languages. For example, the UTF8 code ◑ = 25D1, then:

CSS                      \25D1
JavaScript / JSON        \u25D1
C / C++ / Java / Python  \u25D1
Perl                     \x{25D1}
Ruby                     \u{25D1}

Symbols are essentially plain text, so they can be styled: shadow, size, color, etc.


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
☺ \263A Smile
♨ \2668 Hot Springs
➑ \2791 8-Ball
☆ \2606 White Star
★ \2605 Black Star
✪ \272A Circled White Star
✰ \2730 Shadowed White Star
✧ \2727 Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
✦ \2726 Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk
♡ \2661 White Heart Suit
❤ \2764 Heavy Black Heart
✈ \2708 Airplane
✂ \2702 Black Scissors
✄ \2704 White Scissors
♕ \2655 White Chess Queen
✝ \271D Latin Cross
† † \2020 Dagger
‡ ‡ \2021 Double Dagger
◑ \25D1 Circle with Left Half Black
♪ \266A Eighth Note
♫ \266B Beamed Eighth Notes
✣ \2723 Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
☑ \2611 Ballot Box with Check
✔ \2714 Heavy Check Mark
✘ \2718 Heavy Multiplication X
╳ - \2573 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Cross
✎ \270E Lower Right Pencil
✍ \270D Writing Hand
♀ \2640 Female Sign
♂ \2642 Male Sign
☎ \260E Black Telephone
☏ \260F White Telephone
✉ \2709 Envelope
✆ \2706 Telephone Location Sign


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
← ← \2190 Leftwards Arrow
→ → \2192 Rightwards Arrow
↑ ↑ \2191 Upwards Arrow
↓ ↓ \2193 Downwards Arrow
↔ ↔ \2194 Left Right Arrow
↕ - \2195 Up Down Arrow
⇄ - \21C4 Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow
⇅ - \21C5 Upwards Arrow Leftwards of Downwards Arrow
↲ - \21B2 Downwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards
↳ - \21B3 Downwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards
↱ - \21B1 Upwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards
⇤ - \21E4 Leftwards Arrow to Bar
↶ - \21B6 Anticlockwise Gapped Circle Arrow
↷ - \21B7 Clockwise Gapped Circle Arrow
↺ - \21BA Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow
↻ - \21BB Clockwise Open Circle Arrow
➔ - \2794 Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards Arrow
↯ - \21AF Downwards Zigzag Arrow
↖ - \2196 North West Arrow
➘ - \2798 Heavy South East Arrow
➙ - \2799 Heavy Rightwards Arrow
➚ - \279A Heavy North East Arrow
➟ - \279F Heavy Dashed Rightwards Arrow
⇠ - \21E0 Leftwards Dashed Arrow
⇢ - \21E2 Rightwards Dashed Arrow
➤ - \27A4 Black Rightwards Arrowhead
▶ - \25B6 Black Right-Pointing Triangle
◀ - \25C0 Black Left-Pointing Triangle
▲ - \25B2 Black Up-Pointing Triangle
▼ - \25BC Black Down-Pointing Triangle
▸ - \25B8 White Right-Pointing Small Triangle
◂ - \25C2 White Left-Pointing Small Triangle
▴ - \25B4 White Up-Pointing Small Triangle
▾ - \25BE White Down-Pointing Small Triangle
► - \25BA Black Right-Pointing Pointer
◄ - \25C4 Black Left-Pointing Pointer
▷ - \25B7 White Right-Pointing Pointer
◁ - \25C1 White Left-Pointing Pointer
△ - \25B3 White Up-Pointing Pointer
▽ - \25BD White Down-Pointing Pointer
⇦ - \21E6 White Leftwards Arrow
⇨ - \21E8 White Rightwards Arrow
⇒ ⇒ \21D2 Rightwards Double Arrow
⇐ ⇐ \21D0 Leftwards Double Arrow
⇑ ⇑ \21D1 Upwards Double Arrow
⇓ ⇓ \21D3 Downwards Double Arrow
⇔ ⇔ \21D4 Left Right Double Arrow
↵ ↵ \21B5 Downwards Arrow with Corner Leftwards

Quotation Marks

Icon Decimal Entity css Name
« « « \00AB Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
» » » \00BB Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
‘ ‘ \2018 Left Single Quotation Mark
’ ’ \2019 Right Single Quotation Mark
‚ ‚ \201A Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
“ “ \201C Left Double Quotation Mark
” ” \201D Right Double Quotation Mark
„ „ \201E Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
′ ′ \2032 Prime
″ ″ \2033 Double Prime
‴ - \2034 Triple Prime


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
№ - \2116 Numero Sign
© © © \00A9 Copyright Sign
® ® ® \00AE Registered Sign
™ ™ \2122 Trade Mark Sign
℮ - \212E Estimated Symbol
· · · \00B7 Middle Dot
• • \2022 Bullet
■ - \25A0 Black Square
□ - \25A1 White Square
— — \2014 Em Dash
‰ ‰ \2030 Per Mille Sign
… … \2026 Horizontal Ellipsis
¶ ¶ \00B6 Pilcrow Sign


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
₽ - \0020BD Ruble Sign
€ € \0020AC Euro Sign
£ £ £ \00A3 Pound Sign
₤ - \20A4 Lira Sign
¥ ¥ ¥ \00A5 Yen Sign
¢ ¢ ¢ \00A2 Cent Sign
¤ ¤ ¤ \00A4 Currency Sign


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
° ° ° \00B0 Degree
☀ - \2600 Small sun
☼ - \263C Big sun
☁ - \2601 Cloud
❆ - \2746 Snowflake 1
❅ - \2745 Snowflake 2
❄ - \2744 Snowflake 3


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
☚ - \261A Left-pointing index
☛ - \261B Right-pointing index
☜ - \261C White left-pointing index
☝ - \261D White up-pointing index
☞ - \261E White right-pointing index
☟ - \261F White down-pointing index


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
½ ½ ½ \00BD Half (1/2)
¼ ¼ ¼ \00BC Quarter (1/4)
¾ ¾ ¾ \00BE Three Quarters (3/4)
⅓ - \2153 One Third (1/3)
⅔ - \2154 Two Thirds (2/3)
⅛ - \215B One Eighth (1/8)
⅜ - \215C Three Eighths (3/8)
⅝ - \215D Five Eighths (5/8)
⅞ - \215E Seven Eighths (7/8)

Roman Numerals

Icon Decimal Entity css Name
Ⅰ - \2160 One (Roman numeral)
Ⅱ - \2161 Two (Roman numeral)
Ⅲ - \2162 Three (Roman numeral)
Ⅳ - \2163 Four (Roman numeral)
Ⅴ - \2164 Five (Roman numeral)
Ⅵ - \2165 Six (Roman numeral)
Ⅶ - \2166 Seven (Roman numeral)
Ⅷ - \2167 Eight (Roman numeral)
Ⅸ - \2168 Nine (Roman numeral)
Ⅹ - \2169 Ten (Roman numeral)
Ⅺ - \216A Eleven (Roman numeral)
Ⅻ - \216B Twelve (Roman numeral)


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
∞ ∞ \221E Infinity
± ± ± \00B1 Plus or Minus
≅ ≅ \2245 Approximately Equal to
≈ ≈ \2248 Asymptotically Equal to
≠ ≠ \2260 Not Equal to
≡ ≡ \2261 Identical to
≤ ≤ \2264 Less than or Equal to
≥ ≥ \2265 Greater than or Equal to
÷ ÷ ÷ \00F7 Division
× × × \00D7 Multiplication ×
✖ - \2716 Heavy Multiplication x
¹ ¹ ¹ \00B9 One (superscript)
² ² ² \00B2 Two (superscript)
³ ³ ³ \00B3 Three (superscript)
⊕ ⊕ \2295 Direct Sum
⊗ ⊗ \2297 Vector Product
∏ ∏ \220F N-ary Product
∑ ∑ \2211 N-ary Summation (Sigma)
∅ ∅ \2205 Empty Set. Diameter.
∠ ∠ \2220 Angle
∥ - \2225 Parallel
⊥ ⊥ \22A5 Perpendicular
△ - \25B3 Triangle
○ - \25CB Circle
□ - \25A1 Square
‾ ‾ \203E Overline
⁄ ⁄ \2044 Fraction Slash
Icon Decimal Entity css Name
√ √ \221A Square Root
∝ ∝ \221D Proportional to
∩ ∩ \2229 Intersection
∪ ∪ \222A Union
∫ ∫ \222B Integral
∴ ∴ \2234 Therefore
∼ ∼ \223C Tilde Operator
⊂ ⊂ \2282 Subset
⊃ ⊃ \2283 Superset
⊄ ⊄ \2284 Not a Subset
⊆ ⊆ \2286 Subset of or Equal to
⊇ ⊇ \2287 Superset of or Equal to
∧ ∧ \2227 Logical AND
∨ ∨ \2228 Logical OR
Icon Decimal Entity css Name
ℑ ℑ \2111 Imaginary part
ℜ ℜ \211C Real part
ℵ ℵ \2135 Aleph
Icon Decimal Entity css Name
∀ ∀ \2200 Universal quantifier
∃ ∃ \2203 Existential quantifier
∂ ∂ \2202 Partial differential
∇ ∇ \2207 Nabla
∈ ∈ \2208 Element of
∉ ∉ \2209 Not an Element of
∋ ∋ \220B Contains as Member
Icon Decimal Entity css Name
Δ Δ Δ \0394 Delta (uppercase)
ƒ ƒ ƒ \0192 Italic f
Α Α Α \0391 Alpha (uppercase)
Β Β Β \0392 Beta (uppercase)
Γ Γ Γ \0393 Gamma (uppercase)
Ε Ε Ε \0395 Epsilon (uppercase)
Ζ Ζ Ζ \0396 Zeta (uppercase)
Η Η Η \0397 Eta (uppercase)
Θ Θ Θ \0398 Theta (uppercase)
Ι Ι Ι \0399 Iota (uppercase)
Κ Κ Κ \039A Kappa (uppercase)
Λ Λ Λ \039B Lambda (uppercase)
Μ Μ Μ \039C Mu (uppercase)
Ν Ν Ν \039D Nu (uppercase)
Ξ Ξ Ξ \039E Xi (uppercase)
Ο Ο Ο \039F Omicron (uppercase)
Π Π Π \03A0 Pi (uppercase)
Ρ Ρ Ρ \03A1 Rho (uppercase)
Σ Σ Σ \03A3 Sigma (uppercase)
Τ Τ Τ \03A4 Tau (uppercase)
Υ Υ Υ \03A5 Upsilon (uppercase)
Φ Φ Φ \03A6 Phi (uppercase)
Χ Χ Χ \03A7 Chi (uppercase)
Ψ Ψ Ψ \03A8 Psi (uppercase)
Ω Ω Ω \03A9 Omega (uppercase)
α α α \03B1 Alpha (lowercase)
β β β \03B2 Beta (lowercase)
γ γ γ \03B3 Gamma (lowercase)
δ δ δ \03B4 Delta (lowercase)
ε ε ε \03B5 Epsilon (lowercase)
ζ ζ ζ \03B6 Zeta (lowercase)
η η η \03B7 Eta (lowercase)
θ θ θ \03B8 Theta (lowercase)
ι ι ι \03B9 Iota (lowercase)
κ κ κ \03BA Kappa (lowercase)
λ λ λ \03BB Lambda (lowercase)
μ μ μ \03BC Mu (lowercase)
ν ν ν \03BD Nu (lowercase)
ξ ξ ξ \03BE Xi (lowercase)
ο ο ο \03BF Omicron (lowercase)
π π π \03C0 Pi (lowercase)
ρ ρ ρ \03C1 Rho (lowercase)
ς ς ς \03C2 Final sigma (lowercase)
σ σ σ \03C3 Sigma (lowercase)
τ τ τ \03C4 Tau (lowercase)
υ υ υ \03C5 Upsilon (lowercase)
φ φ φ \03C6 Phi (lowercase)
χ χ χ \03C7 Chi (lowercase)
ψ ψ ψ \03C8 Psi (lowercase)
ω ω ω \03C9 Omega (lowercase)
ϑ ϑ ϑ \03D1 Theta (lowercase)
ϒ ϒ ϒ \03D2 Upsilon with hook
ϖ ϖ ϖ \03D6 Pi


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
♠ ♠ \2660 Spades Black
♥ ♥ \2665 Hearts Black
♦ ♦ \2666 Diamonds Black
♣ ♣ \2663 Clubs Black
♤ - \2664 Spades White
♡ - \2661 Hearts White
♢ - \2662 Diamonds White
♧ - \2667 Clubs White


Icon Decimal Entity css Name
♔ - \2654 King White
♕ - \2655 Queen White
♖ - \2656 Rook White
♗ - \2657 Bishop White
♘ - \2658 Knight White
♙ - \2659 Pawn White
♚ - \265A King Black
♛ - \265B Queen Black
♜ - \265C Rook Black
♝ - \265D Bishop Black
♞ - \265E Knight Black
♟ - \265F Pawn Black

Folder Tree

Icon Decimal Entity css Name
├ - \251C
└ - \2514
│ - \2502
┬ - \252C
─ - \2500

Always display icons as text

How to make browsers display icons as text, not as Emoji.

To achieve this, you need to append Variation Selector 15 (VS15) - U+FE0E to the icon. Then both of these icons will be rendered as a single glyph.

For example:

🔒︎ = 🔒︎

☝︎ = ☝︎

However, it does not work with all icons:

✍️︎ = ✍︎

More details: